Perks Shouldn't Work on Cages
It is easy to avoid ph's snail trail out of chase and can even be crouched over. It's also really time consuming for ph to get you to step in his snail trail in chase Not to mention when he finally torments and cages you, you spawn literally across the map from him. Any braindead surv can begin running in that general…
What Happened to Piano Man?
RIP 2020-2020. The saloon's just not the same.
The Knock-on Effect
Ruin is not an "endgame perk" lmao, it barely lasts 30 seconds as is. What a joke The devs really need to stop treating the symptoms of problems and just fix the problem. All that this rework will achieve is seeing to it that even more people run noed, dedicated slug builds and use other boring strats like tunnelling. At…
DS Is Not Fine
DS, as it is, is not anti-tunnel, but anti-hook in general. I get hit way more by Decisive Strike now than I did pre-rework. It needs conditions. It shouldn't just be a 60 second "I'm immune from being hooked" perk. Honestly, it's the dumbest thing to down and hook someone else, down someone who was unhooked something 45…
One of the Oldest Band-Aids of Them All
I'm talking about the default killer FoV. If I recall correctly, the default killer FoV was reduced to 87 ages ago to stop locker peeking (which is still possible btw) and was only meant to be a "temporary fix." Correct me if I'm wrong. Flash forward roughly 3 years later and it's still 87. I appreciate that this is a…
Let Me Tell You...
How to counter Billy's amazingly OP chainsaw. Friends, it's simple. Just run in a straight line and watch as he gets a false chainsaw. It's so easy! Had a Jeff try this advanced tech on me at Yamaoka and it worked 3 times in a row. Please fix this bug...
It's Time We Addressed the Real Issue
We finally won, boys. Now that Nurse is getting nerfed, we can finally get Cannibal that much-deserved nerf he needs, too. For real, though, it's not the end of days most people are making it out to be. Nurse did need attention.
Spirit Needs Counterplay
Now, don't get me wrong. I love playing the Spirit, she's a really strong killer and that's great. But my days, she's so boring to play against. I'll use a common example: You're at a pallet and she's on the other end of the loop. Doesn't even matter if the pallet's thrown down or not. You can either approach her, thinking…
Universal Account
Having an account which keeps track of your progress across all platforms would be nice. It'd mean that players would only need to grind on one platform -- as opposed to them all.
This Game's State
I'll start off by saying I definitely think this game's come a long way from how it used to be. That being said, it's no secret that there are a number of glaring issues that need fixing... Poor optimization, SWF to solo balance, matchmaking, spaghetti code... To name a few. I think it'd be better if they skip this…
My Feelings on "Camping" and "Tunneling"
I always try to avoid these tactics as I understand survivors find them toxic and I can agree that it's not fun if the killer sticks by you and chases you off the hook. But I think that a lot of people let their own subjective experiences get in the way of their own objective evaluations. I'll constantly come by people who…