The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • 😂😂😂😂 what are those polls
  • Exactly. Pointless POLL. Where do people get these useless thoughts? 😂 When BHVR stops collecting populistic suggestions/complaints, backed up by player's trivial and subjective arguments instead of objective analysis by developer before accepting it as a real change that is necessarry for game, not €€, you will see the…
  • OMG 😂 do we even play same game? I guess not. For those who's brains are still not calculating 😂 First step - check if an update is missing. (JOKE) The post is about DBD survivor life. Years of nerfing, including nowhere mentioned surv basekit nerfs that shadowbuffed killer gameplay quality, about neverending "lets nerf…
  • From all the current things happening in game, you chose to post THE MOST USELESS concern
  • My thoughts are: Too much to express them, not in a good way, considering latest dev.update.
  • Yes! I have the exact situation with less than 50ms ping. Usually 45ms. What I have noticed is when all 4 survivors are alive, you get those crazy hits which are annoying af, and with every killed survivor hits are becoming more normal. In some matches it is very distingt! Have been playing DBD ess and less because of…
  • I am a survivor main and I agree that slow moving killers need good gen regressing perks. What I think is the problem is for some killers they are way too strong like any other perk. Perks should have different affect for different types of killers. Nurse can blink from gen to gen and use overcharge on 4 gens while pig…
  • Not sure what you call a "feature" and what you mean with your argument in general
  • Yes! Often I get crazy range hits due to something on their side. This is big problem that bhvr don't take seriously and don't resolve it. It makes gameplay so poor and killers are the ones who benefit in these situations. Together with cheating VPN killers. My ping is around 50ms before someone tries to say its my problem.
  • Using weak parts of games design to win the match makes it an exploitation by definition. If you have played other games you must know that every action by one side needs to be counterable by the other. This is literally how games are build. Keep camping and tunneling but in this case survivors must have stronger counters…
  • Or take the deep wound "effect" from off the record
  • Exactly! Incapacitated needs to go! It makes absolutely no sense to ban my every action for 30seconds because I was doing my primary objective as survivor - a gen!!! It would be the same to ban killers hits for 30 seconds because they downed a survivor. It is st**id.
  • VPN killers
  • You would be surprised to learn that this is asymmetric game, but to be completely honest, if BHVR won't change so much so often, think twice or more before releasing new killers, actually resolve bugs and gameplay problems in game and get avg killrates to 50% in all MMR, then this forum wont be "they and us"!
  • Speed is secondary if you don't have big family that uses all of router's CPU and resources plus speedtest is pinging your internet service providers server not DBD's amazon server. First get in the actual game and check your connections through resource monitor or some other prog. There should be a few, but the right one…
  • OMG! This is funny considering the fact that there are ton of killer perks that are allways on and very debatable on they same way. Just stop and leave survivors alone they have been nerfed for way too long and painfully. That perk is fine! Not everyone plays this game 16h per day for them to know every pallet and window…