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  • Dear god no. M1 sim is already boring as is Either make maps smaller or secondary obj idc but holding m1 for 10-20 extra seconds is just zzz
  • With premade, survivor SoloQ, killer
  • @hahahillbillygobroom true but it gives businesses actual reason to focus on the health of their game otherwise ppl will leave for their competitors With monopolies it doesn't matter. You'll be back as there's nothing else offering the same kind of experience
  • Deep wound chainsaw hopefully. Thank god this op killer getting the nerf he so rightfully deserves Maybe then they'll finally gut bs strong Cannibal too
  • @BigTimeGamer that's the joy of monopolies. Until dbd gets some real competition they have no actual incentive to prioritise qol It's far more lucrative to scrape by and pump out cash grabs such as lisa garland Real disappointing
  • OoO and the 40 mile long hallway want to say hi Also most the pallets suck lol
  • Completely agree that ph's range should be made better in exchange for cool down on cancel
  • @thesuicidefox for the last time Yes cages aren't hooks but they aren't entirely different either so dont quote me if you dont even have any idea what I'm saying I proved they were not entirely dissimilar as cages can use some hook effects regardless of how alike to hooks they are. I highly doubt the devs could forget to…
  • @Kellie for 1 his 1st time dialogue only mentions perks 2 they're not the same thing so comparing apples to oranges is disingenuous And 3 technically speaking moris operate on hook states not hooks. Perks are the opposite
  • @thesuicidefox U even agreed that a hook effect is smthn that occurs as a result of being hooked. Guess what? Hook states get removed from being hooked. Hard to understand ik. But pls try. They did not say that moris are not supposed to work this way. They said that cages aren't a hook. This does not mean that they are…
  • You must be trolling rn. Weve been over all 3 of those points but all you seem to do is retype them and pretend they're right now Ok... 1) they do. They remove hook states. Just. Like. Hooks. Thus hook effect 2) that's irrelevant. It's clear that whilst they are not hooks they're not entirely different and thus are still…
  • @SquirrelKnight that'd be how they work yes. If cages no longer took a hook state and you swapped between then they'd have 2 for each
  • @thesuicidefox and yet some hook effects do work Unless the devs just forgot to implement cage states, this is intentional Again with the description you're like a dog with a bone. Descriptions have been inaccurate. They have been changed. Back then there was no need for the distinction between hooks and hook states so ofc…
  • Make his ranged harder to dodge and give him a cool down when cancelling his power
  • @thesuicidefox my god ok. I've never disputed that a mori isn't a hook effect. I'll break it down for you Are hook states removed as a result of being hooked? Yes Does this make hook state removal a hook effect? Yes u just agreed on the def of a hook effect urself Do cages also remove hook states? Obv Therefore cages use…
  • @Pizzaeater4ever all things considered I can see the validity of moris not working with cages due to small maps allowing ph to remove the distance tradeoff he should have
  • U are a glorious human being. Winking clown pls
  • @thesuicidefox no a hook effect is smthn that occurs as a result of being hooked. This isn't a debate Edit: if the description is what made it a hook effect then I guess you dont think exhaustion reset is actually a hook effect since nowhere on descriptions like dead hard, sprint burst, berus toxin does it say that…
  • @ill_Boston_lli o man only 20m really? Ig on maps like coal tower yeah. That's actually messed up I think I see where you're coming from lol Edit: tbh with ya I dont think moris should be in the game to begin with. The amount of times I've been proxied into no bt mori is sad
  • @thesuicidefox uh can you not read? Moris and losing hook states are both hook effects. So if moris shouldn't work cos they're hook effects than cages shouldn't take hook states
  • @thesuicidefox except consuming hook states is a hook effect lol same with moris. And saying it's irrelevant or putting it in big caps doesn't change this so nice try It's not hard to start running when a tormented surv goes down. Now I play with friends (usually duo) and I'm normally out of the cage before ph makes it so…
  • @ill_Boston_lli except doc and huntress dont take hook states when they do that. So nice "common sense" you seem to be so proud of. Real good strawman It seems to me the prevailing logic is that moris shouldn't work cos cages are not hooks and moris are hook effects. Ok so you shouldn't lose hook states too. I mean it's…
  • @thesuicidefox im not assuming anything. just pointed out one way the description might change if mori out of cages were found to be intentional. the irony of this situation is that you just made an assumption there lmao
  • @thesuicidefox no you have no real argument to support your point, crutching hard on a description. descriptions have been inaccurate in the past and have been updated accordingly to properly reflect how they behave. as @NuclearBurrito alluded to, a "hook" could actually mean "hook state" but since cages did not exist back…
  • @thesuicidefox consistency would also be that the mori's description be changed to accurately reflect how it works. it counters all hook perks, not offerings and lmao at you cant defend from cages. it's incredibly easy to make it time consuming for ph to torment you and then if the surv's smart the time save is negligible…
  • @NuclearBurrito no, they dont actually care about consistency it seems. they had an unhappy game against ph so now ph's power must change
  • @thesuicidefox i'll clarify since apparently it's hard to understand. things as in evidence. e.g., what makes it unreliable in your eyes, etc. some offering description is not reliable. they change. happy?
  • @thesuicidefox my point is that you're basing your entire argument on an unreliable thing. this should be common sense. and again you repeat the same old tired points as if saying it again makes it right somehow... i can see you have nothing to actually add to this conversation. w/e man ur right
  • @thesuicidefox there u go proving my point again. descriptions have been known to be inconsistent. im not ignoring it merely acknowledging how they've been inaccurate in the past and can change. smthn you seem to be unable to grasp anyways, i never said they were "basically the same thing" so dont go putting words in my…
  • @DudeDelicious ah so you're on about the couple of seconds from hook travel time? that's honestly nothing. besides, the time saved on the surv's part from nearly being able to instantly save across the map far outweighs the time saved from not having to carry the surv. not to mention, the map pressure you surrender in…
  • @DudeDelicious dont make me laugh. if you mean when he's got everyone in cages then that team is either bad or stupid allowing you to get to that point. balance decisions, however minor, shouldn't be based on bad survs. parroting your own logic, i can also end the game quicker if i bring a mori and basement 4 potatoes with…
  • @thesuicidefox all you do is oversimplify. it's honestly exhausting first off, that's just wrong. nowhere does it say on his power that it cancels out anything that says "hook" so idk where you pulled that out from and secondly, because mori's. are. not. perks. they're an exception because they should not be subject to the…
  • @thesuicidefox making this huge fuss over a description inconsistency cos of a bad game to try and get at ph's power is petty and vindictive OBNOXIOUS IS QUITE SELF EXPLANATORY I THINK now onto the only sentence you had of mild substance his power cancels out perks not offerings. how many times do i have to explain this?…
  • @thesuicidefox i am reading what you write, it's petty, vindictive and obnoxious i think it absolutely should work on cages. the killer's hook perks are a fair trade for the surv's. that's kinda the whole point of the cages, it takes a hook state and denies hook perks. perks are not offerings so stop drawing false…
  • @thesuicidefox you're just being pedantic. a simple change to the offering description and this big "issue" is solved. it's mind blowing you seem to think it's this big deal hence why i assumed you were getting at something else as did others apparently
  • He'd just take several extra seconds to hook you then. if anything you're safer if he decides to cage as your teammates can nearly insta save you and ph has to travel across the map. also killer hook perks dont work with the cage too. e.g., bbq This isn't an issue
  • @RockoRango returning to her base kit won't solve the issue her rework was supposed to. what we need is a solution which makes nurse fun for both sides. the old nurse was boring for surv. this nurse is boring for both sides. she needs some lovin but she'll probably end up getting the legion treatment. "reworked", might get…
  • @coppersly the nurse's only weakness is simply the nurse messing up and anecdotal evidence isn't going to change my mind you obviously don't loop her like a regular m1 but the problem is her counterplay is almost useless against a good nurse. Sitting at corners, being unpredictable, los break, it's all irrelevant when the…
  • To mori bait
  • @coppersly it never took skill to evade a nurse. Just luck and a bad nurse. People dont seem to realise what little distance the surv actually gets on you. After fatigue, you're left waiting for 1 extra blink. During this time you're still moving at 3.6. Every second the surv is only gaining 0.4m on you. That's nothing.…
  • @OutcastEric because her power's a joke. Knowing I only got the hit because the surv lost the coin flip does not feel rewarding to me and it's boring for the other side too. You run stridor to remove the only real counter play she has. It's not confusing and I have no problem pinpointing where the surv is. Good headphones…
  • Never. Flashlights are weak and easy to deal with
  • Her blink recharge does nothing but simply add a second or two to chases for good nurses She literally ignores everything survs have to extend chase. How anyone can consider her anything less than s will always baffle me All you got is los break and hope she doesn't know to blink to corners So no. No buffs needed just bug…
  • Dont blame you. There's nothing more boring than being "mindgamed" by spirit That being said there's still 3 other teammates who're now having even less fun But no it's not bannable
  • @Sairek I've never been a fan of the Rift either. It's shady and it's manipulative. But here's the thing: I don't buy it. 90% of the time I'm just missing out on sub par recolors of skins I already have or charms no one actually cares about. So is it unethical? Sure, I can get behind that. But is the grind a problem? Nah.…
  • A lot of people seem to have completely missed the entire point OP is actually trying to make. It's not the fact that the situation could have been avoided, but rather OP is complaining that the situation existed to begin with. DS, as it stands, is an anti-momentum perk despite being reworked to be specifically…
  • Whilst I agree that optimisation wouldn't be a bad thing, comparing BHVR to ID Software or Bethesda is grossly unfair. Not to mention that BHVR has no real incentive to prioritise consumerism QoL: They have a monopoly on this genre of game and at the end of the day, they're a business. So long as the game runs, who cares?…
  • P3 is w/e. It's the bright cosmetics you gotta look out for.
  • @Cardgrey gonna have to agree with you on that one. If I get DS'd despite going out of my way to not tunnel then you better hope I'm not around after you get unhooked again.
  • @Godot the problem with the whole "you'll be back in x time" logic is that it only works so long as DbD has no real competition. And luckily for them, others games like this have flunked. That's the issue with monopolies, there's no real incentive to prioritise consumerism QoL. Where are they gonna go? It's either their…