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  • And I totally get that, and I hate violating what I regard as the "social contract" in a game like this by boning out early and leaving teammates (even temporary ones I don't know, since all I play is Solo Queue) in the lurch. But sometimes I don't have a choice when I only have an hour or so on a day to play a game, and I…
  • I've been noping out of them at like the 15 minute mark when it looks like it's just going to be a stalemate. I'd rather just move on to a different match with the potential to actually do something and have fun.
  • Oh, sorry! The OP didn't seem to be sarcastic, but unfortunately that is the downside of a medium like this. If it was sarcastic, I didn't catch it, but there have been plenty of comments by killers on this forum (and the Steam one) where killers whine about stuff like this, wanting survivors to be forced to do this or…
  • Which post was that? The one wherein I was labeled a "girlboss" by boydrone for daring to have an opinion? That one?
  • Hilarious. I have a limited amount of time to play games, because I have a professional job and am not just a teen kid or whoever comprises the bulk of this community. No one is going to force me to stay in a tedious 40-50 minute Dull Merchant game. No one. Guess people are going to cry about it, though.
  • Thank you. It is precisely that mentality that decent, non-trollish gamers needs to push back on.
  • Thank you for the suggestion. I was clicking on the "outfit" tab thinking I would see the Nurse's "festive gown" there, but it's just under the "shirt" tab (or, in this case, "dress" tab, LOL). So, it's all good. Thanks so much!
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