you kind of hit the nail on the head there
i mean this is par for the course
the devs dont actually wanna fix anything and it shows
I keep getting matched with throwers and downrankers because this game attracts the most toxic people
That would be nice, you dont have to deal with toxic players just watching you and everyone else crawl around.
i think the killer playerbase would plummet if they fixed latency tbh
great to know they've "expressed interest" rather than actually doing anything
its consensus that this isnt holding the game hostage so at least give people an out that isnt a DC for a game thats effectively over
I mean in that moment, its the logical choice, is it not?
You should have taken the Meg out
Tony Shalhoub as a survivor would rule
survivor main here: dont walk into the giant bulging trail
And theres nothing wrong with that. Imagine someone in soccer saying youre “goal rushing”
Theres literally nothing wrong with survivors focussing on their objectives. I counter “gen rushing” by patrolling gens and letting a chase go if i’m being strung along. I counter “tunneling” by not getting caught running escape/chase extension perks, and encouraging friends im playing with to focus gens and punish the…
If im caged its my fault for touching the huge bulging trench i could have walked around
Assume every survivor team has comms and you can predict what their priorities are. Solved it for you
Ripley and the Xenomorph and nothing else i do enjoy T+D vs E tho
Yeah dude sounds super cool wish i could also send abusive messages to a switch player who may very well be an actual child
Lithe + Iron Will + Dance + soul guard fixed your issue if youre like me and not the greatest looper
Dude i play with as a duo or up to a 4 man with friends and i tell them to complete gens if im facecamped. Maybe you should blame your teammates for unhooking for points and allowing the killer to down you back to back. Its a part of the game and you have to just take the L and move on.
Whenever i play as a killer I punish poor decisions. If you unhook someone in front of me I’m going to do what the game encourages me to do, which is to kill the unhooked person.
Im usually poor against the doc but i have the most success of prolonging the match with my duo buddy if we just knuckle down and do gens
Ive just accepted that some games I get tunneled as a survivor and some games as killer im getting rolled and have to try to at least get a kill. The sooner you can do that the better your experience will be
I mean if you like getting gen rushed go for it
Because the game fundamentally favors killers
These are awesome suggestions, thanks so much! Should I just think of ditching UE and Adrenaline, then? Adrenaline has saved my skin a lot but its basically sacrificing a perk slot for a brief moment of the game. A sample build here would be Lithe, Dance, Q+Q, Iron Will
I've heard Lithe can be a bit quirky, is that still an issue? I'm def more interested in the second build you posted.
I should probably level up Jake then! I'm def interested in Iron Will.
thanks, you too! just disagree with ya on a specific and contentious issue lol
I'm not privy to the memes to be fair
take your kill and move on to the next game. I've suicided because i really REALLY had to poop. should i get banned for that?
so this is about decisive strike?
this Maybe embrace tough strings of games as ways to improve your overall play. I don't assume every teabagging 4 escape games i encounter are some bully squad, i usually assume that i played badly and they played well. At this point I think they should just have separate servers where people can basically press a win…
I dont have much problems rolling solo besides the occasional matchmaking hiccup where i get paired as a level 6 with a level 16+ and theyre still learning the game. I occasionally get toxic duos but even then thats probably one in 50 games or something. Everyone here seems to complain about things that affect basically…
So this is about bullying then? If it were designed around solo play they would have never included the option to add friends. Complaining about a group play feature when discord has been around for a long time is just idiotic. Always assume the survivors are communicating, if you actually play with friends in comms it…
marginally, because a good killer can get 2-4k if they anticipate, stay unpredictable and learn how to prioritize actions
I used to think there were too many hooks until i started playing as a killer after getting burnt out on survivor. If it were easy to wiggle out or if every time someone was carried it was a close call it would basically break the game. Wiggling is to punish a killer who didnt notice a closer hook, and as coppersly put, a…
Me and my friends have fun and try to win, and two of them are new to the game. I'm tempted to come here and complain when a killer i dont like to face like doctor 4k's us but i dont because i know i should learn to counter better or work more efficiently. There's challenge on both sides my dude
what point, that its unfair for me to say "uh the killer is going left towards, uhh that tree that looks like every other tree and towards the aura that looks like every other aura." I really dont get what you want here, comms hardly even give you that much of an advantage. The most it does is to tell people "work on gens…
i think he's nice
hope the devs see this bro
here's a novel idea, assume everyone is SWF and maybe you'll play better and anticipate their decisions more. I do that anytime i play as killer.
Just stop playing the game, more like
So i should turn off discord when i play this with my friends?
this, my friends save me and vice versa when it is the dumbest idea just because its fun. I play both killer and survivor and seem to have balanced outcomes to games. you win some you lose some
it isn't