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  • i just love the game, i dont want to complain all time about anything. Of course there are some points where i could complain, but I dont cause why should I? after more than 1200 hours, it would not feel worth playing the game, when i complain all time :D
  • using something against the enemie, which is not intendend, is not an exploit you say? okay, then iwill justmind my own business, and read the discussions, which always makes me laughing
  • I outplay unbreakable by not slugging, and trying to not tunnel within at least that one minute timer. Unbreakable is a perk, i do not see happen very much in my games, even though at least one survivor always takes it with them in my games.
  • well,the first 2 gens are the easiest, so use this to look for 3-5 gens which are closer together, to protect them. It is impossible to protect the whole map. Do not protect gens, you cannot protect (like gens far away from the other gens, or gens that are not in the same level as you (like gens on top of something or in…
  • These 3 feet hits after vaulting, did not happen only cause of these lag after the vault. Its mostly the dedicated servers. I donot want to take the fun, but it willhappen in the fututre,that you get hit through the window, when the ping is bad, but the vault is smooth. Im sorry to tell you that :/
  • these discussions are so funny, when you just are not stupid
  • That are just the dedicated servers. maybe the ping was very high, and the survivor was not there ontheir screen as they where on your screen :/ cant do anything about bad internet :/
    in Teleporting Comment by Zydto April 2020
  • Its very funny how some people only see the bad on their main side. As survivor -> complain about killers being able to kill someone. As killer --> Survivors being able to do gens. Like, its the objective. Survs concentrade in the gens, while killers kill them. Of course the killer is stronger than 1 survivor. Therefore…
  • uhm... they killed prove thyself, by buffing it to 15%? so... is buffing equal to nerfing for you? or what dont i understand there?
  • Sounds very interesting to me. Would be interesting to se whathe would looklike ;P
  • Yeah I know, but at higher ranks, it is nearly impossible to do anything against them. He is way too weak .-.
    in Legion Comment by Zydto December 2018