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  • Offerings (on both sides) should absolutely be shared inventory. While I also would love for Survivor items to be shared among other survivors, it kind of is unfair for that feature on Survivors but not on Killers, which don't have common addons.
  • I think that still doesn't address the issue OP is having. They want an infinite Rift Level that just rewards BP or something like that since they finish the Pass before the third page of the tome opens up... which means all of the challenges within those last two pages have wasted rewards for them. I like the idea myself,…
  • Nah, i use it to head towards where another survivor is after I've recovered as much as I have. If I see the killer on me, I stop moving. If I'm not being stalked, that's me allowing the other survivor time to do what they're doing before they take one second to get me standing. The amount of people who use it to reveal…
  • Its a bug. Multiple reports of it in the Bug Report forum.
  • I only solo queue and it seems random whether I get the incentive BP or not. I had a match where I got 30k-ish in the match, there was one flan applied (only thing that boosted BP offeringwise), and despite it being 100% Incentive, I only got the 60k BP.
  • Same thing. Evil Within 4 times, no progress made on it. A shame, this is one of the ones I like doing.
  • My biggest issue with the new versions of the map is that within ten seconds the Killer is already on one of us and it just keeps making the matches completely one sided. Does not help that Wesker can just cover ground like few others.
  • I have (secret) conditions for all killers that if the survivor does it, I will 100% let them go... unless they then trigger a following condition, in which case I will make it my purpose in life to feed them to the Entity. Still haven't thought of one for Wesker or Dredge yet.
  • I'm getting annoyed at how the challenges ask you to play badly. Heal 6 states on yourself? Ok, I guess I should ignore objectives, wait for the killer to chase someone, then body block til I'm hit so I can run away and heal only to repeat. What's that, chase the survivors for 180 seconds? I guess I'm just going to…
  • Hell yeah I'm gonna by the entire pack. Playable Wesker, Rebecca and if the rumors are true, Sheva via a skin for Ada. Probably the first pack that I'm happy about all around.
  • Ahh yes, let's separate the queues more by assuming there was any reliable way of measuring skill in a game like this... there were so many people who intentionally tanked their scores to play lower ranks back when that was a system here that it proves that it doesn't matter.
  • Once I will grant as either a mistake or a bad play that they can learn from. If they do it again, I'm out.
  • As a reminder, the cosmetic is not "free". It is part of a package that is paid for. The actual value may only be a penny, but it still a value. That said, this wouldn't make it to actual trial due to the fact that they have themselves covered with the vagueness of the wording.
  • Penalties are currently disabled for Fog Whisperers...
  • The Xenomorph (make it like the Big Chap from the original Alien) with Ripley as the survivor and the Nostromo as the map. Pumpkinhead with Lance Hendricks' character as the survivor and the wooded area with the burnt down chapel as the map The T-800 (metal skeletal body primary with Arnold as a Legendary skin) and Sarah…
  • I would assume not because technically there is the other box for them to try, and the other survivors can be getting gens done while you're wasting time on the second box. It sucks for that one player for sure, since they have to either risk getting downed by you or death by party hat, but a good group of players will use…
  • Its almost like you're proving my point... if the only reason to pick the perk is BP bonus, it is a bad perk and needs to be reworked...
  • Working on a gen uninterrupted progresses the game at a normal pace, which is still fair to each survivor and killer. A killer focusing on one survivor so that they are dead within two minutes of a match has prevented that survivor from playing for the entire rest of that match (they now have to move onto another lobby and…
  • Also didn't get 50k BP today. Either the news post is wrong or its broken.
  • I've had times where I play solely as killer where it still never gave me a survivor daily. It has nothing to do with what you play. I'm not asking for six daily challenges. I'm suggesting you have a daily challenge, that will either be killer or survivor depending on which role you pick. Same amount as normal, just…
  • Good news, she's going to be a skin for Ada from what I hear. Just like the Claire and Chris skins.
  • I'm saying as a design perspective: If the only reason you're picking said perk is because it gives you more BP, then the perk itself is not great, and should be rethought. You're even admit that without rewarding you for picking them for BP they're bad. I'd rather have interesting perk decisions that mainly affect…
  • Regarding the punishment for killers within range of a hooked survivor, I would say some changes would need to be made. First off, never disable a killer's ability, especially for the next change I would make, which is to disable said penalties if an unhooked survivor is also within that range. I can't count how many times…
  • Probably not a great idea to admit to using a glitch in their forums considering that'd be an exploit... Also, the main problem is pretty much that the stuff that was supposed to replace those BP benefits are currently not working that's the issue. Perks should not provide bonus BP, they should be picked for their in-match…
  • I am mostly ok with this (as a Plague main for killer) except the idea of repeated puke not speeding up infection rate. Right now the daily challenge for Plague requires us to hit 4 survivors with our M1 when they are fully infected. If you make it so only interacting with infected objects speeds it up or it takes a full…
  • I agree there needs to be some incentive to prevent killers from camping, but I also think there needs to be penalties to the survivors that hug the location to instant unhook/keep the killer there (which punishes the killer's emblem by causing proxy camping). I'd say increase the range for the scream to 10 meters for…