Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Yeah that is what I am thinking. It just seems like it has happened a ton and not just to me but other survivors in my games. I know it's probably just my own problem but I have seen many survivors this week doing it so it just got me wondering if it was maybe a bug. Thought maybe the game when you drop the pallet thinks…
  • I noticed that a little as well. I seen a survivor stun a killer from a distance I did not think was possible but yeah maybe its just bad luck then. Oh well. lol Good luck in your games and happy hunting. =)
  • That would actually be a really good name for the chapter. The survivor could be a person who always claims to see or hear the killer but no one believes them because they never see it. It would be a nice original killer.
  • Would be funny to give the killer a perk like diversion and he can throw a rock to scare us instead haha jk but yeah something like that would be fun. You hear a terror radius and run from the area only to run right into the killer standing in another area.
  • That's what I was thinking. A kind of killer where he can play the game where am I and make you just overall paranoid.
  • That would be different. I mean it would be a nice touch to a original killer. I am just trying to think of a more round them up killer. The killer can make you come to them. I know anytime in my games when the surviors hear the terror radius my teammates run so I figured it would be a interesting idea. The killer could…
  • As an adult I find it funny you get to decide what is toxic and what is fun and not fun to others. How do you know that killer slugging an entire team and wathcing them bleed is not laughing themselves until they piss their pants. Also how is tunneling and killing a person or camping them fun for the survivor. You do know…
  • The funny thing is he says he is all for camping and slugging and tunnel yet in another post talks about how to fix Slugging. I just find that funny. It is like saying this water tatste funny and then drink said water and complain about it. He is here saying to play the way you like and to camp and to slug and tunnel but…
  • Here is the link where he supports slugging and tunnel and camping. What is next his post on how fix Tunneling even though he suggest that as well?
  • He is also the one now in another place complaining about as he calls it, "Toxic Slugging" and a way to fix it. His response is to give unbreakable pretty much to everyone instead of just not getting slugged. If your entire team gets slugged you did something horribly wrong and deserve it. Here is the link to his how to…
  • I like how you come here to complain about "Toxic slugging" and how to fix it yet in another post you make to quote you exactly "But here's the thing; the opposing team does not get to decide how you play. So camp and tunnel and slug to your hearts content. And be happy knowing that at least 50% of the people you do it too…
  • I have an answer. Do not get slugged or run Unbreakable now you are not slugged. Ta-da. I do agree with your plan though and like the idea but not often enough are killers slugging that much and in my over 2000 hours of game time I have not once ran into an entire team being downed with no way to recover. If that is the…
  • Does Rank matter?
  • Dang right! I also laugh while you fill your mouth with that punch because then you have more crap to spew out. At least with you there at the party we have no need for a clown because they are already there. =)
  • I am very confused about your response. You start off kind of rude and mean but then with a nice point afterwards. Aside from the normal DUH JUST LEAVE THEN response the rest of your post is good. I agree with most of it. I also think people are missing the posters point. He does not I think overall hate the game but…
  • Valid point and I was just as bad as they were. I think I was to tired and let the troll get to me. Thank you for the kind suggestion. =)
  • Way to add to a conversation. You must be a ball at parties. As much as they could "Leave" as you say you could also SCROLL PAST a topic that you do not like. =) Good Day mam.
  • I do not mind them leaving a gen BUT I do not need EVERYONE to rescue me. If you have kindred they should see someone is going for the rescue and continue working. I love kindred for this reason. If I see the killer camping I won't leave my gen. I know it is mean but no point if they are gonna camp/tunnel and instead let…
  • Just letting you know I could be wrong but there is a way to tell who is being chased without a perk. I have noticed their picture lights up when the killer is after them or in the way of the obsession the things around the picture start moving and the picture lights up. Just wanted to try and help. =)
  • I sort of made a post like this. I find this game is the only one that makes me yell at my system and tv with anger. Solo Survivor is very frustrating. It is rare to get more than 1 capable player. Most games I get 1 okay and 2 who I guess never seen or heard of the game and never took 2 minutes to read anything. I also…
  • Oh I love that last one as well. Instead of making sure the last few gens are far apart they screw themselves and leave the closes gens together undone. Then claim the killer is camping when really he is just doing his job and it's not their fault that we left those gens instead of working back and forth. I also agree that…
  • I figured that was a thing but just seems to happen in most games that 1 if not 2 survivors in my game have none equipped. Then in the case of my last game no one but me had any. I get people trying for the achievement but I have a question Is this achievement console based because Nintendo Switch users do not get those. I…
  • I agree! I love the Switch but my PS5 is my main system. I only like the Switch because when I want to be lazy and lay in bed and watch tv I can play games at the same time. Nintendo always manages to make their system not great but almost a needed system to fit those odd moment when you can't use your PC or Actual…
  • YAY THANK YOU! This suggestion worked! I am not sure why just restarting the system didn't work but I guess turning it off for a bit worked. It is a odd system. lol
  • I actually tired first shutting the game down and that did nothing and then the system and sadly no luck. I even made sure to check every time that the software was up to date and still no luck sadly. Thank you for the idea though and I will continue to try. I just hate to delete a game for the hour or longer redownload…
  • I think keys spawning in chest are okay because if someone starts with a key it is a almost 9 out of 10 chance the killer will tunnel them. It makes it a little unfair unlike when a killer bring a ebony mori all we can do is guess because sometimes it can be another secret offering. If a killer sees a key in most my…
  • I just have to kind of point out this tiny thing to a different argument I see a lot. You just kind of mentioned how hard it can be to find the hatch for survivors or even us killers. Then that shows us how much work it takes to use a key even IF the requirements for hatch to spawn are met you can walk the entire map and…
  • I will be honest and say I am guilty of this. I have also been struggling a few times for the game to randomly decided that is enough to kill me as if though I missed a button press. I will say when and if and its a big IF, if I kill myself on first hook it is for one of these reasons. It is either my teammates are sooooo…
  • I have a few I could share and a few funny moments. My first wholesome moment is when I was playing survivor and I could kind of tell I had a fellow new player with me and they could not do a gen for the life of them. I followed them around as best I could trying to guide them and keep them safe. When the gate was finally…
  • I feel clueless but what past cosmetics did they give out for free? I am on console and cannot find anything new in my stuff. I know I am dumb but that is why I am asking is because I think I missed the list of stuff they gave us? I hope this is not coming off rude because I do not mean it that way and I genuinely am…
  • I have read a very big chunk of this forum and I would stop trying to explain to this person the issue with DS. I mean personally I have just came back after a break so have not dealt with any issue yet but I can see your point. This person is so dead set on not wanting to hear or believe he has a issue that you could…
  • That is what I am guessing but I mean then they wonder why the game seems so bad. I mean just take 10 minutes get the free BP for the tutorial and then ready up. It is one of the few games that rewards you for doing it. lol
  • I kind of figured this already but actually kind of thought maybe they were trying to figure out if the dream world would even work with so much extra going on while on the switch. I mean I love my Switch but I do know it is still limited. I am happy to see it does and can work fine. I just wish we knew if they were…
  • I get the challenge part but the character being new? At level 1 even on a new character you can pick 1 perk and they start with 3 even without doing the bloodweb.
  • How does a key shorten the length of the match when if all survivors are still alive you still need all gens before hatch will spawn? That to me means the match lasted just as long. If a mori is in play the killer can hook then tunnel kill and repeat this is normally how it goes and the killer will normally tunnel to get…
  • Aaah okat thanks for the response and I hope you have a great evening. <(^.^)>
  • Did they remove the 1 million BP caps? I have over a million right now but not sure if it is because I redeemed codes are the cap is removed?
  • This happens a lot on all platforms sadly. I have gotten stuck many times and even a few times with fellow survivors. We actually even had a killer take pity on us and slug us and let us wiggle free and restart. It was nice of him because most killers just took advantage of the bug and slugged and then camped like they had…
  • This happens a lot on all platforms sadly. I have gotten stuck many times and even a few times with fellow survivors. We actually even had a killer take pity on us and slug us and let us wiggle free and restart. It was nice of him because most killers just took advantage of the bug and slugged and then camped like they had…
  • It happened again in my last game and I took more pictures. There was this poor David who was stuck and spinning in circles. I did not know killers can get stuck to. Thankfully one game I had a nice killer who found me and my fellow survivor and downed us and picked us up and gave us a fair chance. He let us wiggle out and…
  • I think stealth is fine in small uses but at some point you need to take a hook if your team is close to dead. Also in my experience most the stealth players I have had on my teams are so afraid to get caught they wont even do a gen. They will also waste so much time saving fellow teammates that either they die on hook or…
  • I do not mind but it is fun now trying to learn to play against him. I had a ton of fun and it was interesting and the map sucked for me but I had fun either way. I think I like him most because he was my first iconic scary movie killer. =)
  • @NekoGamerX @Mooks YAY I JUST GOT MORI BY FREDDY! lol I loved it!
  • I look forward to getting killed by you lol
  • I know they have a mori if they mori a fellow player before me. I do not DC right away and only when I am sure they have a mori. I mean I know killers could use the less and very unused offering that splits up the team but 8 out of 10 if the offering does not show it is a Mori of some sort. I only leave after I see a…
  • Thank you =) Also thanks for responding to my post.
  • I do not mind waiting but would like to play against him. =)
  • Me too! I would love to be able to use them both and I already have some of their perks learned but would like to use them both but more Freddy because I want to try his abilities. =)
  • I figured they have to be working on it because with cross play being a thing people are gonna see killers they cant use and want to use them. I actually bought the game wanting to mainly play Freddy but sadly on my platform he does not exist but I found killers I still like and survivors as well. Thanks by the way for the…