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  • This is me and my son's vision for how the Xenomorph could work. I think laying eggs is the function of the queen and when she's doing that she's hooked up to some ghastly biological apparatus looking thing and otherwise quite…
  • I appreciate the feedback man. Numbers are fluid of course and every single part of any killer would need play testing no matter how solid it sounded. Now on to specifics...Yeah i could definitely see starting the survivor off on a higher tier of skill check. I'd be open to that. Now the only luck part of friends til the…
  • Hmmm do you think the Xenomorph could sustain a whole game? Possibly. Alien is just begging for an assymetrical game done right. And I guess we can see how the new Predator game does long term. The aliens would need some kind of branched path/update system to keep things varied. But back to and my kids are sitting…
  • Well I can't tell a lie. Pig is one of our mains and definitely inspired some of this. But, in this case really only one survivor at a time will be affected (unless they're absolute potatoes). The idea here is to impregnate survivors as quickly as possible causing them to use up all available surgical pods (might change…
  • I'm not going to dispute this. I like many other killers have seen hits even on my end that don't seem like they should have connected. However, Killers very much get this phenomenon in reverse too. You know what I'm talking about....pallet stuns. I've lost count of the numbers of times I've been "stunned" by a pallet when…
  • So many (most attached to killer ideas I'm working on). For example...Hex: Time Bomb (for you guessed it a time based killer).....a hex rooting it's power in momentum. At the start of a trial, this hex initiates a 90/75/60 second countdown, visible to all survivors. If this totem still exists at the end of the countdown,…
  • Yeah the last video he uploaded last night has him saying that he finally figured out how the Plague was supposed to be played. He changed his mind about her being weak, though admitted (as most have) that the fountain Insta-heals needed to go
  • yeah a very rare or ultra rare i suspect. Regarding our other issue, maybe i could change the speed drop per second while phased to 2% (up from 1%).
  • Ahhh you cleaned it up a bit. nice. more people should respond to this! Also with that much thought put into it, what other killer ideas do you have?
  • Agree to disagree but as always I appreciate your feedback Raptorrotas. I mean that. I welcome critique. Chasing is a huge part of the game and I don't think the requirements here are too strict. A 10 second chase is extremely easy to accomplish and then you're literally shutting down any loop and getting practically a…
  • This is a very solid idea man. I'm digging this a lot. The power is really unique and I like the way it can be used in different ways depending on the circumstances. Stuck in Their Ways might need a little clarification , but i think i get it. They start to run or crawl then they're stuck running or crawling as their only…
  • I appreciate what you're saying, but it wouldn't make logical sense for her to be able to phase through every other thing besides pallets that have been dropped. And don't forget about her speed drop per second of being phased or the fact that she can never bloodlust or get any speed (other than maybe through an add-on…
  • You always comment on my ideas dude. I like that. Anyway, It's not so specialized that it should be limited to one killer. The A.I.'s skill checks are not jittery and chaotic like the doctor's. Having said that, random location skill checks is not something that logically needs to be limited to one killer. Kind of like…
  • The stun mechanic was for her phasing in when she's still in contact with someone or something solid. I'm going to ditch that idea and instead simply say that if she phases back in when touching something solid then she incurs a cooldown before she can phase again. Like 15 seconds or something.
  • Super quick transition. Think Spirit coming out of her ability swinging. That quick. And I'm already rethinking the stun mechanic...
  • Ahh gotcha. Yep that's the idea. And you have to be quick with it too as staying phased too long will really slow her down.
  • Saint_Ukraine. Thank you for your insights. You gave me some thoughtful feedback and I really appreciate it. The surv perks...if you ever solo queue then you know desperate measures could be useful. You could complete a last man standing meme build with it that would probably be quite fun. I'm glad you liked Grasping. As…
  • Magnus...As a counter to making a direct line to the survivor, you can't actually hit them while phased, as the poker weapon you have phases with you and passes through objects as well. That's why I included the line about phasing out and back in is instant so you can start swinging as soon as you let go of power button. 
  • I think it would only be op again if you got to cleanse every totem. Plus it has nice synergy with small game. 
  • I see definite potential here. Some concerns though. First with the power...what good is taking the imposters place if the imposter was alone with no one else around? Also, there's troubling synergy with the power and the perk Iron Maiden. Might be too strong. Now killer perks. Love deathbed confession (and it's…
  • I'd probably strengthen that to 3/4/5%. As is I think it's a tad weak if you're not the one cleansing every totem.
  • That's one way of doing it. If I was going to go that route id say killer would be the last round. To clarify my original post, initially I think Behavior would get thousands of entries (potentially). They would weed through those to get a top 32 or so. Then community voting on battle royal match ups would narrow the field…
  • Its like others have said...bits and pieces of other people's ideas (from here and steam forums) have made it in to the game so I do think some of the devs do peruse the site here occasionally. Also sometimes trying to do a creative chapter idea is just that...a mental exercise in creativity and just fun in general. I've…
  • As long as swf is a part of the game this wouldn't work as a power. Those that turned into zombies would simply refuse to do anything and wouldn't move. Am I missing something?
  • oh btw...blinded at normal speed and lasts normal duration. by extra vulnerable i meant just the fact that her speed return time would take twice as long. FYI...try play with your food on wraith sometime. wraith can break chase instantly just by cloaking and de-cloacking to quickly build stacks.
  • More good feedback dude. I get what you're saying. I'm set on the no bloodlust no speed through perks idea, as the notion is that except for exhaustion perks there's no real way to gain distance on her. Plus though I didn't list any, I am imagining that one of her add-on lines would be dedicated to speed boosting (or…
  • That's an excellent way of putting it. Thanks for summarizing that so effectively!
  • I suppose in a sense, but using it in view of the killer is like begging to be dropped. If you disappear in front of the killer they will instantly know where you are and just wait out the 3 seconds before hitting you.
  • Magnus13...thanks for responding. I appreciate your input. Phase walk is not a teleportation ability...she can't just blink ahead or anything, so she doesn't have anywhere near the map presence that the nurse has. In fact I think the Hatred might be a touch on the weak side with permanent 110% speed, but I think phase…
  • I think it's ok to be an M1 killer as long as you have the kit to do amazing chases. BUT, you bring up a good point. Chase detection is an issue. I think it would probably be ok if i was close on a survivor's tail. Even if it was bugged though, i made the power to be able to activate after x amount of time in their red…
  • Quick thoughts (from one person who like to make killers to another)...Are injured survivors hit by the blast put into the dying state? What happens if he holds it too long? What's the area of effect of the blast?
  • Raptorrotas...Thank you very much your your detailed input. I love hearing other opinions and definitely welcome constructive criticism. I'd like to honor the time you spent responding by responding to most of what you said. The wraith's screen and the insidious effect are quite similar, so you have a visual of what I'm…
  • ThatOneHuntress...I am going to stand by Vengeful Roar not being a hex perk, as with the changes I'm going to do to it that i listed in a post above will make it all around less lethal than Make Your Choice, which is also not a hex (and mine doesn't even have an exposed effect). Having said that, I'd love to hear your…
  • LCGaster...I appreciate your input. Thank you for stopping by!
  • Yeah Until Dawn was awesome. Loved that game too. Now then, I wouldn't be opposed to tweaking Fevered Reach down a little bit. I already decided that I'll replace the exhaustion part of Vengeful Roar with a blindness effect instead and change the range from hook to be 32m like Make Your Choice so it's less op. Survivor…
  • Hey thanks for the feedback. I appreciate the response! So it only really gets strong against those survivors that are just hiding all game and not being altruistic at all. I mean I could see possibly redoing that exhaustion part, as that may be a little over the top, and maybe increase the range you have to be away from…
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