Wooden oni mask/splintered hull causes survivors to drop 3x blood orbs than normal when vaulting
I really miss when the survivors running were tall and holding their items.Now they’re just short and don’t hold anything.Im hoping for it to get changed back.
she doesn’t have any blood on her arms.Does anyone else have this bug?
Whenever i fast vault to the other side of a window and run off,I slightly get yanked back to the window ledge close enough to get hit. Even with a great ping this happens.
So i just had a game facing a billy and vaulted being completely on the other side and still somehow got hit by the chainsaw. Shouldn’t the chainsaw hit the window ledge instead of the survivor?
Like balanced landing reduce fall stun, what if lithe increased survivors vault speed by 5 or 10%?
unable to hook survivors that have reverse bear traps on.