That's a neat build. I'll give it a shot!
I have to agree. His power takes too much work to be useful. I get more value out of similar killers like Demo and Dredge (sorta). Too much work for little pay off. Unfortunate because I like the design.
I stopped playing two months ago because the main draw of this game was Killer. While survivor can be fun, it doesn't hold my interest the same way. I still pop by the forums to see if things changed from time to time, but surprise, they haven't.
I was really looking forward to legion changes.
Do a barrel roll with your chainsaw.
I'll give it to any non-toxic survivor that I that played and I felt we had a good match. There was a time when I was playing Clown, I slugged a Steve after gates opened, and the rest of the survivors tried to rescue him as I camped him as he was prone. They eventually rescued the Steve, but I got another down as a result,…
Yeah I've been noticing it too.
The grind is so bad I don't think Ill ever bother prestiging any of my characters.
I like Grim Embrace, but I stopped running Ruin. Too many times did I have my hex destroyed within 30 seconds by survivors that it wasn't worth playing matches one perk down.
I played a game recently where survivors took turns blinding me one by one, followed by emotes and teabags. They were all running meta perks and not for a single moment did I feel that I had any control over the game, had any chance of competing on an even playing field or enjoyment of the match. Losing is fun when you…
I play legion. Sure it's a little sweaty at higher MMR but I love the feeling of speed you get from him.
I must be playing her wrong, because I don't find her all that strong after playing a few matches. Excellent artistic design. I, uh, don't mean that as a pun.
Survivors never seem to care about Killer's level of enjoyment. Why should killer players go out of their way?
I use to not to do because I left it was unsporting, but now I no longer care.
I've usually don't usually get involved on the forums of the games I play, but I made an account just to also chime in how terrible it's been to play Killer. I started playing back when it first came out, and got seriously irritated by survivor antics and put the game down until about a month ago when I thought I'd see how…