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  • That's why I think both should effect one another. If the same survivor is hooked consecutively, then gens get a repair speed buff. If hooks are spread amongst survivors, gens get a repair speed slow down. Both stack. I think it's a good compromise that would be healthy for the game. Because I've noticed the same as you…
  • I appreciate this kind of "experiment". I do think there's a bit of bias when it comes to certain players vs others. This is gonna be a hot take, but I think both "sides" are flawed for different reasons and both "sides" deny up and down that they are and accuse the other of it. !! I will preface this by saying this is…
  • I agree with this. I understand tunneling is a valid strat as is camping as neither are against the rules of the game though I would argue clearly discouraged (basekit bt, otr, ds), but the entire point of a game is to play it, and to go out of your way to make sure someone else doesn't get to play it shouldn't be part of…
  • I can see that. Personally FTTE has proven to be really powerful in my solo matches. I don't think it's op by any means, but I don't think it's super weak either. I think it's in a good spot.
  • I'm not saying its good or bad to use, as I'm a solo q main so I haven't personally used it as a killer. My perspective comes from my experience in going against it. It's like Adren. That perk is very specific to what and how it can be used effectively but when it is used effectively it can change the whole game. In my…
  • Tbf, There's been times when someone gets downed without much of a chase icon, either by a stealth killer or sometimes the hud doesn't always track if you're being chased. Sometimes for challenges you will have a "be chased by x amount of time" and even though you're in chase it doesn't count. DBD has lots of bugs…
  • Honestly with the matches I've had against Unknown the stats make alot of sense. Most of the time whenever I try to dispel a hallucination they instantly teleport to it. Some set them up almost like hag traps around one half of the map, on edge map far enough away from a gen you don't see it but close enough it doesn't…
  • Oh sorry! I just edited my reply. Thank you for the correction. (Also if this sounds sarcastic I promise it's not lol)
  • FTTE reveals your aura for a duration of the exposed status effect. (edit for duration I thought it was all 20 sec but it was max 10)
  • I'm not sure why most killers I face don't typically use make your choice. I run into FTTE much more often. Maybe because of the Aura reveal? You can't hide or anything once it's on you. Not sure.
  • Surprised to see so many say it's not a very good perk. As a solo q main, friends till the end has destroyed my matches more often then it hasn't. It can be a great snowball, especially on maps that are smaller. But I doubt I'm playing in mega-ultra-high-intense-mmr lol so maybe when its up there it's not very good.
  • I think they're buffing sabo because it's not very popular and in alot of my experience, results in a trade. It's only really popular in swfs because you have to have good coordination to pull it off successfully. Also, less people on gens should help in the long run of the match, as I know many people find gen speeds…
  • I still feel frustrated when survivors sacrifice themselves on the first hook, but my understanding has deepened over time. It always lowers the teams chances of survival, which is why I'm typically always against it. However, I know that oftentimes there's more to it than frustration at "being outplayed". The game is…
  • I was under the impression that survivors are meant to go down and get hooked after a period of time? If it wasn't balanced to be easier to get hooked then to not be hooked, I'm not sure why 3 hooks states would exist. Things like bloodlust also support the idea that a survivor should go down and get hooked after "x"…
  • I went up against an Artist on Midwich once. I didn't loop them for a crazy amount of gens or anything, because unfortunately no gens were being worked on. But I kept her busy for a pretty substantial amount of time. So much so that at the end of the match, after killing the rest of the team, she gave me hatch. In the…
  • I think the point is that it feels greedy because instead of people being happy with changes being made that they asked for, they shift their target to something different to complain about. Are there still improvements to be made? Sure, this game is always evolving so there's always going to be adjustments. But right now,…
  • I agree with many people in the post that say this is more of a beginners problem rather than a "killer". Both sides suffer from people with this mentality, and ultimately I think a big contributer is how unfreindly DBD is to new players. In my opinion, typically in early games, killers do a little better, as surivvors…
  • I understand your point in MMR being inconsistent, and because of that it feels unfair to gauge certain things. But I think the problem with that reason is that it completely shuts down any hope for compromise, understanding or conversation. It feels like a way to shut down anything. Someone could say "Well MMR doesn't…
  • :( sorry, friend. If you need someone to talk to feel free to message me.
    in sad Comment by hermitkermit May 10
  • I would love that, truly would be a real quality of life change. Instead of fnaf Freddy we should give some love to our Freddy. Poor guy needs some updates.
  • I'm sorry you've had a frustrating experience. It can be unpleasant but that's because humans are involved and humans can be unpleasant. Honestly I think what has hurt the game and the community the most is there is a clear divide, bias, and judgment that the community created itself. You use NOED? Trash. You main meg?…
  • That’s a bit out of place. No need to belittle anybody. Besides that not even the OP. But yes I agree that gens go fast enough right now and don’t need any other buffs for speed. I think redesigning how gens are repaired with more of an interactive skill check system could be interesting though, just keep the value you’d…
  • Yeah body blocking hatch isn’t against the rules or anything, but If it lasts a very long time it can be considered taking the game hostage, and it is reportable. Maybe try making a report and attaching the video to it. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again, good luck in your next.
  • Honestly if dbd tried to steer more in the direction of Friday and just made it silly like that with the dances and clothes and stuff I don’t think people would mind a kill rate that high cause it’s just goofy fun. I think dbd is more serious/competitive and anything silly in dbd typically gets nerfed or removed so :’) rip…
  • I would say yes that what initially caught my attention, was people talking about DS being used this way and why it was deserving of nerfs. And that’s when I made the post because the reasons behind wanting it nerfed felt very familiar to posts that have existed since the dawn of the game. But I suspect it won’t be as much…
  • I mean the hypocrisy in more of a general sense, not in a specific example of 1 individual. For example, the two biggest complaints I read about in the comments of this post about using DS this way is because 1 “it’s not intended to be used this way” and 2 “it punishes someone who didn’t deserve it”. I would argue that…
  • I made a post a few days ago about this topic, and it was very interesting to see the opinions everyone has on it and why the like/dislike it. I did learn a bit though from some replies, and that is that many seemed to actually prefer more people on gens then to deal with DS being used this way. Which I was honestly…
  • Whenever I have killer challenges, I literally just put on the silly ghost face mask and show that I’m friendly, then I hit the hook and nod and the survivors literally line up in a row to be hooked. I’ve never had a killer challenge take more than 2-3 matches to complete depending on exactly what it is. I wish survivor…
  • ”Tunneling accepted by who?” The people that tunnel regardless if it is “deserved “ or not. “Offensive DS being complained about who?” The people that are being hit with a DS when they weren’t tunneling regardless if it is “deserved” or not. Both being “punished” regardless if they “deserved” it or not. Killers used to be…
  • So, there's alot to talk about here. I'm not sure if you're looking for a genuine discussion, as you seem to be making things a bit personal, and I'm not trying to argue or insult others if they don't play the role I play because frankly I feel it's rude and pointless to do so. But when it comes to a few points in your…
  • I agree with your take on DS one hundred percent. I acknowledge it's annoying but I don't think it's unfair or should be nerfed. If people chose to use it more offensive than defensive, there is value but also a risk, which is good. Anyways thanks for giving your two cents! Good luck in the fog !
  • The entire point of my post was about the hypocrisy in comparing it to the acceptance of tunneling. Throughout our conversation we’ve discussed a few different things, but I think the root of it is a disagreement on what is fair/unfair. So I’m assuming what I said earlier about your position was correct, that you believe…
  • Yeah, I am in agreement on not being a fan of these types of strats and I myself don’t use them either. But I think until these type of strats become against the rules, it’s safe to say they will always have a place in the game. And I do agree that many people acknowledge tunneling isn’t fun, and perhaps even boring as you…
  • Sorry if what I said came across to you that way, as that's not what I'm saying, let me try to clarify. In regards to statement 2) I don't believe I ever talked about how "nothing should ever be nerfed", because I simply don't believe that statement. Things that are game breaking, or blatantly unfair, such as old sabo when…
  • To be fair, if these perks do become meta then perk variety wasn't killed, as only DH was in the top 10% of survivor perks in the last stats. I understand if it's not a meta you really wanna deal with, I feel that way about gen regression as it feels like it's been the meta since the cob/eruption days. But for your joy of…
  • I can undertand this. On one hand it makes sense to want to get value out of a perk no matter how risky the play, on the other it's a slippery slope when the only thing players think about is optimization over anything else, as it can lead to the most "sweatiest" games. Unfortunately though, I think this mentality has long…
  • I think the last sentence really sums it up well and I agree with it. I'm not here to say that using DS offensively like this is fun. Many haved explained situations that it could be very frustrating to deal with. But the entire point of DS exsisting was to counter something that others also found very unfun and…
  • I'm sorry that happened to you, and I'm sorry you feel as if I'm "pretending". Many survivor mains view tunneling as toxic and unfair, and many killer mains view it as a viable tactic and strategy. Many people don't like tunneling or camping, and I would say everyone acknowledges that people don't like it, but they are…
  • I don't disagree with this. I believe that both sides have access to things that are very unfun for the other. This isn't new in my opinion either as unfun playstyles, perk combinations etc. have been around since the beginning of the game. If you want to say that nothing either side feels unfun should exist entirely, then…
  • Wow, times have certainly changed alot since then, crazy to see. Many of the examples he gave are very common in the game now, even to the point about the hypothetical scenario in which when a gen pops every other gen on the map is disabled for x amount of time haha. And about Blight, how he was surprised to think people…
  • I'm glad to see it hasn't bothered you. I think while having the potential to be annoying it isn't as "op" as many believe. It's nice to see someone that has experieneced it and knew it was manageable. Using DS offensively has its risks, as it should. Good luck in your future games!
  • I guess I just disagree. As in the game right now, any killer can tunnel someone out, and that individual is forced without a say in it, unless they preemptively equip an anti-tunnel perk to try to prevent something that the killer doesn’t even need a perk for. If someone should never be forced to endure something (like…
  • It’s very much a possibility the devs will “nerf” DS again if they see how it can be used more offensively than defensively and they aren’t happy with it. I do think the game is in a much different place then it used to be before DS was heavily nerfed, and I could see the benefit of introducing a type of play style like…
  • I’ve sortve explained my thoughts on using a worst case scenario as a justification for buffing or nerfing something in a previous reply, so I won’t go into a ton of detail here, but essentially I agree that if used correctly and with other perks, it can be a very good time waster, but I don’t agree that it is busted or…
  • I can clarify a bit by what I mean. So with alot of players that have been playing a pretty substantial amount of time, things like slugging and tunneling are generally accepted as being unfun, but fair. You'll find just as many posts about people complaining about it as people defending it. I myself have experienced this…
  • I appreciate this take. I agree that it's unfun to play against, as many things in the game can be, but I don't think that means it's broken or shouldn't be accepted as a valid strat.
  • I agree with this. If a person goes out of their way to weaponize DS then slugging is the counter, and shouldn't be complained about. I just disagree that it can't be used in any way that someone wants. My reason for this being 3 genning, tunneling, etc. valid playstyles that may not have been intended to be used they way…
  • Also sorry I accidently sent that mesage without finishing my reply. But on the post about the offering you mentioned, absolutely i agree it wouldn't be fair. I think the differnece is I don't think that this new DS gives as much value as the example you gave. I think even if played as efficiently as possible with the…