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  • I only thought about that after I wrote this. I was annoyed. Look at my other posts, and you'll see I usually do
  • That's a pretty good and interesting idea to have healing cure status effects. I'd be interested is seeing how that looks
    in H Comment by yeeeitsdustin August 2023
  • Inner strength is the most popular one for 2 reasons: First, it's a base game perk that any survivor can unlock. Second, it's sometimes more efficient than healing with a medkit. The reason why we shouldn't reduce how they perform is because they already aren't good at the moment. They can only heal you once unless you use…
    in H Comment by yeeeitsdustin August 2023
  • But the survivors completed their objective. They should be rewarded for doing so. Also, it can only activate one time per match, and only if all gens get done, so it's not a problem
  • Yeah I liked when Terminus could counter it but now it doesn't :(
  • Well MFT is not earned and is a stupid perk. As for your noed argument, the survivors objective is to do gens. That's how they get to the endgame. The killers objective is to stop that from happening. Hence why Adrenaline rewards overall good gameplay and noed rewards overall bad gameplay
  • Yes but that can even be countered in many different ways. There's gen regression perks to keep gens at bay, gen slowdown perks that either slow down the speed of gens or block them, and slugging if everyone is staying injured.
  • If you read the first part of the changes, I mentioned that those addons need to be changed. Whether they're able to be changed or not, this is all just a theoretical suggestion. Just pretend those addons went away, then imagine these buffs for him
  • Yeah I know. I think BHVR needs to change some things about rng. Not too much of it so there's still unpredictability every match, but a situation such as this one or a situation where all 4 survivors are spread out and spawn next to a gen should not happen. Both scenarios can easily lose the other side a game.
  • Look at the bottom of the 1st paragraph. This is for fun. It's a concept that I'm trying to get feedback on.
  • Look at the bottom of the 1st paragraph. I know they can't do anything with him. I'm posting this as a concept idea for feedback.
  • I see what you're getting at with referencing Eruption. However, with Eruption, the survivor literally couldn't do anything but unhook. With Decisive, it would only take away the power from the killer, and for only 10 seconds. The killer could still down a survivor and hook them. There's a difference between what Eruption…