I'm not sure I didn't look but I have stopped losing them now so that issue went away
Yes I am having that same issue as well if I'm one pip away from next rank,it show I ranked down even though I didn't.As for the pip problem I am no longer losing them so idk what happened
Also BT/DS isn't much of a counter it only buys the survivor a few seconds it's not a true counter alot of killers will just leave you on ground and wait out the DS as for BT in alot of the situations it won't even activate like If you're a freddy as killer and the survivor is in dream state
Tunneling is camping,killers who pretend to leave the vicinity and linger around the hook just to come right back and down the survivor without any chance to flee away is camping/tunneling
Nurses require alot of skill,I respect good nurses because majority of them are just god awful
I don't waste my time correcting words you easily see what I'm trying to message,but nice way to deflect from the obvious point
If it's so called not op then why does every good killer run it???? Do you read your mesgs or are you just that dense? Alot of times you're screwed due to that perk consider when trying to get a single gen done with two survivors left?
How is it not an op perk? It does two things,guess what if a survivor wants to brink a token building perk that's all those perks do is stack that's it
You're running bbq and chilli shut up
Get better quit crying
Why don't you stop writing like a douche and realize how pretentious you sound on a game chat forum
Have a friend play on your account
Listen wether you like it or not,you just arnt a good killer,get better
Then why can't survivors see the killers before the match begins? The double standard is ridiculous,how many one hit killers are there where healing is pointless? Killers need to quit crying
Run Franklin's then,there are ways to counter everything so stop the crying
If you're going to main Trapper,I suggest patrolling 3 close gens and trapping that area,that's what I do when I use him,I main pig and get 4k all the time so ignore the whiners,yes you will get gen rushed by swf teams that's just the facts but saying you can't win at all,suggests you need to get better.
I think everyone is missing the point here,it doesn't matter if you are good or not the fact is this game has wayyyy to many issues.Bad hits through pallets is still an issue yet they supposedly patched this.I don't mind getting beat by a good killer,I just want the hits to be fair,I know killers are struggling still…