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  • That's a very good point. We can't just cater to the M1 killers, but we also can't ignore that they're in an awful spot right now. Without some help, we'll continue seeing the same four or five killers again and again because that's the way you win (unless the survivors aren't very competent).
  • There's no other game out there quite like this. If I want to relax and farm some points, I can play survivor or killer and chill. If I want to win, I can actually try and be successful based on my skill verses the killer or survivors (sometimes, I'm rank 12 on both). I'm also a bit sadistic apparently. I don't trash talk…
  • Thank you! I can agree that we need something that doesn't make hex ruin and noed required for m1 killers to be successful, and to give survivors some variety, but then the issue becomes what can MOST survivors and killers agree on is fair? Of course there will always be complaints no matter what is done, but what will get…
  • It's actually fairly balanced these days for me. 2.5 Killers are SUPPOSED to be the dominant force in this game. Survivors are meant to struggle a bit considering they have no way to "down" the killer. The pace of the game should always be dictated by the killer as they're the reason for the struggle in the first place.…
  • If they are indeed optional objectives, then there should be no complaints about NOED or Ruin when it's entirely up to survivors if the perk exists or not. But we see a huge number of complaints about these perks being "OP" anyway. So they're either optional and survivors complaining are just lazy, or they're secondary…
  • I'm not sure what you want then. Do totems. You get blood points, emblem, and get to dodge/mess with (hopefully) the killer. Not even trying to is on you, not the game. Though I want some sort of mandatory second objective to complete gens before the gates will open (gas to power them, parts to fix them properly, idk) to…
  • On that note, there's no point in complaining about NOED or Ruin when you flat out refuse to do totems. They're meant to be a secondary objective and ignoring them is on the survivors. (Not pointing you out specifically, just those that complain about Hex perks)
  • That being said, a mandatory second objective should be added to aid M1 killers and add more suspense/fun for survivors. It's no fun for either side to have two gens done when playing as the pig (or another M1) before you even get a glance at a survivor
  • Just get rid of the totem, do the secondary objective. Ignoring it and powering through gens is the OPPOSITE of what you're supposed to do.
  • Lightweight is useless to me strictly because you're wasting time on stealth these days. Unless you run iron will, no mither, lightweight, and distortion the killer will ALWAYS have a way to track you. At that point though, you're squandering your potential in helping the team.
  • Lightweight is currently the worst to me. At any rate, spirit fury isn't broken unless paired with enduring and at that point they're expecting to be looped to hell and are playing m1 killer. I can also agree MoM was nerfed a bit too much, especially since protection events are finicky at the best of times.
  • It's not about being good or not, it's that he's annoying to deal with much like the Doctor (the doctor is a better killer, but only mid-tier). Survivors have killers they hate dealing with, but that doesn't mean they're good is the point. It's also not that he's awful, he's just currently at the bottom of the list as in…
  • Honestly I'm just happy with getting THREE new characters. Balancing comes with time, and we can finally get something new and refreshing going soon. I'm excited no matter the perks
  • I actually like that idea a bit more. Maybe also remove the ability to complete mending even if the timer runs out (you start mending with 14 seconds left, takes 15 seconds to mend, you go down without a friend's help [takes 10 seconds with help])
  • 2 arms, 2 legs, a head, can walk upright. Still humanoid I'd say. If it can or can't be on all 4's is irrelevant.
  • It didn't need to be so broken that it gave you a free hit either.
  • Ahh, yeah that's no bueno. Hadn't thought of that actually. Maybe a sudo M&A then? Make his terror radius about the same as the Huntress' outside of the chase, then standard 32m during? Something along those lines to prevent tunneling but give his power that bit of oomph it needs.
  • Why not? Trying to facilitate discussion, not just "yes" or "no".
  • I didn't say bring back low cd for missed attacks, lower the bar for repeated hits (tunneling), or any such thing. How is what I suggested old Legion?
  • That's not gen rushing. Gen rushing is just a term for survivors that ignore totems (or healing), focusing on nothing but gens, and complain about NOED. Also for M1 killers that have 2 gens done before they even see a survivor.
    in Gen rush Comment by Accorn August 2019
  • It's confirmed 2 seperate survivors. The number of perks doesn't matter, but what they do.
  • I subscribe to the mantras of other killers. No rules, no code of honor, my job is to kill/sacrifice. As long as I don't use exploits, cheats, or anything like that it's fair game. If a survivor is always around to flashlight me when I down someone, I might "tunnel" them to get rid of that threat. If the doors are open and…
  • Oh I just want a perk or general buff to legion. If he inflicts deep wounds, sprinting drains the timer.
  • So you'd rather be 100% undetectable when the spirit uses her power? Maybe the moving grass is a bit much, but without the rest there'd be no point in using her power.
  • Do the bones and you don't need to worry about NOED. It's a non-issue unless you decide to just run by the totems you see while doing gens, cause we know you see at least one or two just at the start of the game.
  • The balancing is fine honestly. Survivor perks get nerfed because they're sometimes OP (old DS, MoM, etc.) Killer perks don't get nerfed directly, but indirectly. SB on Wraith is useless because of the changes long ago, for example.
  • Already announced that they're two separate characters
  • I would add a small, but mandatory second objective before gens could be completed. Such as finding a gas can to fill them up. As in you can work on gens, fully repair them, but they won't power the doors until they have fuel. Probably make one can enough for all 5 gens. Something to slow down the game so it isn't 7…
  • I think it's honestly fine as is. If you're worried about NOED or wonder if a killer has it, pop totems. There, they absolutely don't.
  • Dunno what's been up, but I'm happy. Tonight I waited no more than 2 minutes for a killer match in the course of a good 10 games. Rank 13
  • Oooooor it means we can get a killer/survivor combo that actually fits into the game. If we get a demigorgon I'm calling for a Xenomorph or riot.
  • In the same narrative, M1 killers shouldn't HAVE to bring Hex Ruin just to stand a chance, but they do. It's part of the game and makes certain killers viable again. It may feel like a forced decision to you to need a perk to counter this one specific killer, but if you want your game to be easier then you'll do it the…
  • It depends for me. Out plays are fine, but the moment you teabag on the other side of a pallet, you can bet I'll ignore the others til you're gone. Then there's endgame camping. If it's the only way I can get a single kill because I decided to try wraith or LF (even though I avoid them because I'm terrible with them) then…
  • Well let's not forget that DbD doesn't specifically require that survivors currently be alive in their series or even current (could be season one or two). In all honesty, give me Bob Newby (Sean Astin) or bust.
  • PC, 10 seconds for survivor, a smoke break for killer (7+ minutes). Though last night I wasn't waiting more than 4 or so minutes. Might be because it's the weekend though.
  • Do you perhaps mean both the hooked and rescuer should get it? Because that just isn't fair to a killer who suddenly has no way to stop it whatsoever.
  • *Takes the life preserver* no point in debating when someone just refuses to see the other side.
  • I guess I just haven't gone against a good pig, though I've never seen a wraith get 3k since I hit 13 rank. Might just be luck. As it stands though, go to rank one and anyone outside of the big 4 loses nearly every time.
  • So let's make a hypothetical. You use the ward on a plain, no add-on brown tool box. You drop it because you found an engineer toolbox. So instead of saving the engineers toolbox, you want the plain, brown one? Because that the exact situation you're creating.
  • Again, you show an ACTUAL bias. You want the ward to function the way you think it should rather than how it actually does and playing to that. It's not a "save my best item and add-ons no matter what". It's "if I die with this item, I don't lose it."
  • Learning how to play a killer is all well and good, but the world's best Wraith or Pig will lose to a decent survivor team every time because three out of five gens are done in 3 minutes. Then only one survivor has to be decent at loops to get the last two.
  • BBQ only works after a hook (by the time all 3 distortion counters are done, only one MAYBE two gens should need done), the counter to a Mori is don't get hooked or just die on the hook, just pair distortion and calm spirit to counter the Dr then, and I messed up on countering the Spirit. Just take iron will. Don't act…
  • Honestly his power wouldn't be nearly as bad if they significantly lowered the timer. It won't start until outside his terror radius, standard 32m, so 30sec is FAR to long of a timer when it takes 15 seconds without help, 10 seconds with help, and the mending process stops it from downing you even if 30 seconds pass (as…
  • That's my point in all of this though. M1 killers need something to change, anything really, or they'll become nothing but (bigger) jokes and memes. Survivors don't even really care when you play anyone outside of the big 4. They're waiters serving you your breakfast of pallets, loops, and gens done in 5min.
  • So killer add-ons shouldn't be removed at all either? Cause you shouldn't care right? Iri heads every game are cool right? Like an engineer box with add-ons every game for every survivor? We need to be able to take it from you otherwise survivors win every game just because you can take down. 3 gens before a killer even…
  • You CAN use a perk to disable a killer add-on lmao. Hell, some survivor perks negate killer perks. Distortion, killer can't see my aura no matter the add-on or perk for three instances. Calm Spirit just negates part of the Doctor's entire power. No Mither kills the Spirit being able to hear you. Tada. Man you're biased.…
  • Yeah no, echo chamber fan boys don't make an opinion more important. They're all the same level of importance, just not exposure.
  • Ds does not state it protects you from moris. The ward SPECIFICALLY states it protects your (YOUR) item if you die. Don't have it on you? Not yours. Man you're biased.
  • The evidence of it not happening is you're literally the ONLY one claiming it does. No where else on the internet but here, by you. Until you prove it via recording, it does not exist.
  • The easiest way to explain it at this point is dropping an item is like using all of it's charges. It's gone. For good. Picking it back up is like finding an identical item to the one you used up! So, if used up there is nothing there for the ward to save unless you pick up the new, identical item. Wanting it to save your…