Not at all. It is more noticeable but not as bad as in the ptb.
Please read the entire post before commenting, thank you. Besides, im not trying to sell you anything, i honestly couldn’t care less if you think Billy was too op before the nerf. We clearly have different opinions, which is totally fine. And please, read the edits made in the og post.
As far as i know, it is only the community outfits that will be available in the store, ’demonslayer’ for feng and another outfit for david and these were said to release in the store minimum 6 months after their initial release. All other outfits will remain exclusive to the rift and are not coming back, i believe.
You are absolutly right; i should’ve tested him properly before posting on the forums and whining about the changes. He is still great, and not at all as bad as some made it out to be (cough me).
Basically the heatmechanic is worse then before, it isn't bad while doing the sprint but it does fill up quickly when revving.
The thing is, the potential is ALWAYS there. Nurse can do this aswell, the thing is it still requires a heck of a lot skill if you are gonna down 4 people who are decent at the game just with the chainsaw.
True he was top tier, but that doesn't mean he wasn't balanced. I would say out of all top tier killers he's probably the most balanced out of them, hence i dont understand these nerfs.
Exactly my thoughts. Billy is fairly difficult, especially with the precise curving. Most use him to get around quickly throughout the match, but now we can't even do that. Just tried it out and the overheat will make you require addons if you want to use it efficiently IMO.
Despite both having a chainsaw, i have always found their gameplay to be incredibly different. I really hope that isn't the reason for bringing in these changes.
My problem is that it feels like they want to make him add-on reliant, which i think no killer should have to be. I can't get my head around why they needed to tweak it further, especially when they said in the first changelog that they were "otherwise happy with how he was performing". Billy did receive a nerf with the…
Strange. Must've changed their minds or just delayed it for further notice i guess.
I hope so too, never managed to get it through the rift, so im hoping on getting through the store when it releases. Would be nice to hear from a dev on this.
So fairly soon? Hasn't it already been like 6 months since the tome?
There are people who think ghostface is overpowered? Wow, if anything, he needs a buff IMO.
I think the black girl is the original design of Meg Thomas, and the white girl hanging in the basement is Claudette. I believe they were race-swapped in the release of the game. Im not sure bout the other ones.
I just love the frequent updates, keeping the game fresh and new. It actually feels like developers care for once for their game, and keeping the fans happy.
I personally don't think she needs a buff, since she still is a very powerful killer if played right, however i really feel like she needs to be more fun to play. Having to look down in the floor 90% of the game takes away all the fun there is for her. I honestly just think she should be reworked completly IMO.
IMO Oni is the one of few killers who is perfectly balanced.
Yeah! The legbrace was a nice touch.
Well, hopefully thats something that gets a buff after the PTB then.
I agree! The new killer may seem underwhelming and basic at first, but i think when you get to play him properly he is much more advanced. I like the new killer.
So thats where Jake got his hat from...
Yeah, the stun is minimal. I agree.
Nah, sure i wanted pinhead but this chapter is equally exciting now that i get to try it!
Yeah! She does. Made me think they reused the audiofiles.
It is! The new map is a little bit dark though. But damn its gorgeous.
New exitgate.
More from the new map.
New map. looks amazing.
Killer perks and power.
New survivor perks.
New survivor.
New killer.
Here it is folks. The official titlecard for chapter 15.
Oh yeah might be. There are several sequels coming though, so you may never know!
This is the exact reason they should add Laurie Strode cosmetics that represent her in the newest halloween movie. Talk about badass mom in her 60's.
But... What about... What about the trailer? :(
This is just a part of the balance needed after the ruin-nerf. Killers won't be op, they will if anything be fairly balanced together with survivors. The change hasn't even been shown in action yet.
Just look "leaks by daylight" twitter.
Sure hope so. Jeff and Feng could use some love aswell in the costumedepartment.
Since we now know that it will most likely be something prison-related, im gonna take a new guess. The Captive
Yeah, that makes sense. But does everyone need to download the full PTB version of the game everytime when a new PTB comes out, or is it like an update for those who already downloaded it before?
Thank you for that very explainatory response. Especially loved the long answer.
But doesn't it only affect those who hadn't already downloaded the PTB? Honestly im not sure how it works, but from what you are saying im assuming everyone needs to download it, with no exception if you played a PTB before, correct?
I suspected that might be the case. Might need to check with my friend from the FBI for this matter.
@Peanits @Almo You have anticipated players waiting...
Exactly. Corrupt intervention can easily be waited out.
For survivor, i really hope for a perk that disables scratchmarks for some time. I know there already is a few in the game, but none of them honestly help that much in a chase. For killer, i would like a perk that can slow early game down. Sorta like a ruin but only for the beginning of the game. Kind of to help you get…