wait.. how does it end up to 1,035,000? im abit confused edit: nvm i worked it out, thanks for this btw! 😀
welcome mate
you gotta remember they are running off on the ET timezone its only 2am on the 30th there atm so at 11am ET you will get it
least fav are midwich and ormond fav are coal tower or the chambell
restart your game
coming from PC and also have gotten the charm aswell, I'm disappointed they didn't consider console alot more. they should've dedicated half the codes to console only. so 1 code for PC and 1 code for console displayed at the sametime on the stream giving the fair chance for both platforms to enter. it shouldn't have just…
yes that's how you know its invalid, you gotta be quick sadly. you can pre add the -'s if you want to make it easier since every code will have it regardless. remember it will be easier down the track to get, its only hard atm because everyone is trying.
i got one. write it exactly how it is displayed when on the screen it includes - remember its all lower case and all the o's are actual zeros
Yes I had the same mindset. I would add some auto regression on a 99% gates stopping it in its tracks. they either force end game or be greedy and let the gate progress regress overtime. it will help bloodwarden for sure aswell making it more viable than it is. because they have to make a decision.
I don't see Technician winning the game faster in my opinion it doesn't enhance prove thyself by speed. it's going to be a nice buff towards the newer players of the game or players who wish to use it that struggle with the skill checks. In certain situations where you have it, It's nice to not let the killer know you're…
oh true sorry i assumed it was you because you replied D: but thankyou for the feedback xP but still gotta admit he looks clean in yellow would love to see that type of yellow with dwight somewhere along the line
thanks mate my favorite head piece for him tbh dig your acey tho lookin clean especially yellow jeans other ones for Dwight i sometimes swap out
my boys <3
yes, next hour its out so 58 mins!
Dwight and Wraith can relate them to me very well
What do you mean it’s gone?
whatever you collect in terms of event items or offerings during an event should stay in your inventory on that character even after its over. I still have 41 third year cake offerings on wraith same with my dwight he has all items at the moment (halloween med-kits and flashlights, winter and chinese firecrackers) from the…
cote knows best
yeah went from 75% to 50% max on 3.0.0
100% impressed with the art but with the balance team yup. its like they have their hands tied behind their backs when it comes to changes imo
see you shortly
It happens sadly i don't know if on purpose but seriously what can you do just hope really and plus you really feel ######### afterwards because when it is a decent run its all for nothing.
spine chill because i didn't know how much power and use that it actually had, if it was active for more than 2-3 seconds it gave me a 4-12 metre head start (depending on the terror radius) to hide or to prepare for the chase. and now it works on all stealth i'm pretty sure.
he is fun once you get the hang of him. since the flick limit got reverted this patch I've been enjoying him a lot more and hitting some nice hits than previously that's just me.
i cried a little when they said ds, bt, dh are more powerful then ruin or bbq KEKW
its not surprising anymore i'm still getting dedicated hits but through pallets mainly
i'm not arguing with you. I'm just adding onto what you said you're right i'm just saying with controller you're not as precise.
100% with survivor is easier with killer you probably don't have the precise movement and aim like a keyboard and mouse tho and more open for 360s
nah not really like cool i see it good with avoiding the 3 gen and maybe the odd new survivor who doesn't know locations of gens but overtime you can find them with the light poles
cutest one around!
being an Australian and the lost we have experienced throughout the fires i really like this.
I'm pretty sure the old tome is blood points forever and the new tome with that certain rift will only grant the rift fragments the dead by daylight wiki says this If a Player didn't finish all Challenges of a Tome and another one is released, the uncompleted Challenges of the old Tome won't award Rift Fragments anymore.…
yeah maybe for the charms, you can only hope because it was limited. i guess its up to them but they did say that statement
ah rip I'm pretty sure its locked away forever sadly they said that in the achieve youtube video time stamped it below :(
i wouldn't think so its PTB and it does say in the PTB news message when you open it up "all progress made during the PTB won't be transferred to live server"
yeah sadly that's not how it works with the devs, should know this by now. xD
especially when the hex will only last 20 seconds most of the time then cant use the combo with surveillance so wasteful
i like this idea it would look nice imo having more interactions like that would be sick
so you cant use pop goes the weasel since it auto regress?
being powerless..
nah the another survivor must have resilience and must be injured of course for the bonus. it only affects your actions and since they are doing the action not you it wont make it quicker to my knowledge
the dark sense one is stupid i was solo and i was very lucky to get it i was on every gen and my teammates were pumping out gens to like 90% i was just at the right place at the right time to finish it with them. 1 was like 97% and i touched it and got it, so team dependent / rng
i like this idea. wd
thankyou for that and for your response
I like the idea if it wasn't 50% progress it would be unbalanced 60 seconds though since it takes 60 seconds each phase to death, they can camp the phasing maybe if it was 15/20/30 seconds
i started around your time im almost half way so i think it will be tight to get it all done unless you spend abit of money to boost your tiers
"shitting in the tall grass"