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  • all ranks have been recorded too so that will all be in there
  • I just wish people would stop using streamers as examples of anything in the game (and I stream myself). Go off your own experiences in the game not what others do or appear to do. i'm sure there are plenty of great killers out there who don't stream and are relatively unknown. But I just wish people would stop taking…
  • doesn't bother me. I've not come across it all that much but when I have I have managed to down the one using the perk relatively quickly and then had the safety of knowing they cant be healed off the hook for a good while.
  • no worries :)
  • same, I have a SWF group and there are two in it that cant afford the DLC. But I wasn't first so understand ~:)
  • will do once ive got it up and running 100% and have even more data to put in. its all a mix of 2-4 man SWF
  • im currently recording survival stats of my SWF group. Ill have survival rates against each killer on each map and against which perks. Im at about 250 games at the min, still sorting some of the equations out but ill post the results soon
  • I get your point but the killer opening the gate ends the game for everyone, whereas some dumb survivor giving up on hook still allows the game to continue, just much shorter and easier for the killer. There no real way to level it out other than remove the option for survivors to unhook themselves which is never going to…
  • would watch if I wasn't stuck at work, but have fun!
  • I agree the lack of synergy with ALOT of perks now mean you are very limited to what you can use with Legion. But I do think they have to make it make sense across the board with the distinction between his power and a basic attack. Ideally id like to see some of his add-ons be reworked to work as replacements for the…
  • I agree, even if I find I'm heavily out skilled by survivors, I use it as a learning curve to not only improve as a killer but also as a survivor as see what loops they are using, what routes they take ect. Plus yeah sometimes in endgame things can turn around drastically. For me I don't need to be always 'winning' to have…
  • it'd be abused by killers wanting to de-rank though and not fair on 4 survivors who actually want to play a game
  • there is also the fact that ranks are skewed atm anyway. You being a Rank 4 survivor may be due to you facing rank 10+ killers over and over and easily double pipping. So a lot of killers are de-ranking due to facing higher skilled survivors and survivors are being boosted due to getting low skilled killers over and over.…
  • Yeah just do your best to avoid engaging with them as any criticism of the match a lot take as you 'attacking' them and bruises their ego. You do get some who are open and honest about unfair hits/glitches or 'unreasonable play' and will discuss it normally though. But if you do start getting 'ez' and 'git gud' comments…
  • yeah I also agree some of them look like good changes and definitely an improvement, some perks could do with a full rework though rather than just being buffed. However I would probably stray away from different levels of perks changing multiple values of the perks abilities as it just makes them overly complicated.…
  • On the surface yes this looks really bad. However the matchmaking has be skewed for a good while now and in the survivors favour. Those Rank 1-4 you are getting are probably actually purple-green rank survivors and have just been boosted to red due to facing lower rank killers over and over. Honestly as it stands at the…
  • lol I'm perfectly calm. Just pointing out your solution to a problem that isn't even a problem doesn't make any sense from BHVR's point of view or even the players. If you were giving suggestions on how to deal with the SWF issue, I'm sure you'd have just gone with - tunnel them, as you rarely lose. Rather than the…
  • in intended or not, what game company in their right mind would go out of their way to reduce their player base and tone their game down from AAA to niche cult classic with a smaller player base? They want the numbers, they want the money, they want to keep the game going strong.
  • as ive already said you can see all players names in game. it would take 30 max to invite the team to a steam chat/ps4 group and boom you now have an instant Survive with strangers group all on coms. It would actively encourage even more teams to be on coms than now as people would do it just to gain that advantage with…
  • ….you do realise people can see their team mates names in the game though right? so even if they don't know each other, it wouldn't take two seconds to invite them to discord/steam chat or a console group chat...….not as simple as you think really
  • matchmaking is awful at the minute but it is being addressed. Not sure what platform you are on but if you can get a group together of friends or people willing to help then you can do some KYF games to learn tips and tricks off them, learn the maps/perks and killers? I'm happy to help, I'm on all platforms
  • there probably are more SWF on console due to the nature of coms built in. But even so its 3 people who can talk...so what? It wont affect how good you are at chasing them down and how quickly you can get to a them hook. You've recognised its SWF before so you can adjust loadouts/perks accordingly - you see torches? use LB…
  • yes matchmaking can be screwed with SWF who are mixed ranks that I will agree on. However 2-3 gens can be done in 2mins easily even with all solo players - coms and SWF has nothing to do with this. It doesn't take a in coms tactical squad to figure out how to go through gens and sync your perks/items in pre game lobby…
  • if you have Iridescent Button add on for him I would recommend trying this loadout- Colorphobia, Thanataphobia, Unnerving presence and Pop also use the Legion Pin add on as well to keep them injured for longer. When I use this build I find people very rarely heal due to my map wide terror radius slowing down healing +…
  • what I think is needed is the Evader category should award points for % of chases throughout the match that you kept the killer running. So if you kept the killer running for 60% of all chases you would be awarded accordingly. Then you would get additional points for missed attacks, performing actions in the killers terror…
  • And sometimes you can eat it, depending where they DS. Yeah, if they are near a loops/pallets then it’s gonna add time, but by the time they have DS’d you should already know how good of a looper/survivor they are and just have to make a judgement call- spend time on closing the deal or let them go know DS is out the way…
  • Sure that works. Good strategy. All you risk is leaving DS till last, but you always had options on how to deal with DS. Like I said just how you deal with it.
  • ..... never claimed to be great/competent. However been on the receiving end of DS 1000’s of times and have had equally managed to down them within in seconds and completely loose them. Just never whinged about it as they used their perk smartly and I respect that if they get away.
  • It’s got its bugs as these updates usually do but it’s all good. I’m sure things will simmer down after a few days
  • but a competent survivor against a competent killer shouldn’t end up being more than 10/12 secs max. If a gen gets done in that time, well let’s be honest it would have gotten done anyway. It’s all about how you deal with it not the actual perk itself
  • I agree it’s more time wasted for the killer, but marginal amounts for a good killer. Yeah would be nice to see some end game changes 100%, would love to be able to shut that bloody hatch, but who knows what’s down the line
  • Totally, if your up against good & coordinated survivors then yeah your gonna have to bring your A game.
  • .... it really wasn’t. See an obsession and you don’t have an obsession perk, go for them first and get DS out the way early. If they save it, fair play. Again an extra 6/7 secs didn’t change much as much as most would like you to believe it did
  • i personally don’t believe in gen rushing. Survivors are doing their job, just deal with it accordingly, but yeah sometimes they start in good spots and the gens get done quicker than in other matches, but no perk is gonna change that
  • well if you have hit them 3 times before..... they clearly don’t. Or take the miss, go protect your gens let them heal and then see their aura for the rest of the match. It’s a one use perk, hardly a game changer
  • If they can get a few gens done in the space it takes me to hit someone I’ve already got 3 times before then I’d need to be looking at how bad IM playing the game
  • Don’t see the issue with it. So I have to hit them one extra time to get the down? Meh, if I can hit them 3 times I can do it again. plus I get to see their aura for the rest of the match if they heal.... bonus. Plus it’s another perk to mix up the meta
  • All of a sudden??? ...... you new here? 😜
  • Why do you need to unlock the 2nd tier you get the unlocables at set levels, so as long as you rack up the BP (again not hard)all you need to do is plough them into a character to level 45 and you have all 3 unlocked. Also it’s not depriving them as they are all still there to be bought, I didn’t even state a cost of…
  • True but unlocking perks isn’t exactly tricky these days. Plus not so powerful perks/ less popular would work out cheaper for them so again it would balance.
  • Not harder at all, if they didn’t own the perk and unlocked it they would now own it as it is now.
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