PSA: Killer Adepts!
So just now I figured out you DO NOT need a 4k to get the achievement you just need to earn enough points to earn the "Merciless Killer" scoring at the end. I got a 3k but made enough points and earned my adept. This might not be news to a lot of people but for me I have become woke!
I've never really agreed with the "gen rush" threads until today trying for the Ghostface adept at rank ten no less. I run ruin on all my killers because I knew gens got done fast but holy f***. Even as survivor sometimes we do two gen in the first 15 seconds of the game. Gens or just ruin being built in as part of the…
Blood Hunt...
Did they extend it? Because right now on my PS4 it says it ends in two days. I have the latest patch and Ghostface. So bug or actual extension? Edit: Just saw they extended it...
Outrun Evil Achievement.
So I got this achievement day one when it came out with Ash but for those who didn't will it now be looked at considering the hatch close and End Game Collapse? @Peanits @Not_Queen @Patricia
This is cool...
Yeah this is cool, cant get an adept because of this new system. I call for survivor adepts to be harder now as well.
Adept Killer Achievements.
Are they harder or bugged? Especially when it comes to the plague. Because if they are harder what's the reasoning and why not also change the requirements of the survivor ones.
New Killer Laggy?
On Ps4 playing as the new killer is she laggy for anyone else or is it just me?
Firecrackers and Freddy.
Playing as Freddy I dont get blinded by them and I'm sure they survivor got blind points.
Dev Team.
Please someone from the dev team post a link of someone within the company in killer ranks 5 - 1 getting this trophy. I'd really like to see it. Edit: Actually let's make it ranks 10 - 1.
Chapter 10....
It's over and done, with The Legion in a month and a half is getting QOL changes but no buffs. So let's just move on and forget this killer in DBD history and hype/hope chapter 11 killer is you know (insert Legion bashing qoute.)
Quick Stupid Question...
What is Susie's cannon outfit?
So if the killer DC's with this new patch you dont get any points, occasionally dont pip or de-pip as well as make no progress towards your player level. This needs to be fixed happened to me twice now.
The Moon...
Shouldn't it be orange in all maps? You know with the whole blight thing? Small detail I guess.
Killer More Enjoyable Lately.
Killer lately has been really enjoyable but playing survivor has been nothing but cancer... Rank 1 on both by the way. As survivor its nothing but camping, tunneling, moris, and broken f****** hit boxes... hit boxes being the worst part. But as killer its nothing but GG EZ potato survivors. Before you say its because of…
The Blight Event.
https://youtu.be/QI1k3s1IUUI So is it like the BBQ event? If you die you lose a "little" of your nectar so that also brings up the question of if I don't do a special gen if it is special gens but I am alive when someone else does one do I get nectar or no? I realize how poor my grammar is in this by the way. Watching the…
Pallets don't seem to stun killers and I didn't really know why until Montos video today, the stun is at the start of the drop meaning you can swing at a pallet while the survivor is dropping it and 90 to 95% of the time not get stunned. It seems the pallet buff killers said it was isn't really a buff at all. Feels like a…
So... Phase Walking...
You can now tell when the Spirit is using her ability? Little white spots appear on her husk? What happened to the "mind game" potential? Noticed it in KYF while we were exploring the new map. Version 1.40 on PS4 btw.
Can you not unlock the faces for Leatherface anymore?
As the title suggests, I went into my Leatherfaces outfit inventory and I know I still need the Jake and Dwight face but they aren't even there showing up as locked. They are just gone. Can you not unlock them now or is this a bug? I should say I am on PS4.
Everyone's problem with SWF?
I'd like to know. Is it because they can talk to each other about where your totem is or what?
So what defines "Toxic?"
As the title suggests define toxic either from killer perspective or survivor perspective.
Delete Discussion.
Delete Discussion.
Huntress Buff?
After following the Clown on the dev streams and through people on youtube, I can't help but notice that his power is a throwable and he has normal movement speed. Yet the Huntress has a throwable and was balanced to have a hum that is further than her terror radius and is directional as well as having a reduced movement…