Ghost Face Stalk
Ghost face should not be able to cancel your reveal attempt by ducking behind a box 2 feet in front of your face. At least allow looking at ghost face to cancel progression at an equal rate so he can't pull that bs. It makes no sense he can stalk you while you watch him do it.
Casual and Ranked Modes
I'm sure this has been requested many times but I am finding my survivor games to be quite unenjoyable post cake fix. As a rank 1 survivor I am forced into the sole matchmaking system where rank 1 killers are running pink mori, tunneling survivors, and rushing for 4K games at 5 gens when survivors are trying to farm some.…
Why everyone should cake up every game
I'm really surprised at how frequently some of you guys aren't caking up or even worse aren't using any offerings at all. Cake gains are exponential. If everyone burns a cake you get more BP to unlock even more cakes. So 1 cake burnt becomes 5 cakes gained. 5 cakes burned becomes 25 cakes gained. Anyone holding on to cakes…
PC - Pyramid Head Sensitivity with Mouse
I tried searching the forums before posting this because it seems like many people must have had a similar question however I could not find anything.. I just played him for the first time and I find that his when I use his power my mouse movement feels very jittery. Anyone have suggestions for how to make it feel more…
PC - No clickable link to player profiles after update.
Cannot view players profiles anymore to add friends.
Steam Web API UserStats Descriptions?
I'm a data scientist by profession and am trying to see what kind of analysis is possible on the UserStats call for DBD. http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame/v0002/... However, I'm having some trouble understanding the names being returned by the api (examples below). Can someone kindly link me…
Quickly Improve Matchmaking via Rank-Weighted Performance Factor
I think everyone can agree that matchmaking is broken in that the rank of the entire survivor team is often far lower than the rank of the killer. Survivors end up being rewarded with easy rank points while the killer is punished with a loss for "under-performing" in a match they already had a poor chance to win. This is…
Stuck on Another player after picking up from ground
Illegal use of Cheat Engine to Unlock Paid Content
Seems like a lot of streamers have been reporting hacking lately. Just found this video blatantly published on YT of how to steal content illegally. I can't understand the language but in case you are not aware this is quite recent:
Auto Aim Bug
With 2 survivors left I hooked one right next the trapdoor. As the survivor was rising to the entity the trap door opened and I tried to down the remaining injured survivor who was making a b-line for the hatch. The game's auto aim mechanic decided to make my camera look straight up in the air and swing at the survivor who…
Outlast 2 Marta Killer Anyone?
Now that DBD has added a video game killer why not consider Marta as well? She would bring a new weapon (pick axe) and already had an insanely scary chase theme that could be used. Seems like a good fit for the game to me.
Mori Fix
If the killer uses mori on you after only 1 hook you should get pip protection.
Decisive Strike Fix
Decisive strike already only works when the killer is tunneling you and it only works once. Just make it automatic instead of having to hit a skill check. You shouldnt have to be punished for being tunneled because you missed the check.