The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • @Huff060 dude I feel you, I made a post on it called hook camping. They are not going to ban it. They said it is a strategy and will not ban players for doing it. I have had many good arguments if you want to check it out and read from players who make good points and others who should never talk lol.…
  • @Bovinity already do
  • @Sonzaishinai hmmmm well that’s cheap I understand if he was a supernatural character. But he is not is a human character that is just a serial killer lol. Oh well thanks for that
  • @DwightSupremacy you got some dumb survivors
  • @OniKobayashi ??? Why what if there are new people on here or people that haven’t seen it then you just sound like an @ $$
  • @Orion i did
  • @Icery its a one time thing
  • @ThisGuuy83 i get not everyone is going to survivor. It’s just annoying when it’s one dude getting camped the whole time. I prefer to have a killer that is better then me then I am able to learn on how to do different Strategies . You learn nothing by one dude camping. Idc for proximity camping. I am talking camping like…
  • @Orion all your doing is being one sided. This isn’t an argument it’s a discussion. And your quick to just point one way and that’s it. So tell me then why is it that survivors get a brief lag when going off a roof or vaulting over a ledge, if you don’t have balance landing. And the killer can just run without penalty
  • @RizeAki then what about the survivor that’s gets screwed over?
  • @OniKobayashi if this is something you already felt with another post then don’t post.
  • @platypusfriend i agree I was talking classes in game art and design then change to graphic design. But I agree with your points the only here that makes sense so far
  • @Bundesgraenzschutz look proximity camp idc for your moving setting up for the next kill.. we are talking about killers who don’t move. That’s the annoying part. Y do crows fly around survivors but nothing for the killer. Doesn’t make sense that the survivor gets penalized for a killer who stands there like a statue.
  • @ThisGuuy83 then don’t answer to the post... cause it sounds like your the killer who camps
  • @Warlock_2020 you play on pc we don’t have the new killer yet so can’t say much.
  • @RizeAki I am not saying banning Killers I am just penalizing them.
  • @Dead_by_Gadfly i am NW I live in California. And my all my friends live near me. so are dedicated server is in northern Cali and we live Southern California so we get 30ms and below but when we find a match we get players from East and overseas cause all of a sudden it jumps to 80ms and up and it’s annoying
  • @Dead_by_Gadfly I am a Rank eight about to hit seven I’m in the purple ranks I am seeing killers that are a higher rank than me still hook camping either these guys are farming with people to get that far or they just suck because even when I play against lower ranks they don’t do that it’s only the higher ones I’ve been…
  • @I_am_Negan We don’t feed the killer if we know trying to distract him flashlights body blocking and still goes after the same person tunneling and hook them back and watches them we just keep going we don’t feed the killer all
  • @Dead_by_Gadfly hook camping is where the killer hooks you and the stands directly in front of you and does nothing. My Xbox gt is VectorRises
  • @I_am_Negan they don’t win killing one survivor. That’s a complete lose for him and the one survivor. You don’t get any points from it. I am not a great killer I am probably one of the worst that is why I play survivor. But I don’t camp one person I try to make the game fun and challenge everyone and if I get a kill then I…
  • @Dead_by_Gadfly idk luck of the draw I guess I am getting annoyed by it
  • @Carlosylu i play Xbox as well. I have used the flashlight multiple times hitting killer in the face and he never drops the survivor and keeps going like nothing happens. If you can help me with that. I would appreciate it
  • @I_am_Negan thats what I am talking about you don’t get enough points to rank up so having the penalty will get you the points you need because it makes the killer have to go after you and you can get the points needed
  • @Carlosylu what system you play on?
  • @Orion let me guess your a killer and camp figures you be against this
  • @AvisDeene so one person has to suffer because the killer wants to just stand there and not move. So devs wants to just give killers all the forgiveness and not punish players who are just making it a horrible experience for everyone else.. no wonder they needed to make it free to play because no one is buying it. Because…
  • @LastShoe none of us this because it’s broken for console atm
  • @ayaya they need to be penalized like I said with speed decrease by 5% and no blood lust.. just so the survivors can unhook there teammate and finish escaping
  • @orion I finish gens when I am playing solo but with friends when we are all trying to rank up. So yeah it’s irritating. And don’t comment like finish gens I know I know
  • @IMhereRUN We finish the gens if you weren’t reading. That’s not the problem. We do the trading and all that and still just come up even or one does de-rank. They shouldn’t be able to get blood lust and lose a 10% speed and never gain it back so the next time they play they know what the plenty is for camping
  • @Gomolazoli wasnt talking about the chain break was talking about the first hit were he just glides around the corner and hits me that part is what confused me
  • @Fibijean well fair is what everyone wants hopefully they can get it done soon.
  • @Fibijean Thank you
  • @Demonl3y i know that is why I am saying how come I got hit across map
  • What lawsuit they are getting rights to every killer, that is why they are having people guess who the new killer is because they got the rights to put him in a game. @CheersTC
  • Okay did you not read how far he away from me is no one reading this
  • @Entity_Hugs I was across the map where you don’t even have a heart beat
  • @Fibijean I watched your video and they contradicted themselves a lot. They have a lot of work to do it seems like they messed up some where down the line of the updates
  • @Fiv55 That is stupid then why waste time on the game if there going to put me in a laggy lobby and not with players that have the same connection as me to make the playing field level. Smh I should have just finished game development while I was in school
  • I played the killer Before and i did swim and the player was out of my view and it still hit
  • @NursesBootie I have left a few in the dust, the others I can see how they are good, but I am just talking about when I juke a killer out and I am behind him or the right or left of them and I am hit that was doesn’t make sense. Or completely vaulted over a pallet or window that’s what I am talking about. That’s the bull…
  • @Fibijean I was watching your video they. Have no idea what they are doing. If you really listen they screwed up royal. By making the hit box on the character bigger then the player and they are not going to fix that. Ally why did was fix the hit range well they said they are and that was even more screwed up for killers…
  • @Feiten actually he did die in part two but the doctor who was was watching him said his sister name and that is what brought him back to life so it’s just some weird brother obsession for his sister not evil just creepy lol
  • @Strancol Mike Myers story is not evil it is just twisted. It’s a serial killer not an evil story if you think that is evil then the zodiac killer story is more evil
  • Legion needs to his perk taken away where it charges 30% faster when you miss an attack seriously that has to be a joke. That needs to go and this blood lust speed boost is way to op that needs to come down as well.
  • jeepers Creepers that would be freaky
  • @Fibijean they said they fixed it. But that’s a hard no. I literally seen players not even in front of the killer and get hit, they completely juked the killer and it still gave them the hit. Latency has nothing to do with that. And yes I have seen killers swing then move side to side and get a hit for that. They need to…
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