Should there be some pressure system for raiders? If yes what would that pressure system be?
As of recent my replays have mostly been slow with great caution taken around every turn. I miss the speedrunners and brave souls who'd sprint through bases, but there's nothing other than a raider's own patience pushing them to progress in an outpost, and with that lack of pressure most outposts can be meticulously peeled…
Open beta outpost was able to be adjusted, refilled, and then re-activated but broke.
I was able to return to a brutal outpost from the open beta and delete some traps, blocks, and guards to account for the new capacity. Additionally I needed to refill the base with synthite because it lacked the accolades and kills to prestige. After doing both I marked it as active, did a quick test run, and exited back…
Boost that tracks harvester path length reports 0 meters
Out of the five (six with champion) listed outposts one to two would show 0m for harvester path length. Clicking on other outposts and then "reloading" the 0m one would still show 0m for the length. I raided the outposts with 0m and they were normal outposts. The harvester had a clear path to reach the genmat and make it…
Overlaying tabs in the outpost ESC menu
Clicking Settings->Prestige overlays the Prestige tab on top of the Activation tab
Under rewarded building efforts
The short: Taking time constructing an outpost rewards you equally to those who quickly build and activate. Level design is tough, but fun to play around with. MYM does a great job at giving players the tools they need to make a level from the ground up, but fails to substantially reward their efforts. Considering that all…
Collected synthite in your outpost doesn't register until returning to the sanctuary
Entering one of your outposts with the intention of prestiging it is only available for purchase if you have the necessary synthite before entering the outpost. If you happen to collect enough synthite from killed custodians it'll only register after going back to the sanctuary.
2.7.0 100 Game DC Data
Scroll to the bottom if you want to see my proposed solution to the dc plague. Seeing players talking about dcs constantly on the forums and having dcs happen in my own games I wanted to see how many games out of 100 had a disconnect in them. Out of 100 survivor games 27 games had at least 1 disconnect, I didn't include…
Out of 100 games how many turn bad from DCs?
Like many people have mentioned before players disconnecting has been an issue, and sometimes it seems like all your games are getting ruined as players dc for the littlest thing. So I wanted to see out of 100 solo queue games as survivor how many of those games would have dcs in them. To set some things straight I played…