So I’m wondering what type of original killer do you prefer, either an human like killer such as legion and clown or more monster like killer such as dredge?
Since, as of right now, Ash and the RE survivors are the only survivors with voice lines. I’m wondering what voice lines ideas do you have for the other license survivors.
It’s not surprising that the license survivors have been through horrors that no ordinary person should have to go through. But who do you think suffered the most? Note: that if a license chapter has two survivors I’ll be including both survivors in the same poll option since they went through similar horrors.
I wonder on how Wesker feel about of all the killers. I can imagine him being intrigued by the more anomalous killers such as sadako, pinhead, dredge, and pyramid head etc. But I feel like he wouldn’t care that much about the more human killers such as leatherface, ghostface, legion, trickster, and Amanda (though maybe her…