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  • I'd like to consider myself a skillful killer and well... I actually don't care about hitting rank 1 as a killer. Yes, it may be challenging because, as you would expect, the higher the rank, the better everyone else is at utilizing the mechanics. The developers are working on making Decisive Strike a one time use, in…
    in TRIGGERED Comment by Yohthao June 2018
  • Strategically speaking, a way to counter survivors from looping is to position all generators so that as the killer you can easily maneuver between each one (though I have minimal experience in this counter-method). Determine the 3 generators that are close to each other and spend more time protecting those generators,…
  • I think it's important to know that every game is always different. Perks and knowledge of gameplay for both survivor and killers heavily impact who wins or loses. Though there are people who say that Freddy is fine and is not in need of a buff, he can be countered more than most of the other killers. As survivors: 1.…
  • You'd have to deliberately not try and search for survivors/not play strategically to score 2,000+ BP as a huntress or any killer for that matter. Also, you give up too easily on playing killer. Give it more shots or observe other killers and see what they do that you don't. You shouldn't just give up the instant you come…
  • Yes, you can fail to hit the Great Skill Checks while Hex: Ruin is up, and all skill checks while you have tokens will count like as if you succeeded a Great Skill Check while also increasing the generator by (5%? Not sure of the value but it does increase it) and rewarding +150 Blood Points. It's definitely the counter…
  • That's a very Interesting lore behind Ghura. How do you suppose what his powers would be if he was somehow implemented into the game as a killer?
  • It's natural to feel mad when survivors pallet loop you. A way to control my anger when survivors pallet loop me is to entertain your killer side (figuratively.) Imagine the feeling of catching the survivors once they are downed. Imagine the feeling when you finally succeeded in downing a survivor after a chase that was so…