Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • It was maid to remove the issue of hatch stand-offs which were annoying and time consuming. Also it helped scale back a single second chance for the survivors (survivors get a lot of second chances). This one specifically allows survivors even if their team failed to possibly make it out, however unlike which it…
  • He requires add-ons to be partially viable or specific perks which is always bad for a killer. Add-ons really should enhance game play logistics rather then be a requirement for general play.
  • I would love a green mori personally as part of the killers basic kit and perhaps get rid of red mori's all together as its a bit too strong.
  • I love doc.. mostly case his tickles me but also I enjoy his shock ability. Still hes not a strong killer and I do have to play more ruthlessly with em. If the gates are open i might camp to secure a kill depending how bad I have done. Though goes for any killer I play.
  • In all honesty cosmetic and lore wise I tend to favor the original killers. The movie killers tend to break what other wise could be a more engaging lovercraftian tell for me. Honestly I just kinda see the killers with famous movie killers as more psychological manifestations materialized by the entity as a product of the…
  • Totems are kinda suppose to be high risk high reward, they just kinda fail at their job a lot with he exception of NOED because once you get higher ranked survivors know where the spawn points are and can more easily find them. Why ruin can often be removed 10 secs into the match case some one thought a good hiding spot…
  • Yeah facing a challenge pretty much is what survivors call "no fun". NOED is a perfect example, a perfectly well balanced perk that gives all its power to the end, can be counter played and comes at a cost to the killer for its use. Even survivors who admit its balanced say its no fun because it rewards a killer who…
  • Until the collapse survivors don't have time constraints, its not as much of a detriment to survivors as a time eating perk would be for a kill. As well for survivors who solo and can't rely on the quality or helpful nature of their teammates it ensures the ability to always recover even your essentially alone. It might…
  • Honestly with the nature of basically being a minor eldritch abomination perhaps its times to look for alternative win conditions for killers? Perhaps instead of the normal hook and sacrifice getting hit by it would put time constraints on survivors. A time period to get out or be taken over? I could see corruption…
  • I love the zappy boi, his charming laugh, his autistic nature... even if honestly hes not very powerful as a killer.
  • Really his speed just needs tweaking, the chain saws 1 hit is a very powerful tool but the resource cost to use it is just too high atm.
  • Just because you made it to end game does not mean you won the game. The games not over until you get through that exit gate or hatch and until then their is no promise of survival. The talk of fair because you did well through the early stages of the game does not mean your entitled to escape if you mess up at the end.…
  • Nothing can be done, complaining about gen rush is like complaining about camping. It might not be fun for one side or the other but its within the scope of the other sides purpose and objective. End game builds such as blood warden and NOED can offer some flexibility if you think gen rush might happen but the games a…
  • Noed is fine, it has counter play AND a penalty to the killer (no perk until the last stretch of the game). It is one of the most well balanced perks in the game really. All its power is released in a condensed time period of the game and all that power might not even come into fruition if survives does totems. I mean…
  • Camping not to be confused with first hook face camping has its practical uses. I often when i hook the first guy will double back and attack the unhooked and the unhooker, only when they expect me to linger around on the 2ed hook to go gen patrolling. Camping to a strategic degree makes survivors approach unhooks more…
  • ... o.o ... snrk...
  • Personally I find yellow mori's useless and red mori's over powered. Green mori's though.. just right <3
  • I can't see doc being nerfed by any one competent. Sure he can be a little annoying but hes no where near a high rank killer. At the same time I don't think he needs a lot of changes. Some adjustments to his shock skill, the duration of his stun could be increased, and perhaps remove the slowing down when hes charging…
  • Sadly with the new trend of not buying a game but getting a service their is no grounds to complain.
  • Doc.. mainly because of his charming laugh
  • heh, the amount of salt a killer gets for just running noed tends to be even worse xD
  • I personally wouldn't mind an option in settings to turn off the chat feature until unchecked. Shouldn't be that hard to implement
  • This happens with every new killer xD give it another week or so and it will go back to normal like always.
  • Noed is a fine perk, to be honest one of the better examples of good balance in the game. People who whine about it .. just seem pitiful to me honestly. Its a perk which removes a perk from the killer through most of the game, it can be countered if people do totems resulting in a wasted perk (the risk of bringing it) and…
  • To most survivors, any thing less then going into the furthest corner of the map so they get a free unhook is camping. Ignore dis and you do you ^.^ Play how you want, your not the dungion master and its not a table top game, its a pvp game. Use what tactics are fun for you and ignore the salt.. which will come no matter…
  • "who gets 3 or 4 out of 4 kills per game and DOESN'T GET HATE MESSAGES AFTERWARDS regarding his gameplay style " those two things don't go together... something in this doesn't belong.
  • Right... no viable killers besides billy and nurse for higher ranks... thats what this games needs. /end sarcasm
  • Yet on large maps it can be a guaranteed escape if their on the opposite end of the maps. A good balance of the two exstreams might be nice.
  • Yeah its better then nothing honestly even its not good, given so many killers are heavly addon dependent. Still better to have the option for those who wanna use it and the ability to just ignore it on the blood web when ya don't
  • Kinda shows never buy a killer right off the bat, wait to see what there gonna adjust it too a little. Feels like anti-consumer practices honestly or close to it I suppose, when you provide a product and then quickly degrade its quality after purchase; which if you want competitive killers that is kinda the outcome... a…
  • The issue is mainly the mentality of what the killer is. The game is suppose to be a a-symmetrical pvp game yet the killer is expected to be a Dungeon Master from a table top game. This is most reflected by a survivor driven "killer code of conduct" which tells them what play style is and not allowed and the salt induced…
  • In case no one got it... this post was actually a complete joke was not meant to be taken serious xD I thought it would be obvious about pointing out that it would remove tunnling and camping which it would... but was not meant to really start a debate here.... Some people just have no sense of humor.
  • Noed has counter play and comes at a cost to the killer. Its balanced just plain and simple. It counter plays gen rushing to a degree and punish failing to do a survivors 2ed objective. It removes an active perk from the killer for the chance it will work late game. It allows 1 hit KOs but thats part of a lot of killers…
  • This happens with every new killer, people aren't use to how to play vs them so they cry op op op. Unless they are so weak they can't do any thing... then that is "balanced". General patterns are consistent and repeatable *nods*
  • Bots playing killers, well thats one way for survivor's "killer honor code" to actually be utilized :D
  • Any thing is better then the old hatch stand offs, simple enough.
  • Doctor - Love the zappy boy and his add ons can give him a lot of play style. If your terror radius is over the whole map then you can be kinda stealthy. Mind games with various illusions and tracking benefits. If you go rail gun you can have excellent gen pressure. He is very addon dependent but is a fun character with a…
  • Yes... their just might be a correlation there... hmmm
  • You just have to remember this is a game designed as and advertised as an -- A-symmetrical pvp game--. This is not a table top game and the killer is not your DM providing challenges and balancing his play style for the group enjoyment. This often seems to be the idea promoted via player based honor codes. Those codes are…
  • To be honest I think solo players should be buffed to be on par with SWF, then killers can be buffed vs a stable stream line. SWF isn't so much the issue but a symptom of trying to balance one side vs two very drastically different type of player... the SWF vs the Solo. If we could create a baseline of mechanical ability…
  • It punishes survivors for failing to do their optional 2ed objective aka totems.
  • I say "a relly big drity and toxic scumbag move" is demanding people play sub-optimal to your standards instead of trying to adapt to a mechanic in the game.
  • It gives a slight increase to overall health state (over the game) by one hit, if you look at it as bare bones, and though not game breaking times not on the killers side any way. So any thing which can prolong a chase even further is often met with unhappiness on the killers side. Its not as bad as DS was though.
  • Feel bad for the baby survivors, case now killers will always have to bring their A game *nods* prepare for the "try hard" whining to increase.
  • Well the killer isn't responsible for the survivors fun, the games not framed that way its framed to be competitive. Kill your friends is the game mode where people get to actually play in non serious ways. However camping when 5 gens is done is a horrible strategy and I agree its not super fun for either side... well I…
  • This guy gets it. All i hear is its a crutch perk used by bad killers, it punishes survivors for playing well aka the usual self entitled dribble that fills these forums. Ignore the fact your down a perk nearly the entire game for the CHANCE that it will impact end game. Its a tool with obvious counter play and its not the…
  • Needs buffs in some area's nerfs in others.
  • As far as I can tell this game has never been fair and is not meant to be. The real issue is that this game tries to make a competitive asymmetrical game when what survivors want is the killer to act like a DM or Story Teller in a table top RPG. Giving them thrills and adventure, however the games not that way. Its set up…
  • Ive seen a lot of self entitled surviors. Its fine to T-Bag, Flashlight Spam, Hide in the match and waste your time when the games well and over... oh but heavon forbid you break one of their imposed rules of "proper killer conduct"