I used to be a lithe gamer when old dead hard was a thing. I have the proof on my YouTube channel. But ever since they nerfed dead hard now lithe has become “a problem” to these types of players. Hope they never nerf it because it was never complained about for years until dead hard got nerfed
yeah….sorry but no thanks
“A terrible statement? Certainly not.” Certainly yes
I played vs momo. Terrible experience
”just give the hatch?” when did i say that? The game has always allowed (since 2022) killers to close hatch when it’s a 1v1 and guard the gates after. Take the 3k and go for the 4th
yeah Idk about all of that. I can understand being annoyed when both survivors are hiding in lockers when it’s a 1v2. At that point do your thing. But if it’s a normal game and it’s a 1v2 I’m not gonna blame survivors for “conceding” because the killer wants to avoid the hatch. Thats on the killer. They are the ones…
I have more trouble facing spirit than Dracula. Hearing for me can be an issue sometimes
I think they will end up reverting him. It was a bad change. But it will be in January
how is it even possible to complain even when you win in a complete blowout
they said they were gonna do it, hope they deliver
My guess is that they probably will but in January. If the changes are really bad then yeah they will change him
Freddy is getting a rework and wraith is fine
yep everyone knows this perk is broken but ofc it’s fine because it’s survivors fault for not playing in a sweaty swf and bringing counterforce and leader
Only torment creek.
I tried explaining that to him….
neither one are fun for survivors. You don’t do anything on the hook and on the ground. “You can crawl” that doesn’t do anything to help if you can’t get up
that’s what you get when you play with dolls
I do wonder if they got rid of all gen progression perks for survivor how would that affect the game.
yep especially on maps like RPD which had the gens super close to eachother
I can’t believe I have to explain this to you but here we go. I just said that there are a lot of killers that can easily interrupt survivors on totems with their power or mobility. Doctor artist singularity are some examples. Not to mention that face the darkness also interrupts survivors and results in the progress being…
it takes 45 seconds for a totem to get cleansed, that’s not taking into account that there are multiples killers that can interrupt like doctor and the progress on the totem regresses to nothing. The gens also have to get done, people need to be unhooked and healed. The perk is broken and makes totems uncleanseable. But…
is this perk actually a problem? I never see any of my teammates bring it and I don’t own the character
he is gonna use the “your not high met like me” card💀
“At this point, why pick him over Billy or Wesker” Why would you pick any killer over nurse?
“Maybe y'all just need to get good against slugging and tunneling.” Lol
I think the game would be better if we didn’t have toxic survivors and toxic killers
“Maybe if the devs stopped punishing killers for hooking survivors by giving survivors tons of perks that work off of being unhooked” There are people in this exact thread that admit they tunnel at 5 gens. Blame people like them for it
claire Redfield
“The players aren't, because they're ultra casual, can't multitask, can't strategize, and if anything in the game is hard for them” Yeah the person that has stated before how there are no good killers in the game is saying how survivors are just terrible at the game. How ironic
thing is that it was a doctor. It makes sense if it was a killer with an alternate attack but with doctor it makes no sense
“You would basically be guaranteed to die if you got hooked in the end game except in the very unlikely situation that your teammate brought the perk” Yep because back then killers used to hit the person unhooked immediately. It was really awful back then
“What annoys me is I gave 4 solid counters which surprise surprise the majority who are complaining about TOTH are choosing to ignore it as it means they need to run Jill's perk Counterforce, a single perk btw which completely dominates full Hex builds instead of one of their many 2nd chances they run and have run for…
but the people on this forums say that it’s survivors fault so it must be…..
I think more killers counter it honestly
yep basically showing that he puts down players that he disagrees with
I saw tru3 call you a low level player for your take In another thread (which I disagree with). You should watch his video its hilarious but not shocking how wrong his take is on the thrill meta
blastmine is fine tho
They should make it do something else because the perk is garbage (just like how you said and I agree).
you right those were crazy times but not shocked since so many people are so hellbent on justifying everything that is broken towards their side
wglf got nerfed quick so that’s incorrect
play vs thrill of the hunt and you will see why
“The perk was already game breaking at 3 seconds.”-ds Skill issue
you already think killers can’t do anything💀
I remember the “just run detectives for noed” “run ds for tunneling” “run unbreakable soul guard no mither for slugging” “run object for weave”. Just annoying💀 Oh and who could forget, “run empathy for old eruption”. I would like to bring fun perks like Blastmine or fineness instead of having to run perks for a chance to…
“The increase of toxicity is mostly the survivors fault” Yeah ok
but that addon is used for camping which makes it a problem
“what is probably the last meta this version of him will see” When you put it that way…..damn
I went up vs this build two times. The first game I don’t count because the game was lost when someone gave up but the second game was vs a wraith and boy was it awful
your past comments are just “killer is a plaything for survivor” or “survivor op killer oppressed” so it is funny hearing you defend being unable to cleanse hexes as a survivor skill issue.
“When was the last time I had to sweat this hard only to get losses and draws over and over?” Because you probably crutched on the gen kick meta and overestimated how good u are.