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  • Do the survs want to win? Yes. Do the killers want to win? Yes. Can survs do gen rush? Yes. Can killers do tunnel? Yes. I dont see a problem here. Sometimes im playing 2 perks blight no gen perk but survs do gen rush and i dont cry about that. I cant do nothing about that and if they want to escape then they have to repair…
  • infectious usefull on oni, blight, nurse and twin. uw not usefull anymore if you checked update notes
  • how can we know if they change their items instantly? also swfs have 16 perks and killer has 4 perks. if you use lightborn 3 perks left not a good idea
  • thats it what im talking about. so what when i knocked down a survivor do i have to stop and check around until the gens fly out? anyone have any good ideas like this?
  • lmao is it joke? i think you matching against low mmr because nobody uses noed on a tier and above killers. Mostly c tier and below killers uses noed and if you lose against a gf or trapper then think about your play style
  • Some survivor mains couldnt understand what im saying about ftp. If you knock down more than one survivors and go to hook one of them the perk will be active and when you back to hook other or rests they can use ftp. If you play oni you have to knock down more than one survivors when you can. Ok think i didnt say ftp thing…
  • agree and swfs can not use same perks. think about 4 ftp + bu or background player + flashlight/flashbang/toolbox (for sabotage), decisive, off the record, adrenaline, blastmine... its so toxic for killer players
  • a lot of corns and they are close to each other. its hard to see the survivors. im talking about this. if we talking about ambience then ''which farmer would leave pallets in his fields and other useless stuff?''
  • so thats why swfs using coldwind offering? dont lying to me this map good for survivors like most maps. all coldwind variants has good spots and god pallets
  • still worst map for mostly killers
  • They are professional players, you know that? Almost all of them are at the same level. Does that mean anything to you? If you don't want to understand, let me clarify: Even if you are at the same level as swf players, you can't get 3k. Capiche?
  • Do you guys ever watch tournaments? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1979270748 They use an A tier killer but can't even take 3k. This game is definitely swf sided. They don't nothing about swf. They can use same characters, same perks, same stuffs, same offerings and make fun of the killers. Don't fool yourself, they don't…
  • *3-gen: Totally survivors fault. Why you punish the killers? Already nerfed SM *Onryo: Easy to counter. Take the tape and put a tv. Thats it. Hope don't nerf her *Billy: Totally sucks. Hard to control and overheat is a big problem. Need buff *Blight add-ons: Maybe Ring and C33 needs some nerf. Iri tag is fine cause hard to…