How was the penalty abused?
Honestly......y ou sound exactly like...... the same ppl you're complaining about loool.
The problem is it makes for a very boring match...... winning, losing, bp penalties aside...... its lame at that point even if you don't catch the hook.....
And if u came to see it and cared enough to comment there might be others so.
At the end of the day we are saying THIS IS NOT ENJOYABLE. Not even about winning and losing anymore just unenjoyable gameplay.
I guess everyone should just hide the whole match and the last one to survive has the CHANCE to hatch escape....... sounds like so much fun.... gtfoh.
Seems like a good idea. How could it be abused though?
The easiest way to fix this to me is the reverse the ban on leaving a match. If the killer can do this which by most ppls account ruins the experience and its ok because they forgo bp. It should be fine to leave and forgo bp the same.
So if we can punish these things with a reduction of points and say its ok. Why not be the same way about leaving a match?
For all those saying its part of the game. Leaving the match and conceding defeat is as well, its actually healthy...... its right there in the menu...... but there's a ban for that so go stuff yourself with that excuse........
but that would outright kill the fun of someone who mains killer because they arent like surv where u can loan one up with all the same perks and theyre basically a copy. All the killers are inherently different, and making it so one cant switch kinda kills wouldnt u say? I just hate the way devs leave players to "try to…
This right here is a gigantic problem. Players should not be faced with changes so drastic that their view of winning is just surviving as long as possible. No offense to original poster, and good for you that you can make it work for you, but the joy you mentioned matches described sound like poor thanksgiving, where ppl…
I honestly think they could have fixed ALOT of complaints AGES ago by simply implementing a ranked match mode and a casual mode. So ppl that want to play sweaty and be overchallenged can do so with ppl of like mind and be free. There will still probably still be many loss related complaints here but that goes with the…
Im a survivor main and i believe swf defeats the purpose of the game. If youre going to allow coms the only fair way is a proximity chat that the killer can hear you too if hes too close or youre too loud. Its a lot more realistic and reasonably fair. The way it is now its pretty much cheating tbh, because youre not…
The new matchmaking system ASSUMES that if you use a character often that you ARE good with them. This is not necessarily true as in my case where ive been playing 1 character for a while but that doesnt mean im really great, i just like playing that character. And now the experience is ruined because i can ONLY get…
The new matchmaking system is trash. I havent played an enjoyable game since. Just because you main with someone wont necessarily make you very good with them, you just like to play that character, until something like this comes along and ruins your experience.
I normally play survivor...... but when I DO play killer...... I pick Fred. He's not necessarily op without the right mix if perks imo. His initial power set is solid but still has some blaring faults without skill support. My builld for him is freakin incredible. Lvl3 nurses calling, lvl3 devour hope, lvl3 SURVEILLANCE…