Trickster Music
So, I recently gave Trickster a shot and for me he feels quit nice. He plays fluid, 115% feels much better, his voice lines are dope and his Mori is cool. Main Event is a bit useless but funny non the less and I can relax quit a bit while playing him. Overall, good times. However there is one thing I am missing: He is a…
Sadako Update - Good Work
Just what the titles say. I now played quit a few games with the new Sadako on both sides and I am quit impressed. The devs did a very good job with her and she now feels like that haunting videotape ghost that chases you and lets you feel the dread. This is the Sadako I loved since the movies and now I finally got her.…
Condemn Sadako Change - Make it a team effort
So the overall issue with the new Sadako is that solo Q players will not be able to face her with a lot of coordination and that she can "tunnel condemn" a single survivor. This makes for a boring gameplay that many survivor do not like. Unlike Cenobite who can be handled by teammate taking hits this playstyle can also not…
Make Regression not stackable
While reading over the developer notes for the next mid-chapter I had an interesting idea and maybe you are willing to give it a thought. Regression perks overall are an essential aspect of this game. They hinder survivors by delaying the main objective and giving the Killer more time to chase them, apply pressure and this…
Playing the Knight
So, I have of course gotten the Knight and started playing him. Right off the bat I decided that I will not use the "drop the guard in the loop" style. I tried it once and there is nothing more boring that dropping and running after a survivor who holds shift+w (best option, honestly). As such I tried a different approach:…
Survivor buffs
Well, now that Killers have a bit of spotlight I would suggest some small buffs for survivors. These should aim to remove some unhealthy gameplay and interaction while not buffing SWF in any way. Remove hook-grabs on healthy survivor. - These are a pain and even as a Killer I do not see why they exist. On injured survivors…
Difference to Boon radii
I always say this but never posted it as a suggestion and thus here it is: In order to balance Boons make their radii different. Boon totems are a fun mechanic for me. I enjoy them as a survivor and I like the concept as a Killer. Most times people complain about "Boons" they only complain about one (Cycle of Healing) and…
How to encourage good gameplay
Now I know there are a lot of posts who complain about camping, tunneling, gen-rushing and other fancy stuff that ruins your day. Rescently some streamer have shown that Killers can get a lot MMR and "win" a lot by just playing as scummy as you can without perks or add-ons at all. Now many people suggest a punishment for…
Okay, so I just wanted to make this to come back to it at a later date. Many people have done their own "Wishlist"-patches and I want to add mine too, maybe somebody will read it, maybe I can come back to it within a few month and laugh at my misable past selfs ideas and how terrible they were... Technical changes Adding a…
Hillbilly - Curving and other tricks
So...there was this realy cool Hillbilly skin and somehow it ended up in my collection. Now you can not play that work of art without some skill and especialy without some of the realy fine skills that can be used and abused by Hillbilly. I am not new to the character by any means. Hillbilly was the first Killer I played…
Too fast
Yesterday I had a match as Ghostface and because my opponents made bit of a misplay I had some time for some fun moves. We played on Mt. Ormont and this was inside the main building: I kicked a generator and hid upstairs, waited for a few seconds for the two survivors repairing that generator to return (the other two where…
Trickster Rework
Now, we all have different opinions about out K-Pop idol here. Some hate him for his aestetics, some love him for his chase music. However we all know that he came to stay and will not leave. So we need to make the most out of him. In my opinion his main problem is that he can end chases way to quick while he has nothing…
Ghostface - Add-on suggestion
So after we got this nice update where my all time favourite got the cooldown on his ability reduced by quit a bit and in return had his add-ons nerfed rightfuly so, I think it is time to change Ghostface add-ons for good. I know it is a common complain but most of Ghostys add-ons are just not exiting. Now I do not want…
Best Things about the Patch
Okay so I see a lot of complains about the patch, about Boons being op, about Spirit and Deathslinge being bad and the new survivor being whatever you do not like about her... But how about the good things. After all many things got adressed that are overall positive changes to the game and I would like to know your…
No complains this time
Well, I often see threads about the things that go south for this game. I understand that most people like to complain about stuff and this gets you more heated than something that goes well. However in my opinion BHVR has done quit some things right with the upcoming and past patches and as such I wanted to ask you:…
Slowdown Rework
So while reading and thinking I came across the topic of game speed. While I already know that genspeed is not going to get changed as the devs confirmed this and I welcome this I thought about another aspect of the game that had to do with speed without touching the general speed of generators. Killers with unique…
How to deal with griefing survivors as a Killer
So I had this match yesterday where I was playing Cenobite. I found a survivor pretty quickly and he ran straight to my box where I downed him and started the Chain Hunt. Then as soon as I put him on the hook he suicided, 3 escape attemts, no struggle skillchecks. He left his team with an ongiong Chain Hunt and on player…
A few for Pinhead
I rescently got Pinhead as a gift and I had tons of fun with him. However I now have a few questions: I reached a merciless victory with Pinhead only using his personal perks but I did not get the adept archivement. Is this a bug or does Pinhead need more than 32.000 BP to get the archivement (I saw people getting more…
Other obstacles
I would like to suggest the implementation of more different obstacles on the maps. Do not get me wrong I like pallets but I would love to see some more stuff to throw at a Killer when he is chasing you. Maybe something like this: Oil Barrles - Stun on impact and leave behind a sticky trail that messes a bit with the…
Pick your poison - The issue with balance
Now I read this forum far longer then I am part of it and I am always interested in the arguments for balance and against it. The issue came to me first by complains about Spirit on reddit and ever since it has not left me. I often see the argument made that we can not assume that survivors play around as squad of four and…