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  • Bruh this game is literally easy to play as a survivor but as killer, devs made a good move on the ds nerf bc it was so boring and dumb playing killer which was cause every swfs I went against all had ds, bt,dh,and adrenaline which made me want to give up on it completely, and literally it's always the killers fault when…
  • I play survivor and tunneling can have some drawbacks which is why its dumb that swfs think it's bad when someone is getting tunneled however they fail to realize that the killer is commiting to a chase so much that you are given a window to do objectives and not 3 gen, when I play killer I chase a survivor for awhile and…
  • I Played as on and I went against a swf that ran dead hard, bt, ds, and object and they said their was no way I could find them and that I was hacking and then they were saying I was tunneling even tho I would just hook someone go back and the person would try to take a by hit so I would wait it out and hit them. I'm a…
  • Well I play survivor a lot and sometimes play killer but I just want to say that a toxic swf with a key should be changed just as much as moris which I thought since keys open hatch and you can have add ons to see the killer or survivors they should make it where it takes a little bit of time to open until it opens which…
  • I'm a survivor main and when everyone dies and it's just me i either find hatch and take the win or killer find s hatch and when they do I cant do anything except run the killer and die to endgame which I said to my friends they should make a mechanic that allows you to attempt to open hatch with a 4% chance and when your…
  • I just want to say this but swfs that run ds, unbreakable,soul guard, and dead hard or bt Im gonna have to tunnel and camp cuz I mean wut am I supposed to do. :( I'm a rank 9 killer that gets red ranks.
  • As killer I always let one go but when I'm going against a toxic swf I'm definitely gonna be toxic back but when we have a fair game I'll let on go and even moonwalk away just so they know I'm not a a**hole but other than that as survivor I'm always like maybe the killer is nice I open the gate and right as I got he knocks…
  • When you get looped for I minute and you haven't gotten a hit don't just commit to it and also your buying survivors time to get gens done so it's always best to chase a survivor if there taking you away from gens then that how you tell that there distracting you and also survivors get distraction points. Also it's best to…
  • Im just gonna say this I hate I mean HATE how I lose my rank just because I get tunneled an moried and I mean I can't do a gen and the killer obviously isn't gonna down another survivor anytime soon and another thing I hate how myers instead of trying to hit survivor he basically just stalks until he gets tier 3 and when…
  • Just to add on. Keep practicing looping and you won't need tall grass. Yes tall grass is good for hiding but there are pallets and windows and lockers, killers break pallets, vault windows really slow (unless the have fire up or brutal strength). The devs are trying to make the game overall even. The only problem I'll have…
  • I'm a big noob3 I actually learned and am now a excellent dbd player but how long he hasn't upload makes me worried and I just know this if he doesn't upload by next month then I don't know how much longer I can wait but I will try to keep my patience. But guys don't worry noob3 will upload soon.
  • I got called out for playing as nurse and I was using a add on where I can recall back to the position I was before I blinked and I'm really good at mind gaming survivors using it and I was playing with 2 rank 20s and they were calling me a hacker for knowing where they were and it's bc I used rancor. Oh and there…
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