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  • im sorry but: did you not read?
  • yeah, something. like i've even tried to shake my body "no" when i see them running to me and literally not a single person seems to have taken the hint.
  • To repeat--they aren't even healing me. They are picking me up and then just running away. So they 're just giving away my position for nothing and aren't healing me. I'm like 90'd on my Plot Twist so they get like all of 80 BP to ruin my perk
  • This sounds ridiculous. I've never BM'ed at a gate, I play pretty 50/50, and when I'm survivor I've gotten tons of escapes via crawling out because a Billy wanted to tantrum all of us as we ran towards exit gates--and since he can't carry 4 of us at one time, we had to pick and chose. Sometimes we're just healing in the…
  • think there's only 1 game where i would call it cheats. doctor killer was at shack at penn and gave my friend death hook in basement, and I was half way across map behind main in a locker--with distortion, no injury, etc. so there's no way in hell he knew i could be there without cheats and since he got to me within like a…
  • To my recollection they only had gen regression perks. I was treating the game as if they had aura reading since so many killers are running things like Lethal and Nowehre to Hide. It was the Ormond map and while the killer was running in a nearby jungle-gym chasing my friend, I finished the gen and hopped into a locker…
  • distortion never leaves my side, so i always know when im being revealed. none of thse killers had aura perks on me, so thats why im totally baffled as to how they're finding me.
  • excuse you, i wasnt locker hopping. when going against doctors or knights that are 30m away from me in chase, excuse me for hopping into a locker ONCE to make sure i dont scream or immediately get exposed. but out of roughly 6 games, i went into lockers about 3 times, only once, and somehow the killer just KNEW. one time…
  • progress maybe, but completely finished? the gen was totally done, and had been done for like 15-20s. idk how often crows spawn, but the killer was in chase when i went into this locker. i kinda refuse to believe they noticed crows while chasing my friend but maybe
  • youre too kind, but i think i got my work cut out for me, some of the people are REALLY creative with their skin designs! i still love that david nutcracker skin--i could never have thought of that! im excited to see what comes out, maybe someone will make an even better jeff skin! do they ever let the community vote?
  • TY kind, patient soul T_T
  • Oh god this kills my soul. I feel that pain. Ill be minding my own business 80% on a gen, super happy to have done my part on the team--Meg fast vaults a window, looks at me, runs off without helping to finish the gen and then 5s later the killer is here, and stops me as the gen is 99d and im unable to finish, and now in…
  • Dark overlay effect?
  • This tells me nothing on how a survivor can manage a tunneling situation. You can rank all killer perks in a tier list A-F, this doesn't really offer an answer. Eruption, jolt, merciless, pop, etc--all just kind of accessories to killers tunneling each survivor out of the game. Even if all others gen rush, you got about 2…
  • I'm fine with gens being a little longer, the only reason the 10s is so painful in particular is when you're being tunneled a LOT happens in 10s. A decent chase is anywhere from like 30-40s, so 10s is 30% of that. Asking someone who's in deep wound to last 30% longer in chase is a LOT imo, esp when the killer will outright…
  • Ahh I see. I feel we got into matches REALLY quickly these past two nights. When I play killer I feel like I get royally curbstomped by the most ungodly survivors stun-chaining me around every corner, so I haven't had as many killer games lately because it becomes less of a game and more of a stobe-light simulator for me.…
  • I feel like yall just kinda skimmed-- Giving me a rundown of perks you think aren't "that good" or "kinda meh" and specifying how gens are now 10s longer--which isn't anything to snuff considering how much can happen in 10s--doesn't do anything to my original point---what can I, the survivor, do to survive this tunnel…
  • FR tho T_T. like i always run deliverance, i could literally be in the farthest corner, no scratch marks, WITH DISTORTION and the killer just pops out of the trees and finds me, and i get first hook. like.... y tho.
  • "most killers dont slug" as i said, in the matches that THEY SLUGGED--i was never left on the ground, but all of my teammates were.
  • Again, this is all precedented on knowing this will NEVER HAPPEN, I just wanted to know what kind of things y'all think the characters would get as their built in perks. It was su pposed to be a fun conversation.
  • Yeah sweaty players tend to ruin the actual fun of things, I get that. But for the sake of the CONVERSATION, because in my original post I said I know this would never happen--the balancing alone would be a nightmare--what kind of benefits/stats do you think each survivor would have, or what drawbacks they'd have to pay…
  • Im not sure you understand the concept. You cant pick a built-in perk, it just comes with the character, and a lot of them would have a draw back. If you mean like everyone would be running David to have an extra long Dead Hard or something--I doubt it. Plus, the built-in stuff may not even be perk related. What if male…
  • Its not a very good way to advertise the character by excluding them entirely from their own trailer, but I'm not in marketing. Just wish with as little love as some characters get, they could get a little spot in the limelight with in their own trailer. This is Canadian erasure!
  • Exactly! Jeff is a true metalhead. When someone falls down, you pick em up. The ultimate bro in the mist
  • Thats true, but I dont think those trailers show ANY survivor, did they? You hear someone screaming, sounds like a Dwight maybe, in the Chains of Hate. Im just shocked that for a trailer that showed the killer AND the map, why didn't they show the survivor?
  • Possibly? I think they knew eachother when they were kids. To Jeff its been like 20 years or something, hasn't it, and he only knew them the one time he did the art work for them -- at least from what I know. If they did know eachother, you'd think he'd feel even safer with Frank seeing a familiar face as they run for…
  • Hmm, I'm honestly not sure. I'll have to take a closer look in my next few matches. I'll watch some of my gameplay tapes as well.
  • Its not as rare as you think. Ive had it happen at least twice to me tonight. This horror game gives us several perks and fucntions purely as a last-ditch god send chance. WHY don't they give us this chance to unhook ourselves if we're the last ones? Its the final chance and tehy dont even give us that chance.
  • I should take the hook?--I have literally done that. I had 0 hooks, and the gates were being opened. I distracted the killer and I let myself get caught, and what did my team do? They all ESCAPED out the gate, and LEFT ME. But I had Deliverance. Did I get a chance to use it? NO. And I should have. But because they all…
  • it was just me, and i still had gens to do and there wasn't hatch for me to escape out of. i couldnt move anywhere bceause killer wouldn't leave like the 10m radius if i moved he'd see me and i'd of been dead instantly. only reason i was still alive because i was hiding, and i couldnt run, but because i hid too long crows…
  • up to teh C? I can't say I ever tried that before, I 'll have to give it a go!
  • bro are you frfr XD "oh just DONT GET CAUGHT its SO SIMPLE just LOOP THE KILLER for 2-3 gens and THEN GO DOWN" okay ill try that next time. ty. i didnt think to just NOT GET CAUGHT. my bad.
  • I think my biggest gripe is that I was de-pipped for being face camped. It seems extremely unfair to a player to be punished for a tactic like facecamping. Like i wasn't bother about the face camping because I knew as a whole the team would "win" even if I didnt escape so I was doing my part and just making the hook phase…
  • It was a Bubba for the times we experienced the camping instances. And it was just me and 1 friend, with 2 soloquers. Luckily I had Kindred so they could at least SEE I was being camped, so we didn't waste much time with save attempts. 1 tried for like a brief moment but Bubba scared her off. If everyone worked at MAX…
  • I never said face camping wasnt viable, its a great strategy if you want to use players altruism against them. While I dont think its the most skillful strategy, its still a strategy. And it seems HIGHLY favored against killers that can insta-down so the risk is far to great for the reward. Now that gen times have…
  • It takes 80 seconds for a complete gen, solo, and I was able to run Bubba for a bit but not much--Im ass at looping, and he insta-downed me--so lets graciously say I bought my team 110 seconds. Idk what they were doing BEFORE I got on hook. So from the second I was on hook, I scanned around and saw 1 of them on a gen, 1…
  • Its not so much about the Bubba--the main topic is face camping. I just mentioned who the killer was because thats who was doing it to me and its the killer i most frequently experience doing it. Regardless of killer, face camping I can now see becoming a real problem now that gen times have been increased. Unless your…
  • Yeah it makes a huge difference, especially when certain perks can slow down gen progress already like thanatophobia, even 1 person being hooked, on top of how they extended gen time, a camping killer can basically just rank up without breaking much of a sweat even if the survivors gen rush.
  • But its not happening on ANY other skillchecks. I have 0 issue with gens
  • WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. There are 4 other sources of sound survivors make! Breathing, footsteps, vaulting, grass, bush--the ONLY sound you aren't hearing is "AHHH!!!!!!" Even if they're not moving in a bush, you will still have collision with a survivor near by. And on top of that, you dont have to play hide and seen…
  • Jeff has a lot going against him, he's the tallest survivor I think and he sounds like hes having an asthma attack if you run for more than like 20 seconds. I've played other characters and they all have this gentle pant and Jeff/Bill are like "Oooof! Whuhh. Hooo! Huahh. Hhaaa." Which Iron Will doesn't even negate, it was…
  • Yes, I relied on it to HIDE. Because not everyone has grinded 2000 hours into this game to god loop. If I'm fresh off of a hook and I dont have time to run a reasonable distance away from a hook, your only chance was to hide. If youre yodeling from a bush the killer is gonna find you instantly. Iron Will made it possible…
  • Okay if I, a baby bronze killer, can find survivors during a chase who run Iron Will, I have NO CLUE ######### is going on with everyone else. If youre in a chase and your prey just suddenly VANISHES--they didn't. They're hiding. Taking like a 2 second look around and you will physically FEEL your character run into…
  • You were never completely silent during chases. You still hear footsteps, breathing, vaults--like the ONLY thing you dont hear is "OOOOOH AH.... nnnnnn!....OOOOHHH" There are dozens of different noises in this game to let you know a survivor is nearby. There were already perks in game to counter Iron Will like Whispers and…
  • im not sure, to be honest. but other survivors causing my death more often than the actual killer isn 't anything new. today it was just extra bad to the point i snapped a little bit
  • Forreal. Like I can't imagine having 7 other people to worry about, on top of 2 killers after me. Most of my deaths involve the interference of another player. Killer being led right to me, trying to heal them, them trying to heal me at a bad spot, unhooking me in front of killer... I'm actually praying for a perk when I…
  • Ah, I suppose. I guess the killers ive gone against havent been very effective with it. I noticed some of those debuffs when hopping off a gen but they weren't drastic enough to really make me go "oh DANG IT its fearmonger!" i just wait the 5 seconds and just go about my day. ty for for filling me in :) i guess it can be…
  • Sounds like a lot of killers who highly utilize camping don't actually LIKE playing Dead by Daylight, they like ranking up. Because the main gameplay design of the game is to be chased and to chase--thats why theres so many perks around that. If it was designed for camping there would be perks that make camping…