Archive Suggestion
So, I recently completed Tome 12, and have decided to go back and do challenges from previous tomes to boost my BP in preparation for the upcoming catchup mechanics in the next patch. However, every time I complete a challenge and go to redeem it, I end up on the 4th page of Tome 12, instead of the page my current "active"…
Glyph Challenges need a redesign
So, I've been working on the Tome Challenges, and it feels that every time I get to one that deals with Glyphs, I have to effectively throw my game to complete them. Green Glyphs? Finish one gen, then spend the next ten minutes ignoring other objectives to hunt down this Elusive Glyph. Red Glyph? Either ignore objectives…
Do Flashbangs count as Blinding?
I've been working on the tome challenge of Get 6 Blinds for a bit, and managed to finally get four of them with all of the flashlights I had at that point. Out of them, I decided to use Blast Mine and Flashbangs to try and get it done... except I've flashbanged killers three times now (they cried out, and once was a save)…
Minor changes that could actually improve the overall game
I've played a bit more now than I used to, and while a great number of changes have improved over the years, there are still some minor things which would greatly improve the flow and feel of the game as a whole. I'm gonna list what I think could be changed for the better, and I would love to hear other opinions on these…