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  • So, a harsh activation requirement, an even harder penalty after use and its effect can be nullified by one of the killers meta perk? Man, i wonder why so many people keep using perks like Deja Vu instead of trying the new ones. A true mistery
  • Survivor Perks 1# Quick Jump. Your vault speed increases by 1%. After performing a fast vault, all gens are blocked for 120 sec and killer can now go through walls until the survivor loses a health state. 2# Boon: Economy You can set a boon with a 24mt radius. Within the boon radius, you can see the current bloodpoint gain…
  • If we are taking exclusively killrates percentages, Dbd is slightly Killer-sided.
  • No. I am not hyped by the character and his perks are either really bad or the flashlight one which is obviously going to get nerfed in a couple months. So i think i'll pass on this chapter.
  • And all you said while considering that the speed on hit for survivors lasted longer pre 6.1.
  • For the illumination perk part, it is really bad perk. It is BY FAR the weakest effect attached to a boon totem, and in a time where boons are barely use outside of COH in a SWF team. This perk wont be used by SWF , veteran players wont use it either and beginners players probably wont pay for a licensed survivor when they…
  • Makes me laugh that Pharmacy is such a bad perk for medkits that you dont even mention it.🤣
  • These solutions are really minor if you think about it. By now most killer that tunnel know how to play around the basekit BT and with DS nerfed tunneling is still the strongest method to win as killer. And AFC is so laughably easy to avoid that it might well not even exist at this point. If the new 3-gen solution is on…
  • Boon: Dark Theory if it could reach all the map.
  • Tombstone Myers would be OP as f with this change
  • I would argue that an instant bleed out option after being slugged for 90-120sec should be allowed.
  • I seriously dont think it will be an awful idea if done right. An instant bleed out if you are downed would be bad, but if the option to die on the floor was given upon 90-120sec of being slugged it would be fine.
  • If you show the killers in lobby if they are facing a swf they will constantly dodge or sweat to no end. So you are damning swf to wait longer and longer matches to finally play against sweaty nurses and blights tunneling at 5 gens.
  • I didnt know the devs reverted the 90sec gens... Or the reduced survivor speed on-hit... Or the 2 stack STBFL basekit... Or the nerfs to DH, DS, IW and Spine Chill... Even if the Op Eruption was nerfed, 6.1.0 is still one of the most killer sided patch in dbd history
  • Mmm, considering both sides at max peak ability the game should be decided by the build they use and the map they ended up playing.
  • Eruption also lasted months. And perks like Reassurance and Scavenger also got nerfed before being released.
  • So, mft becomes a meme perk, woo becomes one of the worst perks in the entire game and adrenaline gives you exhaustion without giving you a speed boost.🤦
  • "Problem is, survivors only consider perks to be "good" if they are beyond busted." Problem is, what is "good" or "average" or what is "healthy" or "unhealthy" changes depending of the person. From my point of view many of your "healthy" "good" perks are average at best. They all lack consistency or does not provide much…
  • But i dont see any of those perks to be strong at all. Some can be useful if you hit that perfect scenario where the perk can shine but most are inconsistent, situational or just doesnt provide too much value to be strong or meta. Reassurance is the best anti-camping perk(out of two) but its short range and the unnecesary…
  • I understand what you are saying that both situation aim for the best outcome in each side. Yet again, i still think it isnt fair to compare them both when you consider the risks. I had hundreds upon hundreds of games were a killer camped one survivor in endgame and managed to get a 2k/3k, even a 4k. As i said before, a…
  • First of all, i said slugging for the 4k in the "2survivors, +1gen" has no risk, which isnt what OP said as the gens were already done. Second, how many times do you realisticaly see a survivor run the entire nwo timer, run four times around the map, heal the teammate, run two more times and then get out?? That's why i…
  • I believe those two situations are different when you consider the risk involved. When 3 survivors try an endgame save, the killer has far better options to not only secure that 1k on the hook but also snowball into a 2k/3k. NOED exists, STBFL exists, instadown power/addons exists, even without them you can still manage to…
  • 1- Mft is already said to be nerfed soon. 2- The only nerf Hope should get would be not being able to stack with mft. 3- Newly released killers are always tweaked faster than perks or older killers, because even after being tested in PTB they usually underperform or overperform and need to be changed. Wesker's hitbox fix,…
  • How can you expect to have anything but a stale meta when most of the new survivors perks are outright bad. Seriously, i said this before in another thread but if you take a look to the newly released perks you'll see they are: - Perks with very weak effects (Lucky star, Scene Partner) - Perks that are highly situational…
  • An old friend of mine used to call me 'Ruben', though that was never my real name. That nickname sticked with me those days which also were the days i started playing a new moba that was getting popular, League of Legends. Making my new account for that game, 'Ruben' was already taken. 'Roben', 'Roven' , 'Rubend', 'Rubent'…
  • It IS a strong perk, but not as overpowered game-breakingly strong as people claim that needs to be nerfed to oblivion. I also agree it could have the endurance removed however.
  • Considering it is the strongest killer info perk currently, while having very low CD, on top of a very minor requirement to use, on top of being completely unavoidable unless using an specific bad survivor perk, on top of giving a 30sec blindness debuff every time. It Sounds overtuned to me. Edit: and this is not…
  • I would usually agree with info perks not needing any nerfs, but lately i am seeing more and more info perks that gives tons of value while the requirements to use them are little to none. Windows being permanently active, Nowhere to hide revealing all survivors close to a gen with a kick and now UW that is literally…
  • Both self heal and altruistic were initially supposed to take 24 sec, not any longer. Only altruistic healing was set back because of the requirement of two survivors in it. The big hit in the healing nerfs was to the medkits with all addons nerfed and all made to 24 charges and to COH, the strongest healing perk at that…
  • Wait, The healing nerf DID went through. Self heal was set to 24s, medkits were made 1 heal, 2 heals max with addons, all addons toned down and COH was nerfed. The only thing that was reverted was altruistic healing because it made no sense that it was also at 24s while already having two people busy.
  • mmm, i truly dont know. I think it depends more on the effect of the perk that in the stuff we use to counter it. I dont know how a counter perk for OLD DH could be as it literally gave you I-frames It is true that shattered hope was not the counter to boon Killers players wanted but at the time it came out, COH (the…
  • 1- i won´t name it because it is not the point of this argument. My original comment you answered to was about comparison of Mft 's counter to UW. If you want to talk about perk balance or what you perception of what a perk can do is and what is deserved or undeserved is, then open a new discussion with that topic on…
  • Maybe? I dont know. I wasnt playing dbd a lot during that time. What is the point you are trying to make?
  • If you already know where people are, then you dont need the value of an info perk. That doesn't translate to "UW gives 0 value" because the moment you need that info you can activate that perk at any time. BBQ at least can be countered by lockers, or by being close to the hooked survivor, and distortion is an extremely…
  • "How do you know for fact that Xeno was overperforming? We didn't even get to play the intentioned buff from the Ptb. It was bugged. They could have fixed the bug and let players try the buff." Because he was not being punished for missed tail attacks. I know it was bugged but the devs sometimes tend to nerf things that…
  • How can i name a killer perk from a cherry picked situation from the other side. I'll say it again, There are tons of frustrating things on both sides and we would be typing all day if we were to start naming what one can consider 'undeserved' or 'a gift to' or 'mistake eraser'. "If you're aware exhaustion perks are *much…
  • I throw bias because you take a survivor perk, literally say its basic funcionality and call it 'gift' or 'undeserved' or 'delete mistakes' when the same can be said about a killer using a certain perk for a certain situation. but using those perks as killer is perfectly fine to you and not undeserved in any way. There are…
  • You have a clearly killer biased way to see things. "survivor exhaustion perks that either delete or mitigate survivor mistakes and/or Provide undeserved and skilless chase extensions." Every perk in this game is meant to help you in some way, you dont get to decide which is deserved or not. To extend chases is the basic…
  • If this entire subset of perks is made of average to bad perks and 1killer out of 30 then yes, the perk is very weak. It is completely different than survivors exhaustion perks because these are a lot stronger and a staple in every build. Do you really consider perks like Lithe and Sprint burst are in the same league as…
  • The benefit of deleting all scream based perk + doctor meant very little until UW was released. Most scream perks are average at best, or the good ones like PR are not used solely for the info and scream part. And doctor is one killer out of like 30 killers so you have like a 95% chance of not encountering him. Are you…
  • Because there are better counters, and those are not exclusively against one perk. Objectively speaking, aside of countering UW, calm spirit is barely useful as the other scream perks and spies of the shadow are not remotely strong enough to use a perk to directly counter it. So the only counter to UW you have is one very…
  • At least Mft has waay better counters than UW. Exhaustion perks, exhaustion addons, instadown addons and killer powers, chase related powers and overall the survivor needs to have some looping skills at least to get value of. UW gives you some great info value for opening a locker, and the only counter is a terrible…
  • But he was nerfed not out of complaints but because he was bugged and was overperforming. Once they fix the tail hitbox, i'll guess Xeno will be in a decent spot. Problem is that many people expected Xeno to be able to compete with monsters like nurse and blight when and that is impossible.
  • Play however you like