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  • IMO it's just cheap and against the spirit of the game. A lot of killers do it just because they are afraid of not finding the hatch before the survivor, but, that's part of the game, the rush at the end trying to beat the opposing side to hatch. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, whatever, that's how games work. To me…
  • Franklin's wouldn't bother me if White Wards protected the items so that even if you lose your item for the match, you still get to keep it for next time. Just a mechanic that allows you to keep whatever item you brought in if you use a White Ward offering, and if anyone else tries to pick up that item in the match, they…
  • Being stealthy doesn't automatically = selfish playstyle though. I loooove my stealth build but I also nearly always have my highest match points in the altruistic or objective categories. I know I'm trash at extending chases, so staying hidden so I can go for saves while other people try to distract the killer has often…
  • Just re-logged in and instantly got the rewards. Thank you for addressing this, BHVR!
  • Just turned my console on and it started updating! ETA: Event is now live for me on my Xbox!
  • At the very least I wish they were being a little more transparent about what's going on. I'm disappointed I haven't been able to play the event at all today but the throwaway "Xbox update isn't ready we'll tell you more later" is really frustrating. Even if they don't have all the answers yet or can't give certain details…
    in Xbox Comment by nadjaghostdoll June 13
  • I mean, this is a nit-picky point to make but here I am anyway lol, but the issue of SWF vs SoloQ hasn't been here since forever, people used to not have the option to go into a trial already matched up with their friends.
  • I agree with randomizing items, add-ons, and offerings! I think that would be so much fun. My only thought would be to exclude special event items/add-ons/offerings. That way people aren't at risk of running out of something they can't get again (either ever or until the next version of that event comes out) in a way they…
  • I've experienced the same, most matches are all about slugging and excessive camping and tunneling. I assume it's because the new mode has a different pool of players which may affect MMR? In normal mode I only experience this kind of cheap play style on occasion and with killers who are clearly weaker or inexperienced…
  • The day universal in-game voice chat or w/e gets implemented is honestly the day I stop playing. SoloQ, the last stats I saw, still outnumbers the amount of SWFs, especially four-person SWF which is the smallest minority of survivors. I don't want a game catering to the playstyle of the smallest percentage of players. In…