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  • You obviously dont face 3 - 4 swf groups at red ranks mainly rank 2s. Ruin as it is now definitely buys you little bit of time to get the hooks going before getting gen rushed into 0 kills. I'd take even 30 secs of it being up to what it becomes after patch. The only positivee thing is that everyone is sleeping on corrupt…
  • Do you even play your own game? Oh wait, you do, seen you guys on a current Monto upload. Total potatoes having no idea facing 4 men swf teams at rank 2 means. What you say does not even happen in mediocre solo games around red ranks.
  • learn when to engage, as in the distance to nearest loop and survivor, push them towards weaker areas. you dont have to chase that one guy, in fact, he is already sure he can last a couple of gens because he is engaging in his terms. which means 3 chases per game ..
  • If I had to "balance" I would only remove insta saw addons, along with nurse's extra blinks. Knowing the time window of the saw or the amount of blinks you face is more than enough balance to good survivors and mediocre alike.
  • Against swf, the only way to balance is to extend the game time artifically by some new mechanic which might add another gen to complete, give another free hex totem, extend time to complete gens or whatever imo. They simply need to check if swf and involve swfs ranks and numbers somehow in the calculation.
    in Nurse Nerf Comment by dragone June 2019
  • That x would be Billy or Spirit. Billy is absolutely fair and a staple of balance towards all killers purely by how easy (or hard) for good survivors to escape. You can run a Billy through 5 gens, or get 4kd by bad decisions. You can delay Spirit by not playing too altruistic and escape fairly by juking and mindgaming even…
    in Nurse Nerf Comment by dragone June 2019
  • Oh I can perfectly aim and teleport, thats why I hate Nurse ;)
    in Nurse Nerf Comment by dragone June 2019
  • Dbd will lose nothing if it gets rid of all Nurse mains. It is a necessary evil as they never even think of the problem from both sides. Toxicity at its best.
    in Nurse Nerf Comment by dragone June 2019
  • And you sound like a nurse main fed up with all the dcs he is getting and not wondering about the core problem because of selfishness.By your logic your comment is as pointless and meaningless as mine. I am a Spirit main that occasionally plays Billy. I know when I hit or miss a survivor it is because of skill difference…
    in Nurse Nerf Comment by dragone June 2019
  • Delete nurse, problem solved. She defies every mechanic that makes dbd, dbd. Not fun to play as, not fun to play against.
    in Nurse Nerf Comment by dragone June 2019
  • As a killer main and rank 6 survivor i say good riddence.
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