Houndmaster's new facial expressions look.. weird
They gave Houndmaster some facial expressions in the lobby. When you select her she abruptly smiles halfway through the animation and it doesn't fit at all. It just looks terrifying, in a bad way. I Always thought her intro animation was super bad-ass now its just weird. The other ones are really cool though keep those
Revert Hellfire Nerf (Dracula)
Still no changes to Dracula, 10 seconds is way too long on Hellfire. Didn't need a nerf. Quote from my previous discussion: Increasing Hellfire's cooldown just adds clunk for those who enjoy using Vampire more, we shouldn't be forced to play wolf. It should be "hey this tile works well with wolf-form, let me use it" not…
Houndmaster's feels much better now! But..
The Houndmaster recently received some notable buffs which make her feel much better to play. She's also a lot less buggy (although there are still quite a few) However she's far from perfect. Now that her chase mode is good, I'd like to see some tweaks to search mode. Firstly, a lot of people, including myself,…
Just revert Chucky
These changes make him feel horrendous. If anything he needed help with scamper.
Dracula's Hellfire CD is Too Long
Nerf: Increase Hellfire cooldown to 10 seconds (was 7) The cooldown was likely increased to incentivize using wolf-form. If you're using both Vampire and wolf, 10 seconds is fine. However wolf-form just isn't worth using, even after the buffs. - Pounce's charge time still feels way too long at 0.85s > Solution: Reduce it,…
The Houndmaster's PTB Chase Music was A LOT better
Adding an extra voice to this, all layers of The Houndmaster's theme were adjusted. PTB layers 1, 3 and 4 were SO much better. I prefer live 2 though. -Live layer 1 removes a REALLY cool and thematic instrument. It sounds extremely empty now. -Live layer 3 removes a tense bass loop, which sounded awesome. -Live chase is…
Discussion closed.
Myers' Stalk Speed is Too Slow
I really like how Myers plays now, its a lot more true to his character, stalking from a distance. Increased the Evil Within gain multiplier when stalking from afar to 1 (was 0.1) Decreased the Evil Within gain multiplier when stalking from up close to 0.4 (was 1) 0.4 just feels way too slow. In-door maps are awful, and…
I'm worried about auto aim (Singularity)
I don't have time to make a super in-depth discussion about it, but I want to add an extra voice to this. In short, aiming the biopod is fun and skill expressive. Yes, it's a lot harder to do on console, and for that reason, I understand this change. But PC players shouldn't be dumbed down for something they don't even…
Is Vecna supposed to collide with survivors during fly or not?
PTB Vecna had no collision with survivors while flying; it was stated in the patch notes that this was a bug, and currently in live, you do not collide with survivors. But in the same patch notes it states that he's supposed to gain collision when landing, which means he shouldn't have collision until he lands. Has there…
Discussion closed.