The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • They have stated that you can't play the same killer.
  • I dont see the fact that there are killers who are stonger than others in chase as an issue. This couled actually create some power duos. A chase killer and a support killer. Imagine a Billy and a Trapper in the same team. Let's say that not the same rules apply like in the normal mode for some killer and e.g the trapper…
  • Haha np. But if there was a hide n seek mode things could work the other way around. When the timer reaches to 0 the doors automatically open and the end game collapse begins. Killers' actions, like hooking and killing would add to the timer and when this specific time comes all the survivors that are still alive, are…
  • Not quite a hide n' seek mode. Sure you can hide if you are at a bad position or when you want to escape a chase, but what i propose promotes engagement between the survivor and the killer. If for example 8 survivors are just hiding the timer will go to 0 and athey lose. So it's kind of a more fast paced, action-packed…
  • Of course and im not proposing a full rework. The duration and the cooldown of UW needs to be adjusted though. I would actually remove the scream and its animation part and would give the perk a full aura read, so that its DMS and totem cleansing synergies are removed. That would actually reduce it to a pure info perk. For…
  • Of course and im not proposing a full rework. The duration and the cooldown of UW needs to be adjusted though. I would actually remove the scream and its animation part and would give the perk a full aura read, so that its DMS and totem cleansing synergies are removed. That would actually reduce it to a pure info perk. For…
  • There is no such thing as an "infectious fright on demand". You can't have infectious on demand, when you have to work for it and down a survivor. It's not as simple as opening a locker. In addition they have to be in your terror radius in order to scream, when you down the survivor. UW follows you for 30 seconds. It is…
  • What do you even consider a nearby area? As other people have already stated, you are not facing competent survivors and there are a lot of red flags that point towards this. If you are facing an at least above average survivor before finding them and downing them, you will lose AT LEAST 1gen (you are using deadlock, but…
  • Yes there is a huge downside to dead hard. It is called consistency, or rather inconsistency. Most of these perks you describe share this. They are consistent..They will work 100% of the time when you need them.. E.g you are working on a gen on the first floor, or on a hill. You drop when the killer is close and balanced…
  • Yeah many players can reliably dh the slow attacks (lunge), but the quick attack is just not reactable even if you have godlike ping and the dh mini game that most people complain about start when they are close to the survivor. It is a gamble situation for both sides, whether people want to admit it or not and it is…
  • Eruption is strong against any survivor. Even if you had equipped aura perks that could track the injured survivor being chased and the killer at the same time for every second of the chase, you'd still would'nt be sure when they will be downed. So what is the best counter to eruption? To not work on gens affected by the…
  • I know it may sound crazy and i dont know if it has been suggested before, since i rarely visit this forum, let alone post ; But what if in every match a map layout was included somewhere on the screen, exactly like the ones found in dbd wiki like the picture that i included below. No tiles no nothing. It would show the…
  • Seems like your problem are the maps and not WoO..Looks like every map for you is The Game map, where a survivor has unlimited pallets that can predrop and there are no dead zones. In reality most of the maps do not have that many pallets and especially SAFE ones. You present it to be as if survivors have in their disposal…
  • Exactly. The reason it became one of the top used perks was the nerf to smithereens of great perks like ds, iron will, spine chill, base kit BT among others in conjunction with its buff, which finally made it useful. WoO is a great soloq perk that shows you which pallets have been dropped by your teammates.It is not going…
  • It is the act of forcing the killer to pick up a downed survivor so you can flashlight or flashbang save them. The most common one is the pallet CJ tech. It is mostly done after stunning the killer with a pallet and having the downed survivor on the pallet side of the killer. After the pallet stun you vault the pallet so…
  • Even if bhvr supposedly balances dbd top down, it is still not a competitive game and it will never become one. -You dont need bans in competitve game genres. For example in fighting games 99% of the time in tournaments there are no bans. So bans wouldnt make dbd more of a competitive game. -There is no official dbd…
  • I started playing DBD with a friend in late 2018 (mostly survivor).We played quite a bit back then,but we took some long breaks from the game since then.In the end of last year we started playing the game again,almost everyday, for about 2-3 hours and we have been having fun. The last 2 months though the game has become so…