Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Aura reading perks are the absolute worst thing BHVR has in this game. It wouldn't bother me at all if every single aura reading perk on both sides were removed and there was never another one.
  • I can completely understand that. I won't pretend to claim there aren't times certain things happen that annoy me. I am just saying I am not going to claim those things are unfair just because I don't like them. If people aren't cheating in some way or breaking the rules they aren't doing anything unfair regardless of…
  • I am always bewildered by this type of thought process. It doesn't matter which side it comes from. - The other side is doing something I don't personally like. They aren't breaking any rules. They aren't hacking. They aren't cheating in any way. The thing they are doing is 100% allowable. However, since I don't like it I…
  • 100% yes to all your points here. I just got out of a match with a Bubba, myself, one level 79 survivor, and 2 100 level survivors. Survivor 1 got hooked. 10 to 15 seconds later Survivor 2 unhooked them. Survivor 2 was instadowned the moment they took survivor 1 off the hook. Survivor 2 was hooked on the same hook. At that…
  • Chaos shuffle mode is what this game should have been been the start
  • As a survivor main I used to think ghost face was incredibly op. I struggled against ghost face like no other killer. I started watching streamers and realized there's lots of survivors that don't struggle against ghost face nearly as much as me. I was forced to realize that probably meant the issue wasn't so much ghost…
  • I had never had this happen until yesterday, and yesterday I was in 3 separate matches - all Autohaven - where I kept walking up non existent bumps in the ground. That wouldn't be so bad except for the fact it caused me to either slow down significantly or maybe even stop for a fraction of a second each time I ran into one…
  • If I could make a change to the way perks are handled it would be this. Modify the recent event (I forget the name) where you were assigned random perks at the start of a each match. Instead of that allow each player to select a pool of 20 potential perks. At the start of each match you are randomly assigned 4 from your…
  • That's exactly what I was thinking. The only reason distortion is a valuable perk is because there are lots of killers that run builds where they are constantly popping aura readings throughout the whole match. If distortion gets changed in a way that it's no longer useful against that kind of killer then it's simply no…
  • The moment I stopped playing 2 vs 8 was my favorite moment for that mode
  • The hackers I see the most are killers that know where every survivor is every moment of the match. They just run directly from survivor to survivor. They don't search. It's obvious they know where every survivor is at all times. Then after the match you look and they have played no perks to reveal auras of any type.
  • 2 vs 8 mode amplifies the biggest issue of playing survivor. The majority of survivors either don't play this game with escape as their objective or they have no clue how to do so.
    in 8 survivors Comment by satx3241 July 28
  • It's zero fun to me. I'm a survivor main and the thing I hate most in this game is getting paired with bad survivors. Being paired with double the amount of bad survivors is maddening.
  • 100% agree with this. The majority of the time I go against a Sadako they are ultra sweaty. I couldn't begin to guess why that is. I've pretty much learned going against a Sadako is very likely not going to be a fun game. But I to my best and just move to the next one
  • Unless you're playing as part of a 4 man swf this is not even remotely a team game. Survivors may all have a common enemy, but that does not make them a team. As a matter of fact I would say the majority of the time other survivors are either 1) unintentionally working against you just by playing selfishly or 2) will very…
  • Can.a dev or a mod tell me what I need to do? I am still getting the same initialization error on my PS4 and PS5. I even have a Nintendo switch that has DBD and can't get the game to fully load there either. I'm not having any issues with any other online game I play on any of those systems.
  • No luck deleting and reinstalling. Any other suggestions would be appreciated
  • I've deleted on the PS5 and reinstalling. Hopefully that does the trick.
  • It is pretty sad that this is the way a new mechanic was chosen to be added to the game. Regardless of the official branding weaving spiders is 100% a killer perk.
  • As a survivor main I agree with you. Far too often you see survivors performing unsafe hook rescues. If other survivors are pulling you off the hook while the killer is still relatively close you can't blame the killer for taking the gift dropped in their lap by other survivors doing stupid things. Maybe the end result is…
  • As a survivor main I just wish I got paired with the survivors that make this killer build necessary. In the majority of my matches the survivors I'm paired with wouldn't make even one gen regression perk necessary.
  • Translation: this person intentionally plays in a way they know sabotages the other survivors and doesn't care
  • I read that the same way you did
  • Yes. Especially this portion of what you said: "This is why survivor matches fall apart so much. I sometimes see killers wishing they had teammates, but that feeling would soon go away after they had lost their tenth match in a row because of their teammates screwing things up for them." That is the reason I cringe so much…
  • I think a better way to say it is the basement is the most easily defended part of the map. The moment a survivor is hooked in the basement it can easily become the most dangerous place on the map if the killer wants to make it so.
  • As a survivor main I agree with everyone you said in this comment
  • Almost every match for me
  • I absolutely agree with you. If you took the percentage of skilled killers versus the percentage of skilled survivors I think the killer side would have a much larger number. That is exactly why I think survivors are their own worst enemies, and often times the best perk any killer could have.
  • As a survivor main there was a time I would do that. As with all things though there are people that will take advantage of it. I had one too many times where I let a killer hit me only to have them hit exposed right before hitting me and then taking me to hang me. I don't mind playing casual, but trying to play nice in…
  • The killer try hards that I don't get are the ones that will slug the 3rd survivor to go find the 4th when there are still 4 or 5 gens left. That isn't to say it's wrong. I'm not saying it shouldn't be done. I do understand the last survivor might get the hatch. It's just a level of sweaty I don't think I am capable of…
  • I thought pretty much the same thing when I was watching this guy, but I wouldn't doubt in the least that there are a lot of both survivors and killers that think they are doing something when they do these things
  • I wouldn't doubt in the least that is happening. I saw a ghostface main on tiktok awhile back that specifically said he farms every few matches and will frequently give the last survivor the hatch because he doesn't want the data to make it look like ghostface needs to be nerfed. If there are killers doing things in an…
  • I don't know what you'd call it but there is one perk I would play every match as a survivor if it existed. Anytime any survivor blows a skill check, including myself, their aura is revealed for the next 10 seconds to the killer while all other survivors have their auras, scratch marks, and noises hidden for the same…
  • The recent updates to Blight and Billy have resulted in a lot of very similar matches for me. If you get paired with even one survivor that is new, goofing off, or just not good against one of them it's nearly impossible to win. Get paired with more than one and the match was over before it began.
  • I know not everyone agrees on this topic but as a survivor main there are times I intentionally die on the first hook, or at least try. Was in a match just a little bit ago where I was the first survivor chased. I gave the killer a decent run. During that time none of the other 3 survivors touched a gen, a totem, or…
  • Therein lies the reason it's impossible to give this game balance. There's such a huge difference between a 4 person SWF team and solo survivor that any attempt at balance is going to leave one group at a disadvantage. Make killers only strong enough to compete with solo survivors and they are at a distinct disadvantage…
  • The first thing I would say is there are two types of stealth players. There are those that play selfish and those that don't. It has been my experience I am much more likely to escape as a survivor if I get paired with teammates with different styles of play unless one of those is the selfish stealth player that is just…
  • It's the same problem this game has always had. Balance. However, I don't think the issue with balance is between killer and survivors as much as it is just among survivors. All it takes is one bad or selfish survivor to make a match a guaranteed loss for all survivors. That goes double against a killer as powerful as…
  • Survivor has become increasingly more miserable for me. I don't put the time into this game that so many others do. That means when the game experiences a change to make things more balanced it's going to be a net negative for me because they aren't balancing for the person that plays just a few matches per week. They're…
  • I would love to see something done with matchmaking. It's my biggest gripe about this game. As a survivor main the difference between a good game and a horrible game comes down to teammates. Get paired with decent teammates and you'll have a fun game with at least a chance of escaping. Get paired with bad teammates and it…
  • My thoughts on that are this: It's amazing how so many people whether killer mains or survivor mains think anything that helps their side is needed and if you don't agree you're wrong and just need to learn to play better. Anything that hurts their side was unfair and if you don't agree you're wrong and just want an easy…
  • Yes. This. As a survivor main I won't try to analyze points on the killer side. But as a survivor I can do a totem, or pull someone off the hook in a fraction of time that it takes to complete a generator. Yet I'll get roughly the same amount of points for any of those actions. I firmly believe that's why you see so many…
  • DS is the one perk that most people find very strong that has simply always been a negative for me. I've tried many times just because I constantly see people talking about how great it is. Almost every single time I've used it it's led to being tunneled out of the game immediately. While other people obviously have much…
  • I wish I got paired with the survivors you see in your games. As a survivor main I'm rarely in a match where I don't see other survivors blow skill checks at least a couple times. I would even go so far as to say in just my personal experience that missed skill checks are the most costly mistakes I see survivors make on a…
  • That's actually not the issue. Even that though it says you would still get character names. I'll not getting any at all
  • I was looking for something like that. If it's there I'm missing it somehow.
  • Completely blank. Checked anonymous mode and it's turned off. I can't figure it out.
  • Would have been nice. Been disconnected once myself tonight
  • Here's the way I look at it. When I'm playing this game as a survivor I'm playing to escape. Period. If someone else is not playing with the goal of escaping that's their right. However, that means they don't care that they're working against me and anyone else trying to escape. So if people that aren't playing to escape…
  • I agree. It would be frustrating enough if I was just being kicked out of matches. It makes the frustration all that much worse though when the game itself tells me it's the dedicated server and I still get penalties.
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