The Game - Gideon Meat Packing Plant Prop Collision Exploit
Hello, I recently found an issue on the Gideon Meat Packing Plant map where a survivor in the dying state could sit on top of a table (similar to the recent Autohaven car issue) and could prevent the killer from picking them up. This occured on PC, but I'm sure this is an issue that extends across all platforms. This…
What would you think if Dead by Daylight introduced mapping tools so that we could make maps?
How do you think it would work? What would you like the editor to be like? Any maps you might make? How would you think the devs might implement community maps in the game?
FireKeep's Blue Perk Pack v 1.0
This is technically a Fan Creation so hey, I get to post it in here I guess. Are you tired of all your perks being different, ugly colors? Do you want a constant color that's actually nice to look at? Look no further, because do I have the UI modification for you! This mod changes all the perk colors to be a light blue, no…
Auric Cell Raffles?
Where are the Auric Cell Raffles for the dates of June 28th-July 2nd? Did you guys just forget or something?
Idea that might eliminate the hatch stalemate (and open up other possibilities)
I didn't see anywhere to post suggestions (although I swear I did a few days ago), so I'm posting here. After yet another hatch stalemate that forced me to lose a sacrifice, I did some thinking on how we might be able to finally get rid of this plague that has infected this game for nearly 2 years now. I think I have a…
Idea that might eliminate the hatch stalemate (and open up other possibilities)
Quick note: this post was originally from the section "Killers" but I moved it here because it fits here better. I also don't see any way to delete the original so maybe a moderator can do it for me? After yet another hatch stalemate that forced me to lose a sacrifice, I did some thinking on how we might be able to finally…