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  • I agree, and it's sad because I'm not really sure what excuse BHVR has at this point. They have the money to hire devs to fix this stuff, god knows they should be making plenty of money considering the aggressive pricing of DLCs, cosmetics, etc. And yet: -Spirit, Hag, Twins, and Slinger haven't received any changes despite…
  • Perks need way more attention than they're currently getting. Perk tiers make grinding for perks insufferable once you've unlocked lots of teachables, and it's magnified by the fact that most perks are total garbage. Perk tiers need to be removed, and some of the many garbage perks need either total reworks or sizeable…
  • I absolutely hope you're right, but I have 0 faith in BHVR to do this in a timely fashion. I predict this game to be thoroughly miserable for killers for months or years after MMR gets implemented. I honest to god hope I'm wrong, and BHVR can frame this quote if they rebalance this game to fit MMR and do it well.
  • You could literally swap "Unnerving Presence" with like 75% or more of the perks in this game and I'd probably agree with you lmao.
  • Basically the end of the game is the survivors 99'ing the doors while one person goes to save the hooked person, that person gets downed before the unhook, repeat until Coconut manages to get a 4 man slug with a 99'd gate, all off the back of a single hook. It ends in a 4k, but if the survivors just abandoned the hooked…
  • I wish I shared your optimism, but frankly nothing about this game's history suggests that BHVR is capable/willing to address balance issues in a timely fashion. We're talking about a game where one killer can throw bottles to make survivors move a little slower while another killer can literally teleport through walls. If…
  • This is my feeling exactly; generators can be completed way too quickly in relation to the average chase time when the survivors are good and can efficiently use the resources on the map. Without making chases totally unfair for survivors (cough cough Nurse and Spirit) the only way to address this is to slow down gens, and…
  • I agree 100%, I don't want anyone to have a bad time because the current matchmaking system is pitting players with vastly different skill levels together. But regarding this video being a case of the survivors outmatching the killer, that's just really not the case. The survivors were good, and the killer player is one of…
  • I can sense the sarcasm, but this is quite literally a high-MMR killer against high-MMR survivors. He made a few mistakes early, but he isn't a newbie killer by any stretch. He's using mindgames where possible, finding survivors quickly, and making good throws that get dodged by good predictions from the survivors (mostly,…
  • If I understand what you're saying you're saying improve base gen regression speed, keep Ruin's power level identical to where it is now and lower the instant regression from Pop to something like 15% or whatever? I completely agree. A lot would need to be done to find the right numbers, but I think this would be a step in…
  • So once you reach a certain skill level as killer you're just doomed to face a constant barrage of unenjoyable matches where survivors push out 5 generators in 4 minutes? When did I ever say MMR should not let these survivors play, that's you jumping to a conclusion. If there was a more skilled killer for these survivors…
  • The point is that DBD isn't a game that benefits from a hyper-accurate skill-based matchmaking because it has terrible balance. This game has been balanced under a paradigm of incredibly inaccurate matchmaking where you can queue into a red-rank lobby and 3/4 of the survivors are barely competent at looping. If you're very…
  • To be clear I'm not really being serious regarding that point, I know they'll never remove the DC penalty for indoor maps. But holy $%&^ do I wish they would.
  • I think Wraith feels great to play and doesn't seem too oppresive considering what the current top-tier killers look like. I think if Wraith need a little dialing back it should be in the form of dialing back his post-decloak speed-burst/lunge a little bit, or raising the distance he can be seen while cloaked to let you…
  • Honestly, agreed. I think killers like Oni and old Billy are examples of harder killers that give you a good payoff once you master them. Nurse just takes that concept waaaay too far, to the point that playing against a super skilled Nurse in anything but a 3 or 4-man swf with meta perks is just a pointless endeavor. I'm…
  • I'm with you up until the point of BBQ+Tinkerer being the problem. The problem is Ruin+Undying, if you pair BBQ+Tinkerer with Pop it's not nearly so miserable, and if you cleanse Ruin+Undying these two perks don't really do much of anything to delay the game. The problem is that Ruin needs to be a certain level of power to…
  • How is it saddening or surprising that 4k is considered the standard for a win as killer when the implicit goal of killer is to kill all survivors? If the actual win-condition of killer is to kill some survivors then the game doesn't really reflect that idea very well, particularly in red ranks where you're basically…