Fanboi Time
Chapter 14 is Stranger Things and I'm hyped, but I'm going to firmly plant myself in the Hellraiser ring. I will die on this hill and I encourage others to as well. That being said, Clive Barker characters are just BEGGING to be added. So is it just an issue obtaining the rights, or something else?
Idea for Legion
As he stands, many consider legion bottom of the barrel and for good reason. His power cannot under any circumstance down a player unless they just don't even care about deep wounds (had one just last match, first ever in weeks). Maybe his add-on rework (the buttons) will help, maybe not, but we'll see. For now though, any…
What to do about our M1 killers
As it stands, we all know the tier list for good and bad killers. Just about every game, especially around single digit ranks, you can bet you'll be against Spirit, Nurse, Billy, or maybe even a surprise Huntress. The same old same killers are starting to wear on most survivors, but pick anyone else against decent players…