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  • wensday may 15th 2024 this bug is still happening, fix please
  • sorry i forgot to remove the top of the example page i just copy pasted and added my stuff to it
  • where is the confirmation of this, ive been searching the forum for a hit minute now and cant find anything, the last thing for "major news" was the trail of torment update, and patch notes say nothing about vaults at all no previous bug fixes or current patching of vaults. would appreciate a link to it if u have 1
  • thats because kinship work only for u tho i do think it should be reworked to work on those on hooks near u instead making it a reliable team perk
  • if ur consistently getting facecamped bring kinship lets u stay on hook 16 seconds longer allowe ur team to gen rush if u can get as many gens done as possible u can easily 4 man escape even against a bubba face camping since the update is much harder and really punishes killers for face camping instead of pressuring gens
  • personally i think the mori's are unique to the characters and given how weak sadako is as is shes fine the way she is for now its also much harder to get a sadako mori, as for myers i dont think he should lose his addons outright but rather nerf them and in exchange for said nerfs other parameters should be buffed myers…
  • i only gave simple time suggestions i always leave the main part to the developer opinions i only suggest and give example of how i would like to see it i dont expect them to do it in the 1st place since its only a suggestion, they can change the numbers for what they see fit i only suggest a rework be done in the 1st place
  • i suggested a possible rework about a week ago for myers to be buffed but it also nerfs the perks folks are complaining about might be worth taking a look at and giving some thoughts on my suggestion, personally myers needs a double edged rework buffing his lack of map pressure and mobility but in trade for the buff…
  • yea i know theres an achievement but it could be altered if say u bring a mori or somthing or the achievement itself could be reworked as well idk its kinda hard to buff myers without nerfing him at the same time since his main gimmick is litterally 1 shotting survivors i think ghost face as is, is fine at least for right…
  • i thought spine chill didnt work on undetectable status
  • that makes no sense whatsoever cause as a killer i can do it to and i have good latency would also appreciate not getting responses from someone who isnt a mod or developer so that its not spammed with useless comments and it can get reviewed by someone who can potentially fix it as this wasnt happening a week ago
  • this isnt a post ur problems suggestion its a suggestion to fix the thing i mentioned go make ur own post
  • u say that but im a rank 14 killer getting full squads of discord using rank 2 players constantly so that assumption is inaccurate tho i get what ur saying but if its a strat then why is it reportable on the steam platform the fact is 1 in every 7-8 games i get camped or someone else does its just unreasonable and like the…
  • everyone who has responded more or less have been trying to rag on my ideology cause of how i feel about the game my rank dont matter my skills do while not polished does not matter i dont care what others say i made this post for the sake of taking comms into consideration not to have a petty argument or people trying to…
  • i dont know what swf is but this post wasnt about wether ur in a solo or a group, the point i made is for when its obvious to even the point that at the end of the game they admit to it, i dont like ruining the game with camping and stuff but when its clear they are ruining the game for me i start whipping out the dick…
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