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  • He's really cool from a thematic perspective, but it's a kit full of gimmicks at this point. There's nothing of real substance in a higher skill lobby. He essentially won't have a power against good players unless he gets buffs in many areas. Mage Hand requires the survivor to panic. The slowdown is too much. But you also…
  • I don't think trapping people in a trial they don't want to be in will help anything in the long run. Being able to quickly get out of a match is what makes DbD tolerable for many people. If you start forcing people to stick out a trial against a multi-slowdown Blight where a teammate has No Mither, or other complete…
  • The queues are long in the evening at whatever my MMR is anyway. I'm often waiting 3 or 4 minutes for a trial that's over within 30 seconds because my teammates aren't even functional. I'd gladly take a 5 minute queue for a better game over a 3 minute queue+10 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  • I think this is something the developers are very much blind to, and it desperately needs to be addressed. Matchmaking focuses way too much on queue times and match quality is too often terrible. Not everyone is able to play for a 2-3 hours at a time and "win some and lose some". I'm closer to 40 than 30. I usually only…
  • For me personally: I've been playing since 2018. You can only get hyped for so many perk shuffles and new chapters. The only things that would really get me hyped at this point have more to do with survivor matchmaking and a ranked mode. The new content will be good or bad. Many bugs will come with it. Some random changes…
  • You only get 1 use, but many don't know that you can save it if you don't attempt to hit the skill check the 1st time.
    in DS 1X Comment by edgarpoop May 13
  • The "only bad players need it" take might be the worst take I regularly see. There's nothing skillful about RNG or a lack of communication regarding pallets. It's a ridiculous take. And it's a sign of skill if someone knows maps well enough to know that they need to see which way a window is facing, for example.
  • I don't think so, because Ruin has to be discussed with context for other Hex perks like Pentimento, Undying, and Haunted. Pentimento is really the thing that makes any Ruin buff problematic.
  • I think the point they were trying to make is that the perks were too strong relative to the ease of activation, not that they were simply easy to activate and thus got nerfed. I don't know if it's a French to English translation thing or what, but BHVR tends to have a hard time when it comes to explaining its thought…
  • I think most people are getting caught up in thinking of these perks in a vacuum. When was the last time you or any other killer played with 1 perk? And let's be honest with ourselves, how often are you running a single slowdown perk in a build? I always have 2 or 3 and most of the killers I play against do too. Pain Res,…
  • Killer and survivor aren't the same game mode and shouldn't be judged by the same gameplay standards. It's comparing apples to oranges. Not everything in DbD has an equivalent between both roles.
  • Love the killer changes overall. I like that they shifted the skill floor for Wesker and Chucky. Especially in Chicky's case, it's a buff for good players and a nerf for less skilled players who relied on Scamper.
  • Uncap the flick and this is a perfect change. I personally hated the Scamper mechanic because it was so free, but I also think they should really lean into Slice N Dice
  • Do other EAC games run on it? A Windows 11 handheld might fall into a grey area if the kernel is modified at all.
  • I would imagine her kill rate is very much inflated. She has no way to down someone efficiently. It would be interesting to see her kill rate in matches with no d/cs.
  • I'm a big fan of Plot Twist/DS/Flip Flop/Power Struggle
  • Hopefully by year 15 they'll have dev servers they can play their own test builds on before pushing them to live servers.
  • I would say Doctor. His tracking is much more impactful when survivors are more reliant on hiding and don't understand positioning yet. Plus newer survivors will camp pallets against him, so his shock is more effective. Survivors won't really care about his static blast when they have thousands of hours, or they'll play…
  • I don't know what's going on anymore. I had two games in a row yesterday against survivors with less than 100 hours. I have nearly 5000 hours. This 8 year old game is just completely broken on every level at this point.
  • I don't have a hard main, but I always go back to Nurse, Spirit, Hag, Plague, Ghostface. Nurse is really chill and strong once you have a ton of hours on her. I can just kind of play the game. I love Spirit's power and the combination of prediction and audio tracking. Hag is somehow underrated at this point. The trap…
  • This. You can only treat symptoms to a point. At some point they have to address the various mechanics that cause massive differences in the fun factor from trial to trial. That's ultimately why players give up so often. Players are (understandably) not willing to gamble with their time when they load into a match against…
  • I was on Ghostface. A survivor sent us to The Game and proceeded to pre-drop everything and teabag me the whole game. They were the last one alive with 1 gen left. I went crazy with the teabags after I downed them.
  • It's very possible. Stay healed as much as you can and stay patient. Don't try to blast through gens while you're injured. The trial doesn't automatically end until the 60 minute mark. Watch your HUD and don't be afraid to get off a gen if you're not sure where he is. Remember that he has aura reading on you, so position…
  • It's kind of gimmicky and most players will just stop getting in lockers after one person gets hit by it. It can get players to not hide in lockers, but Doctor's info becomes less needed as players get more experienced. A Doctor in higher MMR tiers is probably using that perk slot for something else.
  • You could argue that the top tier of killers are too strong with a full meta loadout. But you also have to consider that almost half the killer roster doesn't have a power on many maps if the survivors are any good. Yes, Nurse with 4 slowdowns is probably too strong. But on the flip side, Freddy straight up doesn't have a…
  • My cycle goes like this: Run full meta on a strong killer and win easily>get bored and run semi-meta on a bottom tier killer only to get rolled>Run full meta on a strong killer and win easily>repeat cycle
  • Really depends. It just takes one survivor getting impatient and ignoring the tapes to turn the game in Sadako's favor. I've been on teams that accepted a 15 minute game and held her to only a few hooks, and I've been on teams where one teammate refused to do tapes at all and it was a 4k at 3 gens.
  • For Steam Deck or desktop Linux users, you shouldn't have to do anything if you're playing through the Steam flatpak with Proton. VKD3D translates DX12 to Vulkan, and it's included in Proton. Goes without saying, but keep your Steam flatpak and Proton version current.
  • Eat the DS and tunnel them out from there. Don't overthink it. You have someone not doing gens following you around. You aren't losing as much time as you think.
  • Gen speed perks shouldn't exist and the game should be balanced around 80 second gens. The blind window needs to be reverted. It punishes players with good ping
  • An actual Dev Ops process with QA and version control A rematch vote where I can change killers but face the same players
  • I think it's a really unnecessary mechanic for Plague, to be honest. And stuns are way too ping dependent to tie a killer losing their power to them.
  • I think it would be cool if they tied it to the report system. That way they could have a means to track people who are using the block for frivolous reasons and take action against people doing it. If you report a player, you're blocked from being matched with them, but you also can't flood the system with false reports.
  • Overall, I think gens take way too long and they're absolutely the worst element of DbD gameplay. There's too much speed variance. Specifically, killers are capable of too much slowdown when 3 or 4 slowdowns are in play. I never thought gens needed to go to 90 seconds in the first place, and every slowdown should have seen…
  • Anon mode option for all platforms and hide prestige option. So many insecure players go out of their way to make someone's game miserable because they had the audacity to P100 a survivor
  • Your best bet is to pre-throw the pallet and then try to win the vault game. Don't panic vault. Just stay calm and let the killer mindgame themself for a few seconds, then time the vault when they commit. Takes practice. Clown is kind of like Spirit in the sense that you're cooked if they get control of the pallet.
  • It seems to be a workflow issue. Many of these things are issues that come up in a test build. That's normal. But those are usually mostly cleaned up on a dev build, let alone before it's pushed to production. We're genuinely getting the test build on live servers. And if this isn't the test build....my god.
  • Yeah I'm honestly afraid to even log in right now. Seeing way too many bug reports. It's an interesting development strategy. Normally a place will go test/QA>dev/QA>prod. We seem to be going dev>test>prod>back to dev>prod. Pretty ascended.
  • Background Player is the most annoying perk in the game, without question. I know it makes developing perks more difficult, but you have to play the "what if multiple people in the trial have the perk" game with any survivor perk concept.
  • It's cheating in the sense that equalizers are a cover used for wall hacking on Spirit 99% of the time. You can only boost or reduce frequencies. It's not going to target and isolate specific sounds i.e. breathing. Talk to any EQ user. They're either a mysterious god on Spirit who won't give you their EQ settings, weirdly…
  • Chucky, easily. I know I'm going hear AHHHHHHHHHHHHH as soon as I get unhooked against 90% of Chucky players. Plus Scamper is annoyingly free
  • My favorite thing is when my survivor model passes through the banner and nothing happens. Knight still needs some love. I'd play him if Map of the Realm wasn't mandatory for his power to function. But survivors can just outrun the detection zone with the base radius even if you're pinpoint accurate. Why not just play…
  • One thing I found in comp was that games become almost scripted when you play against the same 50 players in a region on the same maps with the same loadouts. Players can often struggle to adapt on the fly when things go off-script, as we saw with both the NA and JP side. For instance, the NA players rarely play public…
  • Got the game during the Halloween sale in 2018. One of my first matches: Friend and I had just got the game that day. He was the last one alive. Trapper was carrying him to basement. Trapper stepped in his own trap on the stairs and friend got out through the hatch.
  • Win or lose, I just want it to feel fair.
  • It might affect queue times at the extreme ends of the bell curve, but there are things they could do to mitigate that too. For instance, I'm in the midwest US and get ~60ms to NA East and 100ms to NA West. I can play survivor on either server as long as I know in the lobby which ping to prep for. It's not a huge deal for…
  • The only other game with comparable playerbase numbers that even hits 30 minute queues in ranked is Overwatch at the GM or Masters level for specific roles. I don't know where people get the idea that DbD's playerbase can't support functional matchmaking.
  • DbD is not a counter pick game, nor should it be balanced as such. You might get lucky and counter someone's build, or you might be running Lightborn+Fire Up against a team that doesn't have BGP.
  • For the same reason I don't play PH as much as I'd like. She's slowed down a ton when she charges her power, has no gap closer. and the power is easy to dodge at range. That, and you can't go for snipes if the survivors are any good. They'll just locker dive to get the crows off.
  • I think he's one of the best designed killers in DbD history. Very fun to play and allows for a lot of skill expression.