Where was it mentioned that paid rift skins were gunna come out on the store for shards?
At the beginning when the rift was first announced and advertised, where was it mentioned that paid skins in the rift, would later be available through in game currency via the store?
Rift Skins getting added to the Store.... Opinions?
Now I’m completely ok with the Mr. Puddles and Feng cosmetics coming in, because they were both on the free pass and not the paid one. In my opinion, this is completely unfair. like fair enough if it’s completely free/ earn-able through in game currency. But this isn’t. It does depend how they are sold tbf. If they’re…
Made shelter woods in gmod, what do you think
I Made shelter woods in Gmod, what do the lovely community of this server think about my attempt. Good? Bad? Ugly? this was made before the Macmillan graphic update so.... it’s all the old models/props. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2270400412&searchtext=
Sulphuric Acid Vial Value! Worth using at all?
Avid Clown player here. I would like to know people's opinion on the green addon stated in the title. It makes all survivors caught in the gas mangled for 2min. I often feel I only really get proper value out of it in rare situations where I intoxicate multiple survivors at once with one bottle. Thus getting most of the…
A question for peeps who play trapper
I played trapper for a while. I found that all of the games I lost with him were because I found someone too early. I would get into chase and lose potential for my power. I had usually placed all the traps in my hand at the time so therefore had none to use in a chase. I feel as though If you continue to set up. Survs…
Map Length and Area (Specifically Shelter Woods)
This is not a rant or a complaint but I’m a bit stuck with sommet and was wondering if any boffins on here could help me out. So I’m Recreating a few dbd maps on a software called the hammer editor, which I will then upload to the Gmod workshop to feel a little more productive In this lockdown. I thought I’d start with…
Ebony Mori Rarity....
I see a lot of people on here complaining about ebonies and how they should either not exist or receive a heavy nerf. As a usual survivor main who isn’t a massive fan of ebonies, I recently tried it out for the first time in a few killer games and steamrolled teams who would’ve usually ran all over me as a rank 10 killer,…