Waiting lobby
With all the waiting being done in lobbies it would be nice if the players could move their character such as crouching, pointing, or other like in game. Even adlibbing would be cool just like Ash. Maybe even guestures to taunt killer pre-game, that would make killers revenge much sweeter.
Question about Rift charms.
Just curious if anyone has equipped them yet. Do they do anything? After you equip it on a character does it disappear after a match? Can you remove it from a character and use on another?
Blood puddles Nightmare
I haven't figured out how to make the pools of blood with the nightmare. All I seem to be able to do is teleport to generators. Do I need offering or skill for that? If so I probably haven't found them yet. A rift question as well I've been stuck on lvl 25 for two days. I've made 800xp at least a dozen time and I still…
Disconnected from Host
This seems to be happening more and more. It's so annoying. It's bad enough that you have to wait forever just to find a match and all of the waiting and loading screens and you get into a game and poof disconnected from host.
When Killers Rage Quit
Lately I've been noticing that a lot of killers have been rage quitting when Ruin Totems are destroyed early in game. It has also been the case if only a couple of generators are left and the killer hadn't killed anyone. Any time this happens you either lose rank because you haven't really had the chance to gain points and…
Reporting Cheaters
Has anyone ever been banned or given a warning after being reported for cheating or misconduct? I know I have reported players in the past either for harassing or cheating but never know what the outcome is. Anyways, I was playing a while ago and in the game killer and 2 players were in cohoots together. Killer never…
Watching Stranger Things beta streamed on Facebook
Is it just for Steam and is this a closed beta?
Penalty when Killer Rage Quits
I really dislike losing Rank when the Killer rage quits mid game. If the killer gets points when survivors quit it would only be fair if the survivors get some points as well or at least not lose their rank. Not sure if others have complained about this or not.