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  • IT part 2 has made over $1 billion dollars at the box office. If we're getting anything from a steven king novel it's going to be the clown, it just makes too much sense in comparison to anything else at the moment.
  • Honestly they should have put their work on dedicated servers to just improving the P2P networking to the best of their abilities, and implementing lockouts and punishments for DC's. I'm sure with time they will get the servers to a decent place, but you're still going to experience things that feel terrible on both sides…
  • The stats of how many teams are 2-3-full SWF through the ranks to rank one, and maybe their survival rates in comparison to solo survivors.
  • Currently in the new legion design attacks, and pallet stuns drain FF power. Can you guys look in to decreasing this a bit as it currently feels a bit punishing to just play the game as intended now?
  • I meant to post this in the PTB Feedback. I'd greatly appreciate it being moved there by a CM if possible. Thank you.
  • Actual discussion going on, and it isn't a bait topic. But thanks for bumping the thread I guess.
  • I've done a write up over in the suggestion section with some of my ideas added to it. If you'd like to go over there, and support the feedback if you agree, that'd be wonderful! Here's the link: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/post/editdiscussion/59500
  • I'm playing in red ranks. It's not that bad, and just a few things need to be tweaked, and I think we'll be in an overall decent spot.
  • Top tier might have been a little bit far, but he's certainly mid to high-mid. He's no where near Freddy, and if you think they are on the same level or is below than you are out of your mind friend.
  • The power draining from hits, and pallet stuns definitely needs adjusted, or to go completely. The stun black out also could use a bit of a reduction if not completely removed. I don't really see why it needs to exist at all when the normal stun is usually enough to disorient most middle tier skilled players. I wasn't…
  • @Emeal Sprinting at a survivor, and stabbing them twice in a row is any different than sprinting at a survivor hitting them, and then canceling your sprint to hit them again? Hmm.... It's literally the same. You can also still use Franks to spam FF if you want, so it's the best of both worlds...
  • Yep, because I have nothing better to do with my time than to masquerade on a forum just for fun. Come on friend, I literally explain why I feel the way I do, and that's the best counter you've got for it? To just accuse me of being a survivor in disguise? Big yikes.
  • Imagine thinking a post is ILLOGICAL because it doesn't coincidence with your opinion on something. Listen friend, I think you need to learn what illogical means, I've given a fully detailed response post as to why I feel the way I do. Why not just refute the points with evidence of your own, or do you not have any?
  • Tracking is vastly improved even without bloodstains during FF because of the increased terror radius. You can actually mind game pallets due to the speed increase fom 110-115%. Deep wounds isn't worthless even though it was a common thought to think that it would be due to the changes. People NEED to heal it, or they'll…
  • All these epic this is a troll post comments are really adding to the discussion well done! I guess I expected a bit too much from this forum thinking there'd be an actual discussion instead of just "ThIS iS a TROll PoST!" pepega responses.
  • Once again instead of constructively commenting on my points, and explaining why I'm wrong, you just insert "le epic maymay". Big yikes friend.
  • Undervaluing faster walk speed, and longer power duration. Obviously it's not Nurse/Billy tier, but they are high to mid tier now which is better than they are on live.
  • @fluffybunny The pallet timing does feel weird now, but I'm not sure if it's a bad change or if the animation just needs a bit of tweaking now that it's slower. I'd be alright with them keeping it if they adjust the animation, but I certainly wouldn't mind them bringing back the old speed. @Mellow7 Instead of just crying…
  • The new Legion is amazing unless you play him like the current live version of legion. If you spammed FF hits, and tunneled one survivor then you're going to have a bad time. If you actually play Legion how it's intended you are going to slay. I've been getting consistent 4Ks on PTB all day, and the changes feel absolutely…
  • Another who has actually seen the light. It's absolutely refreshing, and I'll be really disappointed if BHVR caves to any of the actually tear shedding.
  • Well where to start... Tracking is vastly improved even without bloodstains during FF because of the increased terror radius. You can actually mind game pallets due to the speed increase fom 110-115%. Deep wounds isn't worthless even though it was a common thought to think that it would be due to the changes. People NEED…
  • EDIT - Accidental double post
  • The new Legion is amazing unless you play him like the current live version of legion. If you spammed FF hits, and tunneled one survivor then you're going to have a bad time. If you actually play Legion how it's intended you are going to slay. I've been getting consistent 4Ks on PTB all day, and the changes feel absolutely…
  • It's a time waster, and a free first hit killer. He's more than fine, and I say this as a Legion main.
  • The new Legion is amazing unless you play him like the current live version of legion. If you spammed FF hits, and tunneled one survivor then you're going to have a bad time. If you actually play Legion how it's intended you are going to slay. I've been getting consistent 4Ks on PTB all day, and the changes feel absolutely…