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  • Addition to the post about going in naked. Went in naked and ear blind with music blaring. Match didn't go well but i was more interested in chainsaw sprint ritual and goofing around. Results? I had fun, got in one chainsaw attack and two hooks. I went in a level 10 killer with nothing and even added streamers for fun.…
  • Killer Challenge: for the sake of testing yourself, go in with no items, perks, addons at all. Ignore how many kills you get and be proud that you challenged yourself and did a match without items.
  • The game is designed for Killers to carry the match and make the challenge. Killer add ons and perks are to adapt to odds of a 4 on 1 game and make it challenging and exciting for the survivors. Do a one month study giving the killers ability to see Survivor level and items. If they use it to stomp matches then point…
  • Refreshing so killers who are new and want to have fun and get better instead of whine and Bob Itch can find a place to go instead of seeing a Ghostbusters II sized river of moaning panty wasting fly maggots with nothing better to do than make the worst of someone elses hard work. From a Horror movie fan who never played…
  • Give back when you can but don't encourage bad behavior. I go survivor every now and then and if gens are popping way too fast i find the killer and let them have me. If i do my gens and see the killer is having trouble or getting trolled i let them have me. If i mind my own business, haven't run into the killer all match…
  • Killer Tip for positive thinking: You are what makes the game fun. I get frustrated too when i get the SWF all red high level survivors who are going to purposely make the match an insult for you. Don't waste your time or energy complaining or crying or even trashing them. Take a deep breath and remember You are what makes…
  • What is your code of Ethics when encountering a Survivor you are friends with? Me i save them for last if possible or at least be sporting
  • The goal of Killers in the Clubhouse is to get better and have fun. We understand survivors can be unnecessarily frustrating but we want you to learn to be positive. Holding onto frustration over a video game is only going to make things worse and then where are you? Stuck with a game that you are miserable at and paid…
  • Thank you for everything and all the hard work.
  • Same, Thank you very much for the Bloodpoints and all your hard work. This is my favorite game.
  • The Coward Test/Sad Survivor You stomp a match ( and believe me new killers one day you will be stomping matches ) and decide you want to have mercy. These two scenarios have happened to me One Hooked one on shoulder: i go to the hooked and wait so the shoulder survivor can wiggle free and save the other. They wiggle free…
  • Refresh to keep visible for new killers and experienced ones: Howdy Folks! If you are a New Killer to the game and would rather improve your skill and have fun than complain and quit, come on in! Scroll up and see hints, tips and strategies or feel free to ask a question. If you really need help Dead By Daylight also has…
  • Favorite Horror Movie Killer? Not concerned about who would make a good addition to the game just who are your favorite Horror Killers? Part of what drew me to the game was being a Horror fan. I am a big Jason Voorhees fan but when i saw this game had a variety i went with my total Horror love over an individual character:…
  • Result: Huntress and 4 survivors spin dancing Was really funny, next time i want to try and get to the saloon and have a Saloon party
  • In fact, imma do one too!
  • Kind Killer Recognition: not sure if its a trend but i have seen 3 kind killers in 6 days. These Killers are mid rank and just politely let survivors do gens and leave. Maybe that ideal of paying it forward really does exist? It's nice to see and makes me proud to be a Killer Main
  • What's the fuss?: to me the mark of a good killer is when you can see the common complaints flooding the market and wonder what the fuss is all about. I'm playing the same game and same characters and abilities and enjoy the product. Is this what gaming culture is? I'm a moderate gamer from the Nintendo tribe so it all…
  • Positive Energy: we all get frustrated from time to time and the discussion board is mostly negative feelings so i want to encourage positive energy and how to make your gameplay fun. Me personally i am not a very serious gamer and have fun playing the game and even take the bad stuff in stride, in fact even better thanks…
  • New Killer Tip/Challenge: Background music If you have a headset with a splitter or other means to listen to music i recommend it depending on your mindset it can have some benefits 1: get pumped and ready for the match 2: lower the music volume to being almost inaudible so it won't distract from game sounds, i have a…
  • New Killer Tip: Tease those pallets, pump the brakes so you don't get hit then destroy New Killer Apologies: had a survivor match for the Archive and a new Clown got a no kill :( if i didn't need to survive for the challenge i would have let them get in some practice and a kill.
  • New Killer Fun: Deathslinger If you aren't getting the hang of him yet, try to at least have fun human fishing. At best i get 2 out of 4 kills and sometimes none but for me it's just fun to use him. The key to any killer for me is making them fun for yourself. Over focus on scores can make you salty but if you at least…
  • New Killer Fun: that awkward moment when you switch to survivor and it's the people you killed
  • New Killer Tip: Difficulty shift As you know or will learn depending on your region there is a time when matchmaking really piles on the difficulty, use this as a chance to try your most devastating perk and addon builds
  • Awesome! and lots of respect for being a Nurse main. I didn't have the patience, discipline, talent to get good so i always have a lot of respect for those who give her the time to get good.
  • New Killer Lament: Doing archive and really want that Mr. Puddles suit and i am all out of killer missions and have to do survivor ones instead...makes me feel bad when i have to survive and a new Killer is left without a single kill...
  • New Killers Campground easy tip: When archives are open you might be able to double up bloodpoints doing a ritual that also allows the archive to be completed
  • Howdy Killers, just checking in. Remember Campers is a survivor term, at the end of the day it's a tactic that works. Even experienced killers could run into a match against 4 swf survicors perked to the max and see the gens popping off and say " time to find one and camp"
  • To try and stay positive i will say Killers have a fairly common practice of mercy games. When a match is just a squash Killers might suddenly give the last two survivors a chance to recoup, not out of survivor rules or obligation but out of personal choice. Like anything in the game you are just as likely to get a…
  • Huntress, Clown and Hillbilly are my 3 mains. I am still with it because to be honest i still have fun playing the game and killing survivors.
  • Howdy, To start off with " HAVE FUN " is going to be a very important mantra to repeat to yourself. If you're not having fun you're doing it wrong. Try not to think about rank. In general focusing on one survivor is bad for the score but it can be very satisfying if you catch a trouble maker. Use tactics that work, even if…
  • NEVER! but real talk, only you can decide what you do with your hard earned Moris' don't let the opinion or feelings of others matter. Remember that maxxed out perk heal/gen/sabo rush is always one match away, and they will not give as much thought about respect.
  • As a numbers man i started with three mains, once they were prestiged and back to 50 i would pick another to work on. Now i work on all killers so i can make the most of archives and rituals
  • Here Here! To Fun and Killin and Bow legged Jake!
  • I Just had one of those! Wasn't so bad actually i was clown so i could smoke them out. Hooked everyone at least twice but they were maxxed out high ranks so it was serious work to get two completly sacrificed. Still fun, i wonder how they felt getting found and hooked all the time
  • My first long distance Hatchet on a moving target that downed the survivor
  • Hate most would be displeased entity...i don't care for your opinion you fat elder god reject i am trying my best here and doing all the work while you watch me and scream drums into my ear! Everything else i take in stride but that pointy jerk can keep their feelings to themselves and not add salt to my wounds, lucky…
  • They just need to add more Killer rituals and less survivor ones. That way even if a killer is up against an unfair advantage the high rank will be spending more on a match with their resources and the killer will earn more since a killer needs to spend more to make a match even. If i am going to hit 5 matches in one night…