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  • Considering this is the EXACT same story killers would use for Camping, Tunneling, and even Slugging. I don't think there's room to complain much about a resolution change. Those three give the killer an advantage to win, doesn't it and it's well enrooted into the killers to do so when they think they might not be able to…
  • I never called anyone entitled, i said threads like this give me 'Entilted' Killer Vibes. All about context and clearly, you didn't pay attention since i agreed with the fact KEYS are VERY VERY unfair to killers who have to watch a potential Win get robbed from them when Survivors escape via Hatch. However, I countered it…
  • People are still going on about this? I'm not surprised. Despite the key's current use, the point of the key is for second chances especially since 90% of the time the killer will almost always get to the hatch and close it unless an offering is brought to shift its location along with said survivor just blendetting most…
  • Finally, the realization has come back. It's just not as fun for Survivors nor Killers at all. I'd rather be sent to lery than RPD.
  • I end up Scrolling and laughing at TikTok for a good minute and if I have anything else i need to do or even eat food, i go do it and come back. I usually end up waiting 2 - 5 minutes and if it's really late or DBD is having it's daily aneurysm, 10 minutes.
  • If you go for the box and try to solve it, you wont get attacked by the chains if you do it immediately; however, if you move from where the box spawns or go anywhere, A. The Cenobite can see you B. You'll get attacked by chains. Your best option is to solve the box and hope Ceno doesn't teleport to you
  • I'd agree with most of this if i wasn't getting the vibe. ' I deserve that 4K ' vibe. Giving very 'Entitled Killer' Vibes. 90% of the time, you get that 4k because you're either really good or you were paired up with dookie butter survivors and it's almost always the first option. Now that isn't to say I bring keys to…
  • If you're struggling with dead hard, you're struggling with almost every exhaustion perk that's not natural balance, sprint burst, lithe and probably smash hit too. Dead hards been a part of the game for a hot minute and I'll never understand why Killers complain about it when you can Bait it out or even use other killers…
  • Welcome to DBD where streamers have power to change meta because every person is about as braindead as a graveyard. I tend not to a full set of meta-perks besides 1 like Dead-hard or Spine chill because those are a must. Other than that, I rely on hard loops and reverse mind-gaming the killer.
  • Getting good at looping takes experience, a lot of experience and time. Here are my suggestions. Firstly? Learn the maps and pay attention to every pallet every game, it'll greatly help you to know what to expect once you subconsciously memorize Pallet locations. Trust me, it might seem like a lot of work to pull off but…
  • Probably cause it is. Being honest here, the zombie's are nothing more than a joke and that's just brutal honesty comin' from me. Any nemesis I play against, I mostly see them trying to herd us towards Zombie's if not outright chasing us because the zombie addition is pretty useless; comparing them to the trapper's BT's,…
  • Jake: He was my first main David: If there's a daddy Myers, There's Daddy David. Claudette: Gotta love a fellow blendette, but one who actually does tasks. Myers: Masked Monster. Tall Killer. Knife-Wielding Badvss. Yeah, i think this takes the cake. Daddy Myers for the win (If only i used him more often.) Trapper: My first…