Honestly all I am reading from all your responses it that you seem to think that the only way to have fun as a killer is if you get a 4K and you're willing to do anything to get it, which is stupid. Getting at least a 2K is super easy and if you're really struggling with even that then you're at the wrong MMR which will…
It depends on what kind of tunneling we are talking about, if a killer tunnels at 2 gens left then I can't blame them because if all four survivors are still alive then they often have to tunnel to turn the game around. People who immediately tunnel at the start of the game though, that kind of tunneling is neither fun nor…
I mean clearly all those years playing killer haven't done much for you since you list plot twist as a problematic perk. Oh no, the survivor disables themselves for 30 seconds, gets healed and the perk is then disabled until endgame. Good thing there isn't an item that does the same thing but faster... Buckle up and For…
I think the better question is, how many more pointless threads do you people need to spam to realize that the developers don't use your incessant crying as a measure for if a perk should be nerfed or not. MFT is fine, it's scary in a good player's hand but 99% of survivors can't use it effectively, it's all in your head.…
If those things make you miserable despite them being easy to counter then there is literally nothing that can be done for you to enjoy killer. MFT and Hope is the only legitimate issue, haste just shouldn't stack.
Please, stop with these ridiculous arguments of "people just need to get used to it". There is literally nothing to get used to, the fact that you are comparing Sadakos constant global pressure to killers that actually have to chase you is silly. The fact is right now survivors have to run around the map and find a TV that…
- Look at all these competent SWFs with coms that apparently have problems with just "picking up the tape". Its almost as if there is more to the game than this meaningless statement.
This just reads like a killer player trying to come up with excuses to keep a blatantly overtuned killer in its current form. Managing condemned is not just a minigame, its a full time commitment that is impossible to juggle with everything else that goes on in a game if the killer player is even remotely competent. We've…
Debatable, but they do belong in the same exclusive club of killers that make everyone miserable and want to play the game less
This reads less like a DBD match and more like a step by step guide to beating a MMO boss. Good luck solo queue players. If you thought knight and skull merchants were horrible, Sadako is here to ruin your games even worse.
Prepare to be disappointed
Playable with a SWF, insufferable in solo queue
Because you don't even understand what MFT does or how much that 3% speed increase is. When MFT is active, a standard speed killer is still 0,48m/s faster than a survivor, meaning that they catch up to a survivor who loops a single point in less than 10 seconds. MFT doesn't even make a difference in the slightest in that…
I mean its fine if you disagree, but you already said earlier in the thread that you get looped around rocks, so I hope you'll forgive me for doubting your ability to accurately judge how effective a perk is.
I'm sorry my friend but this sounds like you struggle as a killer in general, this is not the type of perk that you put on and find instant success with. If you are not a really good looper as a survivor, this perk will at most save you a couple of seconds in chase, which is the equivalent or worse compared to Sprint burst…
This senseless crying has got to stop. 95% of survivor players can't use this perk effectively, you are not being outplayed by a perk, you would lose to the same survivors whether they have the perk or not.
He's a strong killer that requires some skill to use effectively, that rules out a majority of killer players unfortunately since if the killer doesn't play itself then its too much for most people.
Totally disagree, you can tune his numbers all you want but his power is too slow-paced to keep up with the game today. If we want to keep the stalking as it is then they would have to add some kind of built-in slowdown to gens or something else to his power to keep up.
What exactly is the "high risk" you are describing? Worst case scenario, you get a guaranteed trade, best case scenario you grab someone and now have 2 downed survivors with a high likelihood to snowball to victory. That sounds more like a win-win scenario to me, which is exactly why they are removing it.
You must be a really terrible killer to think that the powers survivors got is anywhere close to as good as killer powers. Pallets that break on drop? Maybe just don't walk into them and get a free hit? Blocking vaults? Only good in places where the killer has to vault to continue chase, otherwise you would never vault.…
You know what would incentive people to play other killers? Update/rework them and make them good. These bandaid fixes won't get people to play bad/boring killers, there is a reason to why Wesker is popular
You mean by just having this perk it will permanently disable a survivor from doing gens? Sounds like the best slowdown perk ever, sign me up!
Pretty much true, any player with an ounce of multiplayer experience will dominate as a killer and only be challenged by skilled SWFs while bad killers will rely on tunneling/camping/slugging right out of the gate. I have no idea why people still play survivor honestly, I used to do it for the rank rewards but it got more…
I thought this was weird as well. Now instead of being rewarded as a team, you are being rewarded for being greedy and selfish
This game barely has any lore other than snippets here and there, and there hasn't been any progression either other than the survivors being stuck in hell in perpetuity. If you are not planning to expand the lore greatly, why would adding sexual orientations (saying "revealed" is weird since there probably isn't anything…
We don't, and if they want to waste artists time doing that then its fine. Wasting a chapter on it though will probably be their biggest financial flop
We don't need robots from a children's game
You keep claiming things I never said to win an argument you yourself made up. I never said that I am the arbiter of what is balanced or not, I am questioning the outcry because its not the first time this community has made takes on a survivor perk based on math and theory that didn't play out like that. Like Hyperfocus…
If you think the devs balance things based on theory and simple math, then yeah I get why it confuses you
Weird how I am not losing every single game with this OP perk existing. Almost as if there are countless other variables in the game that make the math pointless.
More people need to pick up Nurse and Blight. A few games in a row with those killers and people will be begging for Wesker to come back.
If you want to live in the reality of where BHVR is intentionally not fixing an issue that require minor rebalancing (in your words) because of them deeming it "not a priority" even though it would mean a better experience for a bunch of people, then by all means live in that reality. I don't need to convince you, because…
My source is that the game is 7 years old and they havent added it even though the framework is already there (the perk) and it would be very easy for them to change it to an option. It's not a technical challenge, they could get it done in a day if they wanted to. If it wouldn't mean a significant overhaul of the balance…
That's not how it works. In a game where you are limited to 4 perks, you pick the ones who have the most impact on the game. Field of view is one of them, but is not as impactful as the others, that doesn't mean that it isn't a great advantage that should just be given away for free. There is a reason why the developers…
It's hard to take you seriously when you unironically post "lmao" in every one of your posts.