Exposing survivors that refuse to help/do anything
What do you think about survivors that refuse to pretty much do anything in the game, eg. unhooking someone, healing someone, doing generators properly and just sit around at the corner of the map when situations get tricky? Do you think they deserve to be exposed to the killer at the end of the game when they refuse to…
The event offering/visceral cankers mechanic needs to change
In the summer BBQ event, we would all get extra blood points when an event generator was completed. No limitations, no drama. What happens with this event now, when almost all survivors got their vials completed? Everybody will use an offering in hopes they get some extra bloodpoints but nobody will be able to touch the…
Best Balance Patch Yet
Amongst all the trash there has to be truth. The new changes are for the better and great - good survivors will know this. I hope the Devs won't make a mistake and listen to all those whiny survivor mains crying themselves into the ground. Quality of life has returned to the game, at last. (Btw, I'm a survivor main.)
Random loss of control mid-game - bug or not?
Ever since today, it has sometimes happened that my controls stopped working randomly in matches. I couldn't crouch, walk, run etc, couldn't even look around, I would only see my mouse moving over the monitor. Once it fixed itself after I got unhooked, other times I have just randomly pressed buttons while being in the…
Daily Auric Cells Raffle - No new winners?
There have been no announced winners for the past 4 days, anybody knows what's going on?
[Long List] Suggestions for the Store, UIs, Daily Rituals etc.
Some of these suggestions might only be minor but I believe they would make a few things easier, hassle-free and more fun. If anyone has any suggestions or improvements regarding my propositions, please don't hesitate to comment. I know some people will have already suggested similar things, but I like to have my own neat…